
Patterns in relationship

rape of prosperina

Venus Conjunct Pluto – Kiss Of Death

Venus with conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This is one hard core deal. Venus rules love and money.  Pluto is concerned with power, the shadow of the collective, sex, exchange of energy, death, the unconscious and all things unfathomable. Capricorn is concerned with status and security, reality, integrity and karma.  When you combine these things, you […]

two lovers

Best Case Scenario In Synastry

This was for a client in regards to a potential relationship: “There is definite affinity and attraction here as well as long term potential provided both parties want that and are willing and interested in overcoming impediment to being with another.  Notice I said “another” not “each other”. This is because the problems that exist

Does Karma Always Come Around?

I was talking to client who is an investigator of some type. He’s the brain who digs in the records and discovers your petty (or not so petty) bullshit you’ve been pulling. I can just imagine the people he busts. They’d go right into denial until someone shows them the tape and they realize it’s

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