
Patterns in relationship

Your Experience With Virgo Rising In Relationship?

Dear Elsa, I have Pisces on the cusp of the 7th. Would you think that with that particular arrangement that you might attract or be attracted to dead or ghost relationships? It’s like trying to be friends with zombies or mannequins. They let go of the closeness a long time ago, but you keep hanging

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Love – Taurus Keeps It Simple

“Oh that’s not what you did,” I said. “I know what you did because your whole life you’ve done the same thing. You wanted a wife so you went out like a cave man with a big stick. A club. First woman you saw you got ’em, drug ’em home, tried to marry ’em. Just

Why Do People Associate Negativity With Virgo?

Dear Elsa, I am a Virgo who has had an incredibly difficult time trusting anyone. Especially when it comes to any potential mates or even friends, I often push people away even though I really prefer to be around people and have friends and loved ones near. So far I have found that I am

I Attract People I Can’t Get Along With

Dear Elsa, I recently noticed that I have been attracting a lot of Aquarians lately. The last three men I’ve dated have all turned out to have an Aquarian moon (and I suspect there have been a lot more). Also, in female friends, I’ve been attracting a lot of Aquarian suns. I find that I

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