Chart Markers For Problems With Your Children

children“Is there anything in a chart that would indicate that your children will give you heartache?”

Difficult question to answer, in part because heartache takes so many forms.

The most well known and widely accepted negative marker in this area is Saturn in the 5th house.  This placement tends to delay or deny children, which can be heartbreaking.  Many do have children with Saturn in their 5th, but the children can be a burden in some way.  There are other manifestations, like the children are disciplined. Point is, if you Saturn in your 5th house, having children is generally a serious undertaking.

You may be talking about losing a child. It follows, Pluto in the 5th might signify such a thing, but it’s only one possibility. Venus square Pluto (girl) or Mars square Pluto (boy) is another possibility.  The harsh Pluto aspect can easily see the person suffer devastating loss, but “children” in particular, are not signified. But I have seen people with these aspects suffer loss of that magnitude.

If your children disappoint you in some way, this would be a Saturn thing as well, like “failure to thrive”?  But keep in mind, the parent cannot be assumed to be the judge of something like this.  I’m talking about children who flee their parents. The parents are disappointed in them, but they may fail to see their hand in the situation.  There are also parents/people who are never satisfied!

Bottom line, I don’t think there is such a marker.  I’m talking about things I might see and think, “Uh oh! Trouble with kids”.  Saturn in the 5th is the only thing that I do note, when considering children in a person’s chart.  But I also know, the person may work as an artist or simple work with children.  Like a teacher?  The only thing I can say with confidence is, if you were to tally all the people in the world, Saturn in 5th people, as a group, would likely have the fewest children.

Last, part of the reason this can’t be seen, is the children themselves.  They have free will and may opt to break your heart for whatever reason.

This would describe a situation where it should be okay, but it’s not.  Someone coming in from the side and harming your child, is another scenario where your child can be harmed or even killed, not due to your chart but simply because he or she crossed paths with a psycho.

I’m sorry this was not comforting.  But if you think about it, how can anyone be “safe” from being harmed by their children. You love and with that, comes risk.

*Edit to update: “Gwen” left a comment about her successful parenting with no big issues. I note, she has a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the 5th.  Editing to say, what I’ve written here applies to straight up, Saturn in the 5th.  Things like Jupiter, change this story, dramatically. I’m glad she weighed in and I apologize for not mentioning exceptions of this type.

Thanks for the question. Maybe others have ideas!

19 thoughts on “Chart Markers For Problems With Your Children”

  1. Avatar
    Shimmering Light

    I’m wondering…if a parent has Saturn in 5th and has several children will all children be indicated by this one placement? Will they all be experienced as a burden by the parent? Thanks.

    1. I know there are different houses for each child by birth order, but this only thing I can attest to. Saturn in the 5th carries weight when it comes to children, period.

  2. I don’t have any children (yet)! I have Pluto and Saturn in my 5th house. But interestingly enough, I have two nephews, one of whom’s sun is exactly conjunct my Pluto, and the other’s sun is exactly conjunct my Saturn. The precise degrees. I don’t have any other nieces or nephews either so I find it really fascinating that the children closest to me in my life highly activate my 5th house.

  3. I have Saturn in the 5th house (late degrees of Capricorn) and have 4 grown adult children. Two boys and two girls in that order. They have never been a problem, in fact I can recall telling my husband when they become teenagers, he can handle them but thankfully they were GREAT teenagers and even better as adults. My husband and I have been greatly blessed!

      1. Never mind, I see. You have Jupiter in the 5th as well. That changes the story. “Blessed”. Jupiter.
        It also tells me, I should edit my post, which I will do now…

    1. Not an expert, not giving any opinion on this, just wondering (since children are a blessing of 2 charts) if the synastry isn’t also quite important?
      Also, not astrologically just intuitively: the synastry chart with my children might also be important in this regard (for example in this sense: maybe as a soul I do not have this in my destiny and chart (being a mother), but I do get to have a child and lets say my child has his Jupiter in my 5th – it would be like “this soul has decided to bless my life and be my kid” – or other balsamic aspects from synastry with children’s and partner’s charts : )

      1. PS: (sorry, when I commented I pressed reply to Gwen’s post but I see it appears as a separate comment to the blogpost overall (it was not meant like that); also, i commented in good faith, goodwill, but also naivete I see (sorry if it upset anyone in anyway)

    1. Depends how your Neptune is aspected in your chart. Does it form any hard aspects to other planets? A positive interpretation of it could mean an intuitive connection to your kids. Or having a very creative, neptunian type child.

  4. i have saturn in the 5th, and with all my health problems it would be a small miracle if i ended up having kids in my 40s. im also terrified of having kids where i pass on great health problems or god forbid some kind of disability, and both the child and I end up suffering for the rest of our lives.

    1. i also have pluto in the 5th. id rather not have a child than have one and have it die. i just dont have it in me to endure that kind of pain. i alienated myself from my parents, which was a kind of death i guess, and dont want that to happen to me with my child. id rather not have any kids.

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