Does Having A Stellium In The 8th House Make You Like A Scorpio?


Would having any stellium in the 8th house make someone seem more scorpion like even if they don’t have Scorpio as one of their main aspects (sun, moon, asc)?

I’m a Capricorn but have five planets in the 8th house. I have never been much of a Capricorn.


Hi, Anonymous.

I don’t think that having a lot of planets in the 8th house makes a person a Scorpio or like a Scorpio or however you might want to put it. I can speak to this because I have a packed 8th house, myself.

With that stated, this is not a simple thing to understand. The fact is, I am mistaken for being a Scorpio all the time. That seems to contradict my opinion but I have investigated this, deeply, going back twenty-five years.  My videos embarrass me these days, but here’s an example of this:

Will The Real Scorpio Please Stand Up?

Bottom line, you do not get rid of your sun sign by putting it in a certain house. Instead, your solar energy lights up the affairs of the house where it falls.

The house in the chart can be seen as a stage. The sun acts on that stage. In military parlance, it would be your, “AO” aka your “area of operation”.

In your case, you say you are not a Capricorn but you are a Capricorn. I don’t doubt that you have interest and experience in the 8th house realm – I am sure you do.  Lots of it! But you are a still a Capricorn and your denial of such seems to be a rejection (Capricorn) of the self (Sun).

I don’t know how old you are or how much astrology you know but if you keep at it, I bet the days comes when you realize you’re living your sun.  Saturn is currently transiting Capricorn and this might be the beginning of that.

If you read this and straighten up your spine and begin to carry yourself differently, this would be a good sign that you’re in touch with your solar energy.

It’s pretty great to be a Capricorn, especially as you get older.  Think of being a wise, authoritative individual, with special knowledge of 8th house affairs.

Good luck.

21 thoughts on “Does Having A Stellium In The 8th House Make You Like A Scorpio?”

  1. Yeah, I think I understand what both Anonymous and Elsa are saying…

    I would expect that a packed 8th House would indeed “color” a person in a very scorpionic way, because a lot of Energy would be expressed through this House.

    On the other hand, you, Anonymous, will always be a Capricorn, but it takes a very conscious approach (and just a glimpse of your chart) to figure out in which life area (i.e., which House of your chart) your Sun sign expresses itself.

    If you ask me, I’ll tell you that, in my experience, a Sun sign is not equally visible in all the Houses. Any Sun sign. And especially some Sun signs that we consider very “extrovert” or “shiny”, if you get my point, have a difficult time expressing themselves in particular houses , e.g. Aries in 7th House, or Capricorn in the 4th House.

    Bottom Line: of course you are not a Scorpio, but I understand why you may feel that way. As you get older (and study a bit more of astrology maybe, or a bit more consciously) you’ll figure out how to better express your Capricorn Sun.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Notice how no-one ever says “I have a stellium in the 3rd- does this make me Gemini-like” etc. It’s always Scorpio/ 8th House. People are obsessed. I don’t get it.

    1. ;p that is funny LOL

      ive been mistaken for aries before, and having cancer energy LOL
      and i’m a packed 1st houser and i’m dominant 4th house.
      the houses really influence, alot. My Aries sister is the Aries sun though but she’s very Taurus/Pisces. her Libra husband has Scorpio rising, Pisces moon, Virgo venus. She’s a 7th houser. lol may explain her affinity to Libra energy in her husband.

      1. Ha! Ha! I have a packed 8th house including Sun in Aquarius and I have to say I’m – erm – very Aquarian. I just have the low down on weird shit.

  3. I am an 8H Libra NN and Sun. My 8H is intercepted. Like Anonymous, I also don’t feel much like a Libra Sun sign. I easily relate to my Aquarius ASC and 2H Aries SN. Learning to partner in a healthy personal relationship is challenging for me; I tend to figure things out quickly (Aquarius – 7H Uranus) and act on it (Aries – 4H Mars) without checking in with my partner. Oops.

  4. My husband has 4 planets in the 8th house. He is definitely an Aries which is his Sun but he has some of those characteristics of scorpio, secretive being one. There are still details about his life he will not share . Underground connections ect.

    Now I do have a stellium scorpio and his not sharing secrets really gets to me at times.

  5. I have a HUGE 1st house stellium, and sometimes I’m pretty much very Aries. Of course, I still cry during romantic comedies! So there’s my Pisces Sun.

    1. i do too! lol and disney films. Me and my husband, but we’re both not pisces sun. But we both have water. ;p @anonhermit, you have 1st house stellium and libra stellium? You’re the male version of duchess of cambridge catherine. 😀 i like her chart. lol

      I am definitely living my sun though, and so does my sisters. I can see it. I’m the “odd” one out and i like it like that.

  6. I think such a mindset is a great problem for people who study astrology – using sign character to describe the house and vice versa is useful at the beginning, and some people that I know still believe in that, but it just does not sit right with me (I have a Mars in Virgo after all)

    I have my 8th house’s cusp in Scorpio yet 3 out of 4 planets in there fall into Sagittarius (the one left in Scorpio is Pluto, make close conjunction with me Sagittarius Jupiter). Sure people do get the impression that I seem like a Scorpio (also have my Venus-North node conjunction there). Personally, i just feel conflicted; on the plus side, having Sagittarius in Scorpio-ruled 8th house might have been helping keeping my spirits up despite me feeling miserable and powerless all the time.

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    Hildegarde's Girl

    I think you banged it right on the head.
    I have a Virgo stellium in the 12th house.
    Im definitely a Virgo and SO proud to be one.
    I look at other Virgos and what is written about Virgos and I scratch my head. Well…mentally thats me but spiritually….while I tend to be a perfectionist towards myself I dont expect it in others.
    I can be a little dreamy about life and, for me,its about the big picture, I see correlations and connections everywhere and see the soul in everything.
    Looking at the house being a stage is perfect! It helps me understand myself better.

  8. When I was about 21 and I first started getting into astrology, i first learned about all of the signs. I had already had a few Scorpio boyfriends throughout my life and I always wondered why my boyfriends were mostly scorpio…I somehow felt I had more in common with thjs sign than any other, based on personal experience and what I read about them. So when I discovered there was such a thing as a birthchart and we had multiple signs, I was sure I had a Scorpio Moon. Come to find out , i had an 8th house Sun and Moon. I am indeed a lot like a Scorpio in that I feel things deeply in a soul oriented way that is very unusual and ive noticed sometimes even more scorpio like than most scorpios I havr met. Once I understood the 8th, it all made sense.

  9. With both rulers of my Pisces Asc in the 8th I identify with the depth, occult experiences and sexual passion of a Scorpio. My Vedic moon would have been Scorpio and not Sag. My Dad’s Scorpio Sun was right on my Jupiter and we were close.

  10. Most cappies have no problem embracing their cappy side. It’s usually the rest of their chart they are working diligently hard to understand! 🙂 I love all my cappy friends and family. They are very traditional cappies, born old souls with a steel rod up their back. Most cappies are hard workers who are used to regular butt-kickings from Saturn. They give great advice, and are very dedicated to their families. I have one cappy friend who had a heart attack, had several stents put in, was chomping at the bit to get back to work a couple days later, and actually got her Doctor to release her. It was insane. Another cappy friend had a bachelor and masters degree in one field (making mega bucks), but decided it didn’t fulfill her. She went back to school to earn a nursing degree and is now working happily in the healthcare field. All stelliums (in any sign) are a bit challenging, because of the lopsided and concentrated energy they bring. A scorpio stellium (especially in 8th house) is a difficult placement, definitely nothing to be envied. I know two different people with this placement in their charts, and for them it has been both blessing and curse (feeling like more of a curse sometimes). Their lives are like one major intense transit, with trauma from an early age. They go through things that would kill or break most people. Every time a planet hits their stellium, it is like a giant cosmic pinball pinging off first one planet then another in (sometimes) rapid succession. They get knocked down and over, yet also seem to have a transformative power to come out stronger and/or rebuild their lives in a completely new and different manner. They definitely have a sort of strong scorpionic intensity about them, even if they are quiet and it’s not their actual sun sign. With a lot of planets in one sign, it can color the personality to some degree. Some people can’t handle that and will run from them. They can be either loved or hated, depending on how comfortable another person is with plutonic energy. They tend to generate strong feelings from others. However, they also have incredible intuitive abilities, make loyal friends (they may only allow a few people into their inner circle), and can see through lies and deception from a mile off. I think those with a stellium may mention it not so much because they are necessarily proud of it per se, but maybe because they are trying to understand its very complicated impact on their lives. They may also be trying to put out feelers for others with similar placements, so they can compare notes and life experiences, to learn how to better deal with it. (Sorry, I’m normally a lurker here, but just wanted to share my opinion and give a different perspective.)

  11. I’ve studied astrology for thirty years, back when we had to do birth charts the analog way, with maths.
    I agree with the person who noticed a lot of ppl are on Scorpios jock strap or have Scorpio envy, which fits with the signs energy but is the fault of lazy modern astrology to stereotype all of the signs and give Scorpio all of the cool content like sexuality, darkness, mysticism etc, And leave Capricorn with frugal, Leo with attention seeking, cancer with crying. We all contain all the signs, one way or another, and each and every sign can be deep and mystical and beautiful and sexy af, in my opinion ESPECIALLY Capricorns, but I have a 12th house Venus in Capricorn so there’s that.
    Taurus are just as sexy or if not more so than Scorpio. I’m not saying that as a Taurus, I’m an Aquarius sun moon rising mercury in the first house with an 8th house stellium in a Libra. Also Virgo’s are never virgins and are the freakiest freaks in the zodiac, and Gemini’s are the sexiest classically speaking, from Angelina Jolie to Marilyn Monroe. Pisces are very mysterious and deep and Leo’s could give any scorpion a run for their money. So could Aries. Like other 8th house stelliums here, people have mistaken me for a Scorpio as well, even other astrologers. I’m damn proud to be a Sun Moon Rising Aquarius. I’m on a higher plane. If people think anyone sexy and mystical is a Scorpio, they’re in for a big surprise because almost everyone in my community is sexy and mystical. Then again I know multiple Christian conservative Scorpios who don’t fit the witchy bill at all at all.

    If you start doing deeper dives into every sign
    You will find yes, the sun signs have defining factors and identifiers, but there’s a lot more to meets the eye in every sign and that’s just considering the sun sign, not to mention not only the birth chart planets and houses but the interplay of the aspects and transits.

    For sun signs I recommend Sun Signs by Linda Goodman and Sextrology by Starsky and Cox to start going a bit deeper. For birth charts a site called Astrolocherry goes really deep and provides new information or at least new takes on old information.

    It’s superficial astrological stereotypes that confuse people.

    Look up famous people of any sign and you will find sexy, intense, talented and brilliant people

    Sub signs is a type of energy
    Scorpio energy can be a witch or a sex worker or a suburban housewife or a congress person, just like any sign
    Recognizing the energy they are vibrating takes practice and discernment

    I channel a lot of my 8th house energies through my first house Aquarius stellium water pitcher just organically
    Having an 8th house stellium overwhelm your Capricorn sun is possible
    Especially if your sun is a lonely planet in a hidden 12th house or less expressed house but may pop up when that house is activated like 6 or 9

    And if your 8th house stellium is in a fire sign I could see it stealing the show so to speak
    We have to look at the chart as a whole The stelliums as well as the exact planets in them, and the sign they are in, the signs they oppose, the aspects they form
    The chart tells a story
    Greater than the sum of its parts

    My 8th house stellium is in Libra And includes Saturn Pluto and Mars
    I’ve spent a lot of time in court (Libra) battling rapists and domestic abuse (Scorpio/Mars/Saturn issues) I’m also a writer (Libra/Liberal arts) who writes about (8th house stuff) astrology, tarot, reiki, bdsm, sexuality, ptsd and healing.

    And I Express and self actualize it in my first house Aquarius stellium, my identity

    I have Jupiter and Ceres scorp and my parental figures tend to tended to be Scorpio or carry scorpion themes ranging from extreme religion to sexual abuse, and I’m a licensed massage therapist and do a lot of body work and healing through my earthy cap Venus and Taurus Chiron

    Etc etc etc

    The ever unfolding chart

    The ruler of my chart is Saturn
    I feel very “Capricorn” a lot of the time

    Saturn is the co ruler of Aquarius my four first house stellium planets
    Also I have Saturn in the 8th and a cap Venus

    I would look at where your cap sun is
    What planets exactly form your 8th house stellium
    What sign it’s in
    Where your Pluto is as well as Scorpios co ruler mars
    And also factor in your asteroids
    Lilith, Ceres, Hestia etc

    I don’t invalidate that you feel scorpion like

    I would challenge your understanding of each sign before overly identifying with any
    You could have a plutonic chart
    Or you could learn that Capricorn
    Is fucking badass

    Or both

    Capricorn is one of my favorites

    Look up Capricorn celebrities it will blow your mind

    David Bowie anyone

  12. I have sun jupiter and mercury 8th house in gemini and im scorpio rising. Pluto is my chart ruler. It is hard to say if my life has been hard or not as it is all ive ever known.

    themes in my life of power loss in childhood moved multiple times, bullying at home and at school. Long term partner who ive learnt a lot from and multiple times had to rely on financially even though this has been hard for me to accept.

    Late 20s i got my kick up the backside from the universe to move towards y north node 4th house and started to work on family trauma which felt like a huge burden only now im realising it is an honor and beautiful. Yes its been hard though. I felt like i carried the weight of trauma and my parents would make me a saviour too much responsibility for a child.

    Anyhow im learning boundaries, to let others support me emotionally and to be vulnerable and it has been challenging. I have a capricorn stellium too so that’s a whole other story!

    I think for me im lucky maybe as despite my plutonic energy, my gemini sun brings a lightness and having jupiter in the 8th i can usually hold on to hope when i go through a dark night of the soul. I also am lucky when it comes to fathers family giving me money and I will likely inherit some money from the sale of their house.

    I don’t think anyone should be jealous of 8th house heavy people it’s hard but like all the signs there is also much beauty with the challenges too and none of them are all good or all bad.

  13. Also I should add the sexiness of scorpio is real! As a plutonian im not stereotypically beautiful like a model but I have been told that people just find me attractive and they’re not sure why. I actually find it annoying as even when i completely cover myself in black i will get male attention and i have since i was like 12 men would think i was much older as i had a womans body.

    My partner can be obsessed with me and sometimes i think i need a baseball bat to bat him off ha ha. I know that might sound fun for some but really it’s not when you like a lot of space like me. I don’t like to be stared at I find it intrusive. I kind of wish i didn’t get the attention I do at times.

    Im sure lots of other placements make people beautiful and attractive such as venus in first house for example which i dont have so it’s not just scorpios who get the limelight!

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