Double Aquarius Mother

My mother 16 years oldI’m writing the newsletters for later in the week.  My focus is on the upcoming new moon in Aquarius. I’m almost monitoring the transition of the fast moving planets into the sign.

Last, I’m thinking about Saturn, which will ingress into Aquarius in March, 2020. That’s coming up quickly, isn’t it.

It made me think of my mother who was born under a new moon in Aquarius.  That’s her picture there, she’s sixteen years old.

That’s her baby, by the way, and my sister.


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12 thoughts on “Double Aquarius Mother”

  1. I can’t wait til Saturn crosses my Ascendant and goes into Aquarius. My oh my the 12th house transit has been a drag.

    I can really see now how much of my life has been/was torn into pieces/dissolved during this one. Not only by my own doings, but due to the difficulty of seeing what’s going on and who is who – seeing people for who they were. Being kicked while I am down and whatnot.

    So much is gone and some new things are flowering and flowing into life, creating a new reality and life.

      1. I have Aquarius rising at 1.57 degrees. I hope you’ll write about it! I wonder how Ben is doing? Been following you and him since you started blogging!

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      the laughing goat

      “I can really see now how much of my life has been/was torn into pieces/dissolved during this one. Not only by my own doings, but due to the difficulty of seeing what’s going on and who is who – seeing people for who they were. Being kicked while I am down and whatnot.”

      SAME!! I swear we are living the same life… (((Annette))).

  2. Wow, teenagers looked way more mature, and older, back then! Today’s 16 year olds look like they can be like 13 years old.

    Back then, some 16 year olds looked like they were 26 years old!

      1. anonymoushermit


        It’s a mix of things.

        -I’m older now (37 years old), so perhaps me and you see things differently now. We both see through a different lens now that we’re older.

        -It’s hip to look a lot younger now. I blame the whole Lolita effect. Some teenage, and College aged stars dress a lot younger now than they did back in the 80’s and 90’s. So, kids today look younger partly because they dress younger than they did back in the 90’s! I mean, back in the 80’s teenager girls looked up to Stevie Nicks and Madonna, who looked older and were older. Then in the 00’s you had Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, who both dressed like they were 12 year old girls!

        -Could be regional. All the ‘cool kids’, huge jocks, and blossomy (LMAO) cheerleaders moved out of my old neighborhood in the Midwest, so now we’re left with the skinny and younger looking kids.

        -The government is doing something to our food! Just ask Alex Jones, he thinks that the government put something in our water to make frogs gay! LMAO.

        -Evolution. The more humans populate the earth, the smaller the build. We humans adapt to the crowded earth by being smaller, and looking younger.

  3. “thinking about Saturn, which will ingress into Aquarius in March, 2020”.

    So was I, but I don’t know what to make of the exact conjunction with Mars a few days into Saturn’s ingress Aquarius. I want it to be a bonanza … lol.

  4. Menina bonita, beautiful little girl ,both of them
    Both my sons are valentines
    2/10 &2/15 , Aquarians ,one with Aries rising the oldest with Gemini rising ;both independent and sexy
    Oh hell yeah-the rebellious
    Isn’t it funny how fast time goes sometimes it feels close ,right under your eyelids.sweet dreams , I come here right before I close my eyes and build my dreams

  5. Double Aquarius – ?
    Not someone who’s bound to care about being a mother a whole lot
    And heavy air can be detached to the point of sadism!

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