The 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto Conjunction: Effect By House

transit watchThe Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Capricorn will be maintained for the rest of the year.  Everyone wants to know what to do; how to work with it.

I wrote this in January 2020 and updated it when Jupiter go involved. I’m pulling it back up as we near the end of this period. It’s because of this line, “First, this conjunction is going to mark people. ALL people”.

I just finished a consultation with a gal who is losing her husband. She has two children who are losing their dad.  Clearly, this will “mark them”. I think at this point, most people can see how this conjunction has impacted them. I thought we might talk about it. Here is the old post:

You may be scared (Saturn) to death (Pluto). I can’t make this fluffy but I do hope what I write can help people control their fear at the very least.

If you’re heavily Scorpio, Capricorn or both, you’re in a better position to channel this powerful energy.  Even if it knocks your socks off, you’re likely to be the first to rise from the ashes. Here comes the plain-speak, I’m known for.

First, this conjunction is going to mark people. ALL people. Age is not a factor here.

A “mark” in my mind is an event that changes a person and therefore changes the rest of their life.   For example, you’re ten years old and your parents divorce.  Or maybe you’re forty years old and your spouse dies.  It could be job loss or serious illness.  When these happen, they mark you. They change you on every level.

“Marks” are not always negative. You may graduate college and because you did this, you’re marked in a way that pays over the course of a lifetime. You may marry or have your first child.  When that happens, who you were, is done.

These things are all sort of real but you can be marked in a way that’s less defined. For example, you may inadvertently find your calling.  Do you think I set out to be an astrologer? I did not!  Am I not marked?

dark figureWith that aside, let’s looks at the houses in your chart where the conjunction will take place.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 1st house:  This is the you take control of how you assert yourself in this world.  You’re going to be seen as a force to be reckoned with.  So how are you going to handle this?  Will you intimidate people? Repulse them? Maybe.  But you may also present as a solid source of support for others. The person people call when they’re running on empty.

You may be worried about your physical body and yes, this transit might take a toll on that front. But it also pressure you to go deeper and find resources you never knew you had.

With Jupiter getting involved, you’re looking at the beginning of a new story for the transformed “you”. You’re probably a bit more optimistic than you were back in January.  You know you’re going forward, even if it’s slow.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 2nd house:  You can expect this conjunction to affect your money, your values, your self-esteem and/or your possessions. No, this does not mean you are going to go broke!  However, you may have to get by on less.

You may also choose to get by on less. For example you may feel burdened by your possessions and decide to pare down. The purge may be extreme.

Let’s say you’ve fluffed up your self-esteem by surrounding yourself with nice things.  If your self-esteem improves, you’ll no longer have a hole to fill with “stuff”.

In whatever case, think in terms of consolidating your losses, if this is what happens. Get real about money and power and how these things work in your life. Your stubbornness may be something to behold!

With Jupiter getting involved, your money and your self esteem has probably improved. At the very least, you probably have some realistic vision and/or plan to inflate your value.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 3rd house: You’ll learn about the power of words when this pair planets meet in your 3rd house.  For Godsakes, don’t gossip, because Saturn and Capricorn are all about consequences. If you cause a problem for others (especially 3rd house-ruled neighbors or siblings), you’re likely to have that karma ball come around, hard.

You may also find yourself at a loss for words. Communication may be blocked or just hard to manage. You’ll also be held accountable for what you say.

It’s a situation where a person mutes themselves because the burden of speaking is so daunting.  Say less. Mean more!

With Jupiter getting involved, you may be spreading truth or thinking ahead.  It’s not as dark and difficult.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 4th house:  This is a rough one.  If you have a strong family or emotional foundation, you’ll be glad of it, at this time. Unfortunately, many people lack these things. They will feel this void, deeply at this time.

On the upside, the pain will force them to dig deep. Here again, a person has resources beyond they’re conscious awareness… and pain to excavate as well.

If you know anyone who will be dealing with this conjunction in their 4th, try to offer support if possible.  This is a knot in your stomach times one-thousand.

With Jupiter getting involved, you’re planning for your future. Even if you were very hard hit (which is likely), you have survived and you’re looking to make things better.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 5th house: Well, ha ha!  This makes me think of an accidental pregnancy. You meant to have sex for recreation (5th), and instead you got sex for procreation (Pluto) and real life consequences – you’re a parent (Saturn)!

The 5th house rules creativity. If you ask me, making a baby is the ultimate creative act!

In short, “fun sex” has a deeper meaning. If your kids are already born, you’l probably take your “parenting” job to a deeper level (and a higher standard).

People may withhold sex under this influence, especially Scorpio which is known for this.

With Jupiter getting involved, life is a bit more fun.  You may be more visible. You’re creative light has expanded.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 6th house: You may be afraid about your health, but unless you’re very elderly, it would not be the first thing to come to mind.  This powerful, earthy conjunction would pressure you to rearrange your daily routine and your diet. You’ll want to gain control of any bad habits that drain you. I’m talking about food, smoking, drinking, porn, crack… you get the idea.

Another killer is WORRY.  If you tend to worry and fret, now is the time to get on top that. Become empowered by taking control and limiting the stress in you life.  Work smart. Simplify!

With Jupiter getting involved, you’re probably working a lot. If you’re not working, you’re planning for the future. You’re sorting out your job and your daily routine.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 7th house: You may be afraid you will lose your partner… or never have a partner to begin with.  While these things can happen, you’re more likely to become more deeply committed to a partner.

This doesn’t mean, necessarily, that you’re going to meet your “soulmate” when these planets meet in your 7th house.  You may very well find yourself completely bereft on the love front, but not without a purpose.

There are many people who simply don’t value others until and unless, they are brought to their knees.  So it’s when this happens, the healing begins.

You may also find yourself bearing a burden for your partner, or you may be the burden they have to bear. However, this plays, you can expect to be deeply humbled, and to have something come from it, that is real.

With Jupiter getting involved, your love story improves. You’re probably more generous with your partner / the other.  This comes back to you.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 8th house:  Well, jeez. If you’re one of those people who think you’re magical with no pathology attached, you’re in trouble here.  It used to be trendy for people to state in the personal ads… “no baggage”. Yeah, right.

During this transit, you’re likely to be acutely aware of what’s wrong with you, psychologically speaking. You’ll also be tasked with taking responsibility for it but hey! That’s a lot better than forcing others to carry your bags.

It’s also better than being rejected for the baggage that surrounds you, so just just be glad when it gets real and you have the chance to really get yourself together.

Um… you may also be dealing with death. Death of parents, inheritance or lack of inheritance as well.  Pay down your debt.

With Jupiter getting involved, you’re probably progressing. You’re getting an education of some kind.  Even if it’s all about what you see when you turn up rocks.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 9th house: This transit it liable to transform your beliefs.  Hard to say how this might manifest, but it might be a result of the death of your inflation.

For example, you may believe you are the center of the world. It’s a transit like this that will show you the real scale of things. The real truth. The real power.

Frivolous beliefs will be flushed to be replaced with beliefs that are deeply rooted and real.  All in all, this is one of the easier places for this beast to land.  Be grateful!

With Jupiter getting involved, it’s all about higher education and spreading the news.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 10th house:  If I could choose a house where I would like this conjunction to land, this would be it.  You’re on top. You’re visible.

Now hopefully you did not lie, cheat or steal to get there because if you did, you’re liable to take a tumble and yes… it’s a long way down.

With Jupiter getting involved, your responsibility has probably expanded… the grace you need to maintain your position should be there as well.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 11th house:  You may lack friends at this time or more likely, be reduced to just one or two who really matter. You may lose a friend during this transit. I hope not, because if it happens, it will be terribly painful.

Take care not to betray your friends. Be sure to support those who support you.

This is a transit may deliver a “friend-for-life.  But you’ve got to be one to have one. Exchange of energy, okay?

With Jupiter getting involved, your social circle opens up some. There are opportunities, though you have to reach or work for them.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 12th house: This is the quintessential “dark night of the soul”. Your suffering is hidden but endlessly and enormously important, beyond your wildest dreams.

You can’t escape it. Merge.

With Jupiter getting involved, you have an angel on your shoulder, now.  Do not deny this – you know it’s true.

There you go!  That’s it, I’m done! Now may we all get through this together!

Where will the Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunction land in your chart? What’s happening?
*Update in November 2020 – how has this conjunction marked you?

232 thoughts on “The 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto Conjunction: Effect By House”

  1. I’ll have that in my 3rd house. I do journal writing to manage my thoughts and emotions when they become too strong. I wonder if that would help channel that massive energy. I also feel it’s already happening as I’ve lost friends due to gossip and drama and poor communication issues.

    I still miss the friend I recently lost because of my bad communication issues. Karma bit me in the ass when he blocked me on Facebook and now I can’t make amends for my actions and behaviors that contributed to it on my end. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut from now on.

    1. I’m scared to death! The conjunction will fall in my 10th house exactly conjunct my natal Mars which is at 22:42 of Capricorn. My natal Mars is well aspected but I’m still scared.

      1. Mars is exalted (happily placed) in Capricorn. Focus on studying that area of your chart if you can. It always helps me to search for information about the components in my chart that are being activated. There are some good books out there on eclipses and how to anticipate them. My experience is that they effect me over a period of two to three years, not all at once usually. In my favorite book on eclipses (Celeste Teal’s book), I’ve read positive and negative events linked to eclipses. So we have a good chance, with all the positive stuff Elsa is saying about this eclipse, to see a positive result or effect in our lives. Eclipses are very misunderstood. I see them as instruments of change. I need something to nudge me out of my comfort zone to grow as a person and eclipses certainly can do that. Good luck. Let us know what you think happened in relation to the eclipse.

      2. Avatar
        Kimberly C Stuart

        Just wondering how its playing out in your life now? Hang in there. Be safe and try not to be in fear. I know its tough.

  2. This will fall in my 7th house, and my husband’s 10th house, trine my Taurus sun. He’s got Saturn-Pluto baked in – conjunct in his 7th house natally. We’ve been talking about wanting to start a business together, but we have decided on exactly what that would be. January would actually be a great time for us to hunker down and work on it!

    1. This Conjunction will occur in my 1st house. I can see some signs of it happening…I still need more clarity to get a fuller picture

  3. 12th house cusp here and it seems like it’s going to be a very long night. No way round it but through it and I’ve prepared by reading your blogs and the Saturn in 12th workshop. Got Saturn in Pisces natally and T Neptune right on it now so I’m merging. Thanks Elsa.

  4. Fourth house here… ulp.

    The conjunction will sextile my n Ceres-Neptune in Scorpio (and Pisces Dsc), square n Saturn Rx in Aries, trine n Jup-Pluto-Asc in Virgo, quincunx n Gemini MC. (All of those natal placements are at 21-25 degrees.)

    Pluto and Saturn have been in my 4th for some time, but I have no idea what to expect with this event. (And isn’t transiting Uranus going direct like the day before the S-P conjunction is exact?)

    But it sounds grim.

  5. 9th house here for me, thanks for this Elsa, so powerful. I’ve just looked at my inner circle; son, husband, & youngest brother all 12th house.

  6. Thank you Elsa, so much, for writing this. It will take place in my house 4. Cancer is on the cusp of house 11, and there are Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. Square Venus and Neptune in Libra in house 2.

    In the evening I can sit outside quietly (it is summer in The Netherlands!) and that is what I need because I feal a threat. I have been feeling this for a while and it getting worse as time goes on.

    Nature, the garden has always help me to calm down : – ). That is a gift.

    1. Avatar
      Not Understanding Fourth

      also 4th house. Live in a violent country so have not lived without feeling a threat or 1000+ knots. My question is – what is the effect of this conjunction on the 4th house? Loss of home and family? Other? What else besides 1000 knots…..

  7. 12th house meetings here.
    I have this conjunction natally though, in the 8th house of Libra.
    Talk about relationships and taking responsibility. The carry the bags-comment really is something, because my parents dumped their craziness on me so I had to carry theirs as well as my own. Hard to take responsibility for that when you’re young in relationships, especially with Chiron being linked to so many personal planets in my chart as well.

    Thanks for the heads up here, Elsa, describing the energies in the 8th. They can be hard to handle from time to time.
    With a quincunx to Chiron in the 3rd, I usually have bad breakups, due to things someone says. Either me or them.

    Last time they were close, in January 2019, my life was marked by my mother washing her hands off me and my previous BF dumping me on a text message. I was thrown off course, but I got up and found a new love, which had been there the whole time.
    We are now a close-knit couple, but I am very glad that this conjunction happens with a sextile to my Sun/Venus/Jupiter conjunction. The 12th house losses will probably be for the best then, changing me in a supportive way (hopefully.)

    1. Oh my, I have just discovered that besides the Cap planets’ sextile to my sun/Venus/Jupiter conjunction, the transitting NN is close to my natal one, Jupiter is conjunct my Mars parked just outside the 12th house – and transit Mars is conjunct Uranus in the 10th house.

      Expect the unexpected.

      If things go down in flames… Those flames will be giga.
      If things decide to go well in some other areas – it will be huge as well.

      It’s like my horoscope recieving a giant stream of megawatt with its own natal energy.

      1. Hi Anette, I felt I had to comment as I’m anxious about what this weekend will bring too, and I can’t believe the similarities in our charts. Transiting NN is on mine too, transiting Mars conj Uranus in 10th check, I have Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Libra in the 8th house too (in fact I have the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury there too). The upcoming conjunction is going to take place just behind my ascendant, in the 12th house. I tend to see the worst in everything and obviously with astrology like this I’m pretty concerned I won’t survive the weekend. I will come back here to leave another comment if I live to tell the tale ?

        1. 8th house doesn’t have to be scary in general. It can involve handling other people’s second house stuff for a living or out of caring. Most of my work for over 35 years has been about handling other people’s money/bookkeeping or working at an auction (the money due them from selling their stuff). My husband and I both worked together in an auction business for several years and both of us have Mars in the 8th house. We handled several estates and a few were very difficult (murder/suicide was one) but all in all it was enjoyable to handle Things for others. Felt like we could help people who were downsizing due to age etc. Back in the 70’s my Mars/Neptune/Moon in Libra all within 8 degrees of each other with Saturn 7 degrees ahead of my Moon caused concern when I began studying astrology. Now I understand in retrospect how that played out over my youth and middle age. I loved to fix other people’s problems.

          The 8th house planets do better with help to pull their energy out. As do 6th and 12th house planets. Transits and natal/progressed planets in our friends and family’s charts can help us move the energy. Or of course planets that are connecting to these houses in our own charts.

          I found that my most difficult times emotionally were when transit Moon was in range to conjunct my Natal moon until it passed over the degree of my natal Saturn. Also connecting to pluto and Uranus by aspect during that same time. It’s been like clockwork pretty much. Knowing this, I can hang on. Read a good book or get involved, take a nap (Neptune/escape it) until it passes. It is usually only a day or two then I’m back to normal. A house is just a house. 8th house carries a negative connotation sometimes but it’s all part of a whole picture. You’ve got this!

        2. Hi Annie

          Hope you survived the weekend.

          For me, personally, I did not feel too much. Perhaps because ‘the worst’ already had happened, I was bereft of my mother last year, but that was not these two giants’ fault entirely. There were other transits going on too.

          I guess that is a good way to look at it – as the 12th house is of endless endings and lacking boundaries, I think the structure of this house can be a bit wishy washy.

          I think we have a very similar chart (it sounds like it) – but as my sun, Venus and Jupiter sextile this conjunction, I think the biggest impact might have been in my personal beliefs. That’s all I can say as my sun constellation is in the 9th with Jupiter here as well.

          So… These fellas has been surprisingly kind. I hope they were the same to you!

          1. Thanks for your reply! I did leave a lesson over the weekend regarding boundaries in a friendship – I had to cancel some social plans as a result, and I spent Sunday feeling very frustrated about missing out, because I do not get many opportunities to socialise – which as you say, 12th house, endings and boundaries, actually is all very connected. But with my ascendant ruler (Saturn in 8th) square that conjunction I was really afraid for my life! As Elsa described it in her article “scared to death”! But no, my worst fears did not materialise. I will try to bear that in mind for the future too, it would be good to stop living in so much fear. Thanks again for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it!

    2. Don’t mean to alarm you but with Saturn and Pluto transiting your 12th, you will be in for some MAJOR spring cleaning. And I mean Major, in case the bold font didn’t catch your attention.

      Elsa has a thread on TR Saturn conjunct AC and on it many responded with stories of what happened when it went through their 12th. I know of one: he found out his wife was cheating, he got divorced, his brother got cancer…and to look at him is to know that TR Saturn and TR Pluto might not kill (that’s them being merciful!) but they can sure make you age overnight!

      What you can do is get your house in order. Do the right things so that TR Saturn does its work, it will be positive.

      I have Chiron in DC and I’ve become immune to it to a certain extent, except for when I have troubles then in true Chironic fashion, where I can heal others, I’m left with this unhealing wound. The thing about Chiron is that’s a place of great sensitivity and all you can really do is make sure no one touches it.

  8. I’m a virgo sun & moon with taurus ascendant and I’ve read I’ll be in good shape next year (earth trines, baby!). This conjunction will land in my 10th house. I’m currently interviewing for jobs after being laid off in July, one of those being outside of my home country. I’m hoping this is all good!

  9. This conjunction will happen in my 12th house. I feel like I’ve been having a dark night for the soul for several years already. So I’m not sure how much darker it will get.

    Can 12th house transits indicate death?

      1. Happened in my 8th house here. Received a large inheritance/money/property and have had some of my already psychic gifts/intuition seem to upgrade from their normal level (that could be Uranus transit my 12th though as well). To be fair I Natally have Jup and Ven here in my 8th house where the Sat Plu conj occurred! and my POF in my 2nd house was exact the NN at the same time!. Also my third Jupiter return occurred within a week- so yeah not always “bad” in the 8th house! This happens to also be a 8 yr for me and I’m an 8 life path as well as 3 of the eclipses this year will involve my ascendent. Years ago in 2017 I had a spiritual experience that told me that within 3 yrs my life would completely change.and why I’ve become interested in astrology:)

  10. Well, regardless of my Scorpio and Capricorn stelliums, I still feel a bit anxious.

    Taking 15 college credits, preceptor, getting a teaching certificate. Taking GREs next year. Have my son starting school, court stuff too. Oh, and money is always never enough.

    I’m looking forward to my changes, 6th house and 7th too. I know it’s overdue and have been anticipating certain changes.

    1. That would be the most delightful manifestation of this energy for me, except it won’t be accidental in our case. I have 5 planets and Vertex in Capricorn. I am fortified enough to bring up a child.

  11. I’m scared to even speak this out loud, but here I go anyway…..this conjunction is my first saturn return (23 degrees) May the universe have mercy on me.

  12. Elsa, I’m curious, my partner’s AC is at 24degrees Capricorn. Being so close to Ac, Does that mean conjunction will affect both 12th and 1st house?

      1. Iam not “together”. I have Pluto and Saturn in the 12th and I am more alone then ever. My problems, feelings, thoughts, are not “shareable”.Too hard, unrecognisable, unsolvable. I have to go this alone. Before, during and probably even afterward, nobody will understand or even get close to this darkness, mainpulation and temptation I am going through. Temptation out of lack. Lack of love, friends, self love and money. All, my life until now, seems to be lost and useless, although I am a good person and helped a lot of people. There is no one to help me now.

            1. Like you, Brex, I have Rx Saturn and Rx Pluto in my Cap 12H. It’s been tough wrestling with my private inner demons in these recent years. Most times I feel like an outsider with my nose pressed on the window wanting to get in. What’s extra frustrating is that I don’t know what “it” is. I do feel good and useful when I help others in any capacity.

              1. Brex and Jayne,
                Feeling your pain.
                I’ve registered for the forum waiting to hear back to post chart.
                I have Taurus at the bottom of my chart. 5 in 3rd house and 6 in 4th house. It’s my understanding from reading monthly horoscopes on the web Uranus left Capricorn 4th house in March 2019 and moved to 5th?
                Looks like this is not the case. Does this mean I have Uranus in my 4th house for another 7 years?
                Also have Mars square Uranus in fixed signs Ouch

              2. Hi Jayne, thank you, yes it is the fight with inner demons, good expression! What do you mean with “it”, the thing you want? I still feel good helping people, but am realizing more and more I could use the energy for myself, too and it is so much harder to ‘help myself’, for others I know exactly what to do, but to myself I am one big mist! Also I miss real good friends. Since Pluto is in Cap, they are almost all gone. Some I miss, but for most of them it is probably for the better (for me, having had unequal relationships all my life), this is hopefully the emptiness before the big happy new beginning. But it is such a hard, long, stretched goodbye! A 12 inch blues song…

    1. Probably changed in philosophy. If it doesn’t hit angles or aspect other planets, the effects will be more of an ambient noise.

      1. After what I went through when Saturn and Pluto were in conjunction on my eighth, ambient noise is welcome, thank you!

  13. It will be big only if it conjunct an angle or aspects your planets. It also depends on life-phases. Eg. Both of my children received direct hits (0 orb) to their chart ruler during July but my teenager feels it on a much more profound level than my 5 y.o. does. Short of parents (knock on wood) dying, everything else is a temporary adjustment for the children.

    Ps This coming from someone who had TR Pluto conjunct IC ruler AND square Moon in 10th as an 8 year old. Sure, those were transformative times, to put it mildly, but I’m now a 41 y.o. and in the scheme of things, I didn’t do too badly.

  14. May be all get through this together… well said.
    As we did with the grand square. With Uranus square Pluto. So I was thinking of the difference, not just of energies involved but also strength of the effects.
    Is this comparable Elsa?

    1. I saw that square as a crack in a foundation. Unpredictable! This is more like a permanent mark. That’s how I view it… how it feels to me. It’s like it’s non-negotiable.

  15. I’m one of those with the 4th house conjunction. I am not afraid: I have a strong family base and my sense of self is safer than it’s ever been. It might be the trine to my mars/asc in Virgo talking, but bring it on!

    I am perhaps more worried about the people with the same conjunction natally, in Libra, born in the early 80’s. Someone close to me has Saturn conjunct Pluto at 27-29 degrees Libra, and they’ll be affected by this right? What can one expect for them?

    1. People with that conjunction who are partnered will probably re-up. Cement it. Those who are not might feel a real lack.

      This us generally speaking.

      1. Elsa, how do you think this might affect a 5y.o. whose chart ruler is 27CAP stationary Venus actually, and like many of his generation have Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception EXCEPT Pluto is smack-bang on his IC?

      2. An update on my conjunction in the 4th house, for posterity (or something):

        so very long story somewhat shorter, I’ve had a big debt hanging above my head. This debt is old, like from a decade back, but because of how the system works in my country I haven’t been acquired to pay them because I didn’t use to have that much of an income.

        3 years ago that changed, and suddenly I had money after years of not having any. But still I’ve been avoiding seeking up the debt collector/bailiff myself because there were so many other things I needed the money for… and I knew that they would contact me themselves eventually to start the process of deducting money directly from paycheck each month, leaving me at existential minimum until I’ve payed it all back.

        And then the conjunction came! On Monday I received *the letter* notifying me that after 10 years it’s time to start paying. And I was so relieved – in true Virgo fashion I’m genuinely happy to finally get to sort that part of my life out – but at the same time how the hell am I going to make ends meet? The money I earn is such a big part of what I need to feel safe and secure (Capricorn 4th house!) so for a while there, as relieved as I also was, I was almost in panic.

        Fast forward to the ending: guess who are stepping up, supporting me financially so that I can get this burden off me while still staying afloat? My parents… of course! And I have NOT always been able to count on them, in fact it has been quite the opposite. Honestly it wasn’t until Saturn crossed my IC at 25 degrees Sag that I became a person who could find the patience and generosity needed to allow my parents to take part of my life. 3-4 years ago, allowing them to help would’ve been unthinkable and impossible.

        And I’m in awe! It’s perfect and harsh, painful and rewarding at the same time. I am so lucky and blessed that this was how it manifested for me. I hope others fared as well 🙂

        1. That’s an amazing update! I think the major difference between how it’s manifested for you vs others is how POSITIVELY you have embraced the change wrought by the conjunction. Good on you!

          Saturn gives us our dues in time, good or bad. I have it conjunct my IC sometime in May 2020. Simultaneous square to Tr Uranus on DC; I also have the Uranus opposition after that. Well, I’ve decided to embrace that too. I’m reordering my life. Clearing out clutter.

          1. Hey Estelle, and thanks! I’m lucky to be very sensitive to Saturn energies: I always do my hardest to integrate those lessons into my life and that tactic hasn’t failed me yet. It’s true it all stems from my own mature choices but I still feel plain lucky that there even was someone to catch me this time. I don’t come from money so just the fact that my parents had any to spare is a clean stroke of luck!

            The fourth house conjunction was rough, I’m not going to lie. It hit me HARD, but then again it squared my mars/asc at the same time so maybe that feeling of complete impotence and self doubt was aggravated by that? Anyway it forced me to give up certain childish privileges and notions I had in order to become truly, truly self reliant. I felt abandoned even by myself because I felt like whatever I previously had been able to use to propel myself forward was the very things that held me back this time. It was continuous process of confronting my own limits and I shed so much skin during I felt reduced to my most basic survival instincts. So yeah it was everything they advertised!

            And I wish you the very, very best when it’s your turn. Just remember that even in the dark you have to know better than to hide and not work with the new reality forming around you. I stuck to my structures and responsibilities even when it felt like I was being crushed under the weight of life itself. And it seems like those choices have served me well? Hopefully now the only way is up!

            (Although I do have my first Saturn return now in March sooooo I probably shouldn’t celebrate just yet.. ?)

            1. Thank you for the best wishes. With your first Saturn return coming up, you will need them too. ?

              I can understand the N Mars square Tr Saturn making you feel impotent. Then again maybe that’s Saturn also approaching its natal position…I’d say you can feel it applying within 5 degrees, especially in same sign. My first Saturn return took me 5 years to recover. Maybe if I’d been less obstinate, it would have ended faster.

              I guess with your Virgo Sun (?) these energies of change in Capricorn are things you can work with.

              Saturn is the only detrimented planet in my chart and discipline, austerity and hard work are things I can cope with only because of my Virgo Mars. I say Cope because I have a Leo stellium and well, I don’t think the sign is renown for self denial. ?

              So I’ve been binge reading on how to manage these energies on 2/4 of my angles; I was born with Uranus on AC so if you count that, I will have 3 outers on my angles…soon. ?

              1. Oh hey I have a Virgo mars too? And a Leo stellium, that’s so funny! I absolutely know what you mean: there we go working diligently day in and out with our proper Virgo mars and our Leo side is like “YAWN who caaaaaares?!”

                My Saturn is actually in very early Aquarius so the return hasn’t really begun yet 🙂 But yes I think holding on to things during a Saturn transit is the worst idea: it’s more about discerning what’s worth keeping, and just deciding on letting the rest go. A Virgo sun helps for sure but Saturn is trine my mars and ascendant while also in exact quincunx with my sun so I always struggled with Saturn energy while at the same time being so defined by it. I had to really embrace it, all of it, and that’s when life got easier because I wasn’t struggling against what I was supposed to do anymore. Here’s to hoping that tactic will work come the return!

                Uranus on the asc with transit Uranus on the desc makes you a Scorpio rising right? What an interesting combination: I think Uranus in Scorpio is said to be exalted. You must be an absolute force and conduit of change! Also interesting that you have a stellium in Leo, are they all squaring off each other?

                I’ve lived through Uranus on the desc but I was only 18 so the stakes weren’t as high for me as they might be for an older person with more established relationships… it mostly just introduced uranian people and experiences in my life, and I went through a range of social cliques with relationships broken off as suddenly as they arrived. A person with Uranus on the asc natally is probably used to that kind of energy, no? And maybe this time it’ll come from another angle than you’re used to, changes coming from a sense of urgency rather than because the natural rhythm of your life tells you it’s time.. And then throwing Saturn on the IC in the mix: those feelings of security, structure disintegrating. Like trying to live in an earthquake zone?

                I might be super wrong of course and you didn’t ask for my thoughts on your transits so I hope I’m not overstepping. Just thinking out loud! But yes I agree we both have our work cut out for us 🙂

              2. Forgot to add, and this is perhaps essential to the overall forecast; I have Chiron on DC and Juno on IC, so when Tr Saturn ingresses to Aqua and conjuncts my IC, it will also conjunct my Juno. When Tr Uranus conjuncts my DC, it will also conjunct Chiron and square Juno. I have P Sun and P Merc RX almost exactly conjunct N Venus. P Venus 2 degrees away from P Pluto, chart ruler. On top of which this is a year when I will have at least 3 eclipses to planets; fortunately the are outers. Doesn’t look pretty does it? I feel best when I’m working on something and my project for the year is to declutter, which as a Sun Jupiter in Cancer counts as a major one. ??

            2. Ivs, thanks for the synopsis on forces affecting my chart. Sorry for attaching my reply here because your last comment had no reply tab. I think we can only drill down a certain number of levels.

              Anyway, we should high five on having Leo stelliums and Virgo Mars! ? It’s a very contradictory energy. My chart in a nutshell; Scorp rising with Uranus on AC, a Leo Stellium (Merc close to MC, followed by Moon, Venus and Saturn), Sun Jupiter in Cancer, Virgo Mars. Chart ruler Pluto in Libra, every planet wired together by aspect except Saturn. Due to my weak and “estranged” Saturn “mental or physical exertion” is a foreign concept to me. With Uranus on AC, I am certainly affiliated with many groups, but as you already know from you Tr Uranus on DC, my involvement fluctuates. I had Tr Uranus on IC at 18 and I moved everywhere for a long long time. Try 7 years and abroad since Tr Neptune also moved into the 4th.

              It may seem as though I withdraw without warning but the reality is I’ve learnt to allow things and people to come and go from my life as they please, as Uranus demands.

              It may seem like a boast but I change lives without ever setting out to. Sometimes I feel that I should come with a warning.

              My daughter has N Uranus on the MC and she is out and out eccentric. My parents also have Uranus aspecting their Suns so you can say that living in an earthquake prone zone is something that’s normal and stability, as much as we crave it, is not what we can deal with for prolonged periods without feeling depleted.

              I’m glad you are ready for your Saturn return. You are in a good position to reap the rewards of your self-insight. It’s not a doom and gloom period for everyone; if you have done the hard yards, the outers will be a door to a welcome new chapter in your life. ?

  16. I read somewhere that after the conjunction happens, we may well look back and divide our lives into “before 2020” and “after 2020”.

    1. I sure hope so. As a species we need to save ourselves from climate inaction; the signs are all there but the consequences seems million miles away.

      Saturn Pluto have been going through my 3rd, so excuse the somber tone. In that time, I have started and stopped writing a blog about migrant culture, relatives have died or people related to my relatives (like partners) have died, I have undertaken a contract for massive Reno on my house, fallen out with my entire extended family (I woke up and decided to just cut them all loose rather than endure on-going wrangling and insults)…the conjunction will quincunx Venus, ruler of 7th and 12th and Saturn, ruler of 3rd and 4th. Yeah, I have my suspicions on what this could mean.

      What do you think? Care to hazard a guess?

  17. I have it in my 4th house, but I have no planets in any cardinal signs. Not to say it’s won’t affect me.

    I’ve been looking at my home as the entire ? earth. I am starting to get worried about all the changes lately (climate change, the Amazon, etc.), so I’ve been thinking of my putting my Virgo-ness to work and cleaning my “house”.

    1. It’s almost 23 degrees. Gotta compare that with individual countries’ charts to know how that will impact them.

  18. In my 4th house, close to my Mars 19 cap. Worse, my mother’s moon is 19 Cap and the conjunction is in her 12th house. She has multiple health issues but has been remarkably resilient but the past year has been tough with some deterioration. Seriously anxious. Knot in the stomach has been present for the past couple of months

      1. Death and rebirth and/or karmic endings with regards to things ruled by the Moon plus the house rule by the Moon. Look to aspects to the Moon and if you’re up to it, throw in progressed planets.

  19. I dont have planets in the 7th. However, Capricorn is on the 7th cusp, at 8°38′. My 2019-2020, Solar Return, Saturn and Pluto will be in Capricorn in the 7th, and opposition 1st house Mars, Mercury and North Node in Cancer. I have been feeling the effects of it for quite some time, which feels like a pressure cooker. My mother is very ill at this time, plus dealing with undependable siblings, insurance, doctors, property, money, etc. So it has been quite challenging. I’m also dealing with health issues. I’m tired of being the dependable ONE!

  20. Please if anyone can offer some hope. Since 2008 my life has taken a turn for the worst. I have lost everything and it seems to be only getting worse. I came across your blogs and have come to realize I was born with a terrible birth chart. My Sun, Rising, Venus, Saturn are all in Capricorn. Moon Saturn. 8th house Pluto and 12 house Saturn. I was born in SLC, Utah at 7:41 am on January 5, 1959. Thank you

    1. Hello Sarah, I am in the same place. Sun, Merc, Venus in Cap, mostly in the 12th. Since Pluro is in Cap, the magic in my hard but interesting life, has gone. It is only hard now. I guess we have to waot until Pluto and Saturn left the building, say 2022. Until then we will habe to survive. No more, no less.Just try to habe some easy moments and look at everything from above. Downstairs is only chaos and hate.

      1. Sorry for the bad spelling, I commented from my phone 😉 I have not looked at your birth chart yet, am interested so I will look at the forum like Elsa recommended. Maybe I can find some relief there too. It is not hopeless, just hard gor a longer time, or harder, than we expected.

  21. In my 10th. I want to retire from my field. If I found a few hours somewhere that I liked I would consider continuing on, but not where I’m at. My mother had a saying “Enough is enough and too much is too much.” That about sums it up. Eclipses in Dec/Jan are very active in my chart, too.

  22. Brex I will get it posted this weekend. I made some typos myself–as I have Scorpio moon (along with some other typos).
    I hope that you will be able to provide me with the reality of my birth chart as it has been a tough go my entire life (the little I know has given me the strength to carry on). But so intense with Pluto, Uranus in my house of home (hit by tornado in 2017 along with other) and Saturn–this being my second Saturn Return. Also in setting phase of Sade Sati which I know nothing about–just that all combined one loss after another.
    Brex I’m grateful that you have reached out to me.
    Thank you, Sarah

  23. I expect my parents will die, that is very predictable, and my country, the UK, will drop through a trap door. Hey ho.

    I will get on with it. What else can you do?

  24. 9th house for me. I am indeed grateful! And grateful that you posted this. I can definitely feel the processes you’ve described, already happening to an extent.

  25. Well, I got a 4 Star stellium in Scorpio nataly including the Moon, which is now, and will be, Progressing in Scorpio plus I got Prog. Venus and Prog. Mars, which are respectively my Natal and Prog. Ascendant rulers, in Capricorn, thus conjoining the 2020 Cap Stellium including that Pluto-Capricorn conjunction, happening in my 4th house.

    I’m so grateful for this post, Elsa, it really nails it: Mother, Family, House.

    What I know of Saturn and Capricorn is that, like a tsunami, they raze everything that is not, well, tsunami-proof.

    And neither of these 4H matters are rock solid for me at this juncture!

    Thank you so much for the heads-up!

  26. Would anyone be so kind as to help me find out where this will fall in my chart? I apologize for my ignorance, and would really be so grateful!

  27. I have been caring for my ex-husband who has been battling liver and bile duct cancer since February 2018. In late June 2019, he developed hepatic encephalopathy, which is essentially a quick-developing form of dementia, and a sign that his liver has gone into failure. My gut has said for a long time that we may be nearing the end during 2020 and since the Saturn/Pluto conjunction falls in my fourth house, I’m bracing myself for that to be part of the timing. Thanks for sharing your updates, Elsa. They really help me navigate this a lot.

  28. With saturn and pluto transiting in my 7th for some reason the thought of being murdered by a person I’m dating comes to mind. Those two planets are killer, and in the 7th house it’s a clear indication of the classic scenario of a lover murdering their partner. I’m single, but I wonder if other Cancer rising people will kill or be killed by their partners. It’s morbid to talk about, but that is literally how it could play out. Domestic violence, sexual assault and murder.

    1. I’m Gemini w/a Cancer rising, and Scorpio Moon. Solar Return, Saturn Pluto conjunction is happening in my 7th house, and opposition 1st house Mars, Mercury, and North Node in Cancer. Although, I don’t have a partner, it’s still, Self vs Others. Im tired!?

    2. oh wow, yes. cancer rising here also. I am married and not dating but lately thinking about the dating websites and how I would never do that as I know I would attract crazies and be murdered.

  29. I believe I’m experiencing a good beginning of this energy. My husband has this in 2nd and I in 12th but 9 degrees from Asc.

    So he had to sort tons of stuff when we sold our house (moved out Sept 23) and there are undercurrents on my end and I stepped on a nail my first day at the house and I have problems with my feet…..

    I liked the part about being “marked”. I plan to write more, do astrology more and live my life for the enjoyment of it. I’m done with some parts of my life that don’t work well for me. I need to do what I enjoy or I will never do it! I feel this marking by a move to Louisiana on a bayou.

    Probably have a good bit of time (until January?) to finish clearing out storage units recently acquired. Selling excess unneeded stuff. Etc. Hoping for the best but preparing for whatever.

    I truly love your essays and emails. Your insight is amazing and spot on.

  30. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction will land smack on top of my MC (22°48′ Cap) I have had a terrible past 2 years concerning job/career. I know other transits and personal chart aspects also play a big part but, I am begging for mercy at this point. I can’t take any more upheaval!

    1. If you worked hard to transform under these transits, you will reap the rewards. Granted they are brutal transits, but as my friend says, “They are doors to new pastures.”

    2. One day at a time and you will get past this.

      Saturn can be the limit so maybe there will be a slowing and a limit to the upheaval. One can always hope. I have Pluto square my Midheaven Natally. I have had a large multitude of jobs due to upheavals over the years. Sometimes I have to try to find enjoyment in today or I lose focus.

  31. This is very interesting. It will land on my 10th house of Capricorn. Great news right? NO! It will also square my natal Pluto and natal Saturn on my 7th house (yes they are closely conjunct) and oppose my moon on my 4th house of Cancer. What does that mean?!? 🙁

  32. Hmm, what do you think if your fourth house is intercepted? Or do you only use the whole house system. This conjunction occurs in my fourth but the only major connections are opposite my mars at 23 degrees Cancer in the 10th and square my retrograde Mercury at 20 degrees Libra in the first. I’ve been going through a huge amount of upheaval the last three years. Left my husband for someone else and moved to another country to be with that person. It’s hard to imagine my foundation being more shaken. However, my partner and I have been working really hard to establish two properties that I bought as sources of income. And I will be back in my home country for this transit. Thanks for this info. In a way I feel I’ve been working on everything that this points to on a personal level, especially my fear of loss.

    1. Hi, sorry, what about Mars in Cancer? We’re dangerous fellows, why? ? I’m asking cause I also just saw this Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be directly opposite my Mars in Cancer!! What does that mean!?

        1. Well I know I’m not, but I’d love to know what he means. And more than that, I’d love some advice!! I got it in the 7th house, relationships!! ??

          1. Avatar
            Miguel Melchizedek

            Theodora, talking about Mars, not the person, Mars in Cancer can be very self-detrimental, Mars is intensity and burning ?Fire? and Cancer is ?Water? that cancels out the ?Fire? not allowing it to extrovert and let out, keeping the ?Fire? in is definitely dangerous. In actuality, Mars in Capricorn, the opposite sign, is said to be exalted, best sign for Mars (so they say but for me the jury is still out ?) so in ?Cancer Mars is especially unwell, that’s called Fall.

            It is important to study Mars – here’s a good page for that – as he’s the great activator of processes, usually the kickstarter of things – aaaand he’s going to travel through Capricorn, where he’s exalted, for a huge 2 months, again kickstarting stuff, on, of all times, Mars ruled Aries sign of Spring. So the Sun going through Aries will then send the energy straight to Mars who’s busy in Capricorn conjoining Pluto and Saturn AND all things magnifier Jupiter!

            We will have then to be even more focused on constructive uplifting work, avoiding especially the 8 o’clock daily soap opera that’s especially ?, being protective of oneself from external negative contamination cos hatred and general negativity may abound.

            As we know of these things beforehand, we won’t be lost like many, we may use the energies to the betterment of ourselves and the world.

    2. My mother had Mars in Cancer. Whenever we would visit, she could talk for hours about where we could go out to eat! She had nearly all water planets, most in Cancer.

      My Mars in Libra in 8th- handled other people’s money in auction business. Was honest and caring. Always a good thing one can do with energy!

  33. What about all the Capricorn stellium people born 1989-90? Is there any specific advice for them, or should they also look at house placement?
    I’m Pisces born 1978 with Capricorn in house 1, but I have many people around me from this particular group. Thank you!

    1. You are right. This needs to be addressed. I call your group the “mega Capricorns” and have written about you for 20 years!!

      I will get something together on this… thanks. Meantime, search this blog. I know of you. 😉

  34. thank you for your work elsa and great to read all the comments. i will be having my second saturn return when saturn and pluto are conjunct. nice to have pluto there as mr. why dont i just make things a bit more intense. thanks dude. it also involves a conjunction to my m/c. but wait thats not all! at the same time it sextiles my sun, scorp and moon, pisces, and inconjuncts my north node, leo. my goal is to be the lump of coal that gets crushed into a diamond, my fear is that i will just be crushed…..

    1. Sounds like a dynamite Saturn return-and I mean that in a GOOD way.

      You could be very lucky in this……but sometimes luck doesn’t show itself clearly at first (in my experience)

      Hoping for the diamond(s) for you.
      Not literally diamonds but clear, beautiful, valuable results.

      1. thank you paula, that is a inspiring vision: clear, beautiful, valuable results. i would wish that for everyone! although…..a girls best friend would not be rejected. 🙂

  35. My ascendant is in Capricorn, 22 degrees. The conjunction Saturn+Pluto may happen exactly over my ascendant. I am afraid. No idea what is waiting for me there, but I will share some notes. My natal Pluto is in Libra, 23 degrees (MC in Libra on the 16th degree). I ended an study cycle in late 2018. January and February I was looking for a job, with no idea about what would be happening to me. I had no money at all. I went to a 10 days Vipassana retreat and I spend lots of time there suffering in silence, trying to realize everything passes, everything will change. At that time, I was in love with a guy I am not being able to be with, but not being able to broke with neither. Yeap, one year of this complicated “relationship” coming soon and tones of resistance and learning related to that (I do acknowledge my descendant in 22 degrees of cancer sign, and eclipses are coming on my way). In February I got a job in a different town and BOOM! I honored my natal sun, mars and Venus conjunction in Aries, leaving everything (once again) behind to re-begin my life again in another environment. New city, new job, new challenges, no friends, no family (as I immigrate to another country, leaving all my belongings, family and everything behind in 2015), just me and my courage to look forward. But I do confess I am not feeling connected. I have being trying hard do let it flow, no resistance, no attachment. I feel tired of fighting. I feel sensitive. I feel lonely as hell and a bit hopeless. This Pluto and Saturn on my 12th house may probably being responsible to put my anxiety in a level never before experienced. Worst then a Saturn return. It is like if Saturn asks me what I have being doing with my life all of this time and Pluto just explodes de sense, hitting my legs and putting myself on my knees in face of myself and everything I’ve being fighting for. I surrender without having an idea of what’s to come. But I do have the impression that if it is like if I fought and I did all in vain, cause as a matter of fact I am 38 in a place I do not feel home, with no partner, no kids, no family, no friends… But I have a job, I am in good health, I am being resilient and trying to keep on with my hope. Hope and cope! Elsa, I was reading your post and in my case I have being gaining weight (10 kilos since last year). Oh, I noticed some changes in my self-stem too. It’s being more difficult to love myself and be proud of my realizations. Hope theses sharing will help other ascendants in Capricorn to track this transit effects too. Thank you very much for this amazing forum !

    1. i feel where you are coming from. Asc 29 Cap with Uranus 22 cancer. All my life stress and being prone to nerve issues have been my battle.

      Our move to being by a bayou has been soothing.

      I just ordered Bergamot essential oil. I bought a book on essential oils before we moved and it mentions putting Bergamot Oil on a tissue and inhaling it (a few drops) can help with anxiety and stress. I’m trying to alleviate this myself through other methods but was surprised to read about Bergamot. I think I will try it.

      What I bought is a beginners guide and I have enjoyed learning more about it.

      Fingers crossed our Capricorn rising helps us endure and climb our personal mountains.

      1. Hi Paula
        Stress can come from many directions but I wanted to share with you that I’ve reduced my stress levels significantly by changing the way I eat slightly.

        I do intermittent fasting (eating from noon to 8pm and not eating anything from 8pm to noon the next day). It lowers insulin which is linked to cortisol and stress hormones (insulin seems to be linked to most hormones and the adrenals one way or another).

        I started intermittent fasting (IF) to lose weight but the stress reduction is very noticeable.

        You can search re are loads of websites. If you have a health condition check if you can fast before going ahead.

        1. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

          I seem to do better when I consume what would seem to most to be an excess of B vitamins.

          This last move has been stressful. I’m still recovering and unpacking.

            1. Update. Asc 29 Capricorn.
              Going on for eye surgery probably in August or later if covid keeps interfering. Cataracts all of a sudden got way worse and are now significant enough to need surgery. Might not be huge big deal but hoping for no complications.

    2. My Ascendant is in 21 Capricorn and my Moon in 17 Cancer, so I had years of Pluto opposing my Moon and it sucks. But when Pluto approached 19 Capricorn, coming closer to my Ascendant things started to get better. Change came for better and I am asking for more of it.
      Pluto conjunct your Ascendant give you power. But if you are stil suffering, maybe you are giving you power to others.
      Let life be, meditate, conect with yourself inside, and the healing will begin.

    3. Hey Kailun, I have the same ascendant degree more or less. And I too feel like one alone. By my own hand. I have cut from family and gone very much within. I cry a lot over, basically, shite that is not deserving of my tears but its the early stuff that is triggering me through current situations and making those situations far greater in impact than they would have been. Its good to be done with my family and gives me a measure of peace to stretch out in but I still hang on like a loony to current, unfulfilling situations. Its a kind of fear of there being nothing to replace it and an addiction to strong, heavy feelings that keeps me binding myself there. I just did a weekend of Clowning/Transformation Tarot Theatre stuff and I pulled the Devil Card. Chains, Obsession, Shallow parodies of deep feelings. It was great, strong, risky play. I came back and cried myself silly for a few days. But here’s the thing. I actually don’t know why the tears anymore. The feeling seems to arise out of boredom. Like a familiar place to go to have something happening. And it is accompanied by a fear of action, so I go into inaction, then tears, then fear etc. You see the cycle? The tears get less real, less attached to anything in the 3D as I onion skin back to an infant state of feeling in the face of a growing up I never saw role models of or experienced as an ease. I get that I am feeling things my family (And other animals) suppressed as they went into distorted grown up behaviour, bypassing emotional truthfulness and vulnerability. And of course as a wee one I suffered the fallout of this and then replicated it in adult life. On the other hand there is, arising in me that power of FUCK YOU which I watch with interest and I see myself calling out bullshit in people around me and myself, not a great friend maker but its clear and I am attempting to temper it with some benevolence. I notice I weep and get enraged when I thwart myself by feeling helpless and not acting on something that I feel needs to be done. And I get pissed off at all the time this consumes. But looking back to last year and the year before with the 12th house Pluto I am glad to be done with that and settling the devastation in, slowly. I am rebuilding my life, studying sub aqua with an intention to dive again and the spiritual trainings as well. But it is slow progress and I am in solitude much of the time, then breaking out in workshop spaces as this powerful hired god/devil archetype in a place of total freedom. Its a wild ride and I have Pluto in the first now for 30 more years. Thanks for your information about your journey. It prompted me to add my own and in doing so I see a little more of it. Ho Pluto X

  36. Well,my Saturn is in Cap. At 0 degrees 30’ in the 6th house
    My Pluto, whose retrograde in Virgo
    At 3 degrees 55’ is in the third house
    My Capricorn in the 7th house at 15 degrees 48’,and my Virgo in the 4th house. At 25degrees .01’
    Any takers?
    I will be in a class 1/11 ,and 1/13
    Starting my last piece to finish as
    An appraiser, before State exam
    But good news for me, I believe I
    Am just in receipt of last course passing which gives this near 61 year old to finish her college degree qualifying me to take State exam
    Yay! Hoping to have sane home
    Life and work but seems when
    Things going good someone drops a house on me, perhaps snowstorm
    Will hit?tis the season

  37. Would you say that people should have an idea what is coming just by looking at 2018-2019? Pluto is a slow moving planet and Saturn is a planner unlike Uranus that surprises us. So, I wonder if a lot of us have some ambiguity in our life that will propel us in a direction for this “next chapter” in life, and this Saturn in Pluto conjunct will bring us to reality about which way things will be going forward. But, the only reason their has been ambiguity up until now is fear, and we I’ll have run out of time to fear. It’s just right in our face.

    I’ve had a very stable life the last 12 years, and I’ve seen my life turn way upside down like I’m being thrown on a different path. I’m making choices where I have the ability to, but the big choices are being made for my as huge losses I never saw coming. I think Pluto/Saturn will cement these changes so I won’t waste energy hoping for a different outcome. I’ve got all this going on in my 11th house. It doesn’t aspect any of my planets, but I do have Pluto/Venus/Saturn conjunct in my 8th. Uranus has been opposing it. I feel like this is the big moment in my life where I will be experiencing what my Scorpio stellium is all about.

  38. Hi Elsa
    Are there any upsides to having the conjunction in the 4th house, like some of the other houses have? Is it really all doom and gloom in the forth – and would you be able to explain why the conjunction in the 4th is so bad compared to the other signs?

    1. Saturn is not friendly to the 4th house. It’s heavy. It’s a burden. It’s associated with depression.

      Upside? Try deep, loyal commitment to family.

      1. Thanks Elsa
        I don’t have any family except a husband.
        They’re all dead or estranged – since my childhood. The conjunction is in my 4th as you may have guessed! The two planets have been on my IC for years – opposite my moon in cancer.

        I guess it’s going to be more of the same; mum died, husband had a stroke (he’s back to normal though) and gradually all my friends have faded away.

        So, I’ll have no support at all☹️

  39. I got stellium with saturn pluto conjunction in the 10th house with my natal mercury conjunct my natal sun of ♒ and Jupiter and venus and the saturn pluto conjunction also ends on my birthday 1/31/21!!

  40. 10th House, this transit also lands on my natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction.
    Didn’t lie, didn’t cheat. I’m simple inept, yet somehow people always mistake me for something else (Neptune being conjunct with my MC).
    This will shatter the existing illusion for me I guess? The transit is already happening for me. I have just been in a breakup, and just a couple of days ago, my boss pulled me aside, had an honest talk in which he (correctly) pointed out my flaws and (sincerely) advised me to reconsider my career choice (my boss happened to be a Capricorn too, and a good boss). It hit me at the core, as I had been having the same thought for a long time.. I worked at a law firm but I have never felt that I will fit in the profession; I can analyze (AC in Aries, Mars in Virgo and packed 8th house), but I simply do not have the mind to process the information (no Air, Sun/Mercury 0 degree conjunction in 8th house).
    Honestly, I have been stuck with depression for so long I cannot remember exactly when it started, and it left me devoid of any motivation. Future will be uncertain for me, as I do not know what I’m going to do upon quitting my job…

  41. I got a Grand Earth Trine Midheaven 10th house Capricorn Cardinal sign on apex, Chiron Taurus 1st house Fixed sign Left side and right side 6th house Virgo Mutable sign with Mars,Jupiter, Lilith and Saturn 26°, Pluto 8th house ♏ and Neptune 9th house ♐.. Mercury conjunct Natal ? ♒ opposition full ? in ♌..

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