Internet Trolls, Ted Bundy, Exhibitionists, Narcissists, Stalkers, The Usual Suspects

This is my response to Lunalie from the message board on the thread: Behind The Scenes @ ElsaElsa :

She quotes me:

“I know there are a lot of people who fear this but my tyrannical nature is way overblown. You may hear about this a lot but what you don’t know is there is actually very, very few people (2, maybe 3) who make trouble for me, they just have a f–k of a lot of screen names. ::smiles::”

Are you serious?

yes, this is a man behind the curtain situation and he uses women’s names.

Have they nothing to do in their lives?

This is their life, it is the life of an Internet troll

I just don’t get people who make it a point they pester the flick out of someone excessively like they’re on some kinda mission.

It actually has little to do with me… it’s a stalking thing. I am just a host. Matter of that I don’t even think they necessarily dislike me, sort of like one of those sociopaths who woos women for their money. He may or may not like them, it’s irrelevant, it is the money he’s after.

Why bring others down when you can pull yourself up?

In their psychology, they are up. They are winning the game they play outside the rules every time someone falls for them and people fall for them all the time. Not because they are stupid but because it’s unexpected.

If someone shows up on this board (or another astrologer’s blog) and calls themselves “Tammy” and has a sort of innocuous goofy persona, you are not going to think you know who you are dealing with, but you are really dealing with a vicious man wearing sheep’s clothing, see?

It is no different than the man who is seducing the rich women or Ted Bundy who intends to kill some poor girl. He does not show up brandishing a knife and looking threatening. No, he’s got crutches, see?

This is an old story. Little Red Riding Hood comes to mind. The wolf is dressed up as grandma! So when grandma shows up on another astrologer’s blogs, posts flattering comments for a month or two and then starts talking about how mean Elsa is, this is extremely effective. Don’t forget how much people like gossip!

I am chosen is I am smart enough to see what’s going on. Seriously. What fun is it to fuck with someone and have them not know it? Someone has to be in on the deal.

It’s like those dick flashers. I wrote about that guy in the pool with the see-through bathing suit. Someone posted a link on and I swear I got 1000 hits from that link. They just kept coming over to see if anyone else had remarked on their hobby.

Point here is these people don’t have to get a life – this is their life. I routinely get mails from various people about this troll who has popped up yet again in another guise. The person who mails me is also a host / being used but you can’t tell them because they think they’re dealing with Grandma, see?


24 thoughts on “Internet Trolls, Ted Bundy, Exhibitionists, Narcissists, Stalkers, The Usual Suspects”

  1. Thanks, Carrie, by God it ought to be excellent, I have decades worth of study on the subject. So much so, I’ve become bored with it.

    I mean, once a person is predictable / you know all the cards in their hand, wtf? Game over.

  2. Hmmmmmmm….mind fuckers….wonder what the astrology might be.

    Mercury with a stellium or peregrine in the 8th house, maybe in Scorpio or Sag?

  3. Loons what’s a peregrine?

    Elsa thanks for this explanation. It really helps someone like me. I especially like what you wrote in response to ‘why bring others down.’
    I often feel totally disinterested in thy whys of other people, specifically the bad whys (‘why did she hurt me like that’ or whatever). I feel like I can go further in life if I just try to see where I went wrong…where I slipped up. Where I entered the game, where I can duck out.

    I wonder if this is a Saturn in the 8th thing?? I don’t want to figure out why people are screwed. I’m just like, get a damn therapist! Therapy is seriously underrated. I feel like it got a super bad rep with Pluto in Sag…I dunno, too much confessional media?

    /rants over, sorry.

  4. Are you serious?

    yes, this is a man behind the curtain situation and he uses women’s names.

    I find this very, very creepy!!

  5. Monica, it is IS creepy but it exists in this world and it sure as hell exists in my world. Go check out the dick flash people. Their entire life is flashing. They are consumed with it and it’s really no different than what I do.

    I write this blog… it is what I DO. People troll the blog and that is what THEY DO.

    “You ought not to troll…”

    Telling someone like this something like that would get you hysterically laughed at.

    And the answer, “Who me, troll?”

    ::innocent face::

    if you catch them they like even better because they know you can’t stop them and they do like an audience. Why do you think they are here? It is no me – it is YOU, the audience that draws them.

    IN whatever case, there is no stopping them. They are good at what they do and are ALWAYS going to be able to trick someone. Snag!

    If you want to avoid them look out for “new best friends”, ya know? And around here is is “new best friends who want to talk about Elsa…”

    They have a way of making common sense go right out the window and once it does, the tricked person is loathe to see reality because if they do, they have to face the fact they’re been snagged. Fleeced!

    People are more likely to embrace the unreality and make me the culprit over the having it come to their consciousness they’ve been bull-shitted.

  6. They’re looking for attention. I just ignore them, ’cause when they’re not getting attention, they stop and move on. 😀

  7. Kash, my understanding of peregrine is that the planet has no major aspects to or from any other planet (by major aspect I mean square, opp, conj, trine or sextile). So it is kind of sitting out there with a lone ranger. Some astrologers say that a planet like that can “run away with the chart.” Jeremy Neil talks about peregrine on his blog, ‘Chirotic journal.’ So that is my definition of peregrine. There are definitely other definitions tho!

  8. typo correction: not “with a long ranger” but “like a lone ranger” Obviously by this definition, the planet is not only alone in it’s house, it is totally unaspected by anything.

  9. I’m no expert in peregrine but I remember reading a diff definition having to do with degrees (of a planet in a sign) in other words and I’m making up — mars is peregrine when at 5 degrees cancer. That’s the formula but I don’t recall if it’s positive or negative

    What you describe reminds me of definiton of “singleton” – which perhaps is different

    But I could be wrong! Just remembering from some reading

    Anyone else?

  10. moonpluto, like I said, there are all kinds of definitions (although I have never heard yours). Be that as it may, I wanted to make it known specifically what I was talking about when I made my original comment. What I am talking about does not remind me at all of singleton which I consider a totally different astrological concept and irrelevant to this conversation as to the point I was trying to make.

  11. I responded to your comment moonpluto. Hope it will get pulled out of the spam file when Elsa has the time. Otherwise, I will re-write it.

  12. Thanks for the explanation, Elsa. 🙂

    So basically, these stalking types – their personality is predatorial, right? They fill up on the reactions of their prey and this sustains them?

    “Therapy is seriously underrated. I feel like it got a super bad rep with Pluto in Sag…I dunno, too much confessional media? ”

    There is a negative stigma towards therapy. Any moment you’re going through some sort of treatment that has to do with the mind, people assume that you’re immediately “whacko.”

    The culture I was raised in frowns up on therapy, thinking that this is only for “crazies.” It was hard for me to admit this for a long time, when really all I wanted was to heal.

    “They will never move on from this blog, I am too energetic.”

    This reminds me of a blog article you had posted sometime last month about Satori’s situation with regards to her ex’s mistress: the stalker who feeds off another person’s energy.

    I think I understand now.

  13. “Elsa:
    “They will never move on from this blog, I am too energetic.”

    This reminds me of a blog article you had posted sometime last month about Satori’s situation with regards to her ex’s mistress: the stalker who feeds off another person’s energy.

    I think I understand now.”

    Well I have been me for a very long time and I have paid attention / watched and noted patterns my entire life. By now I know how things are apt to play.

    Keep in mind my sister is on deck now, most of you know she is very keen. We are able to look at patterns and astrology over 40 years and things become known to you after this amount of time and observation.

  14. I can’t imagine as that is really not my idea of fun.

    cool that you took that discussion re: peregrine to the board Satori. You! Smart!

  15. ‘Who am I going to pick?’

    A damn newb who’ll never find me again!!!

    The new agers might be onto something and you could take me out one arm behind your back and blindfolded.

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