Gracious & Positive

VSM writes:

“Elsa is by far one of the best astrologers I have ever come across. She has an amazing ability to cut through all the multitude of things going on in your chart to get right at the crux of this matter. She uses easy to understand language – not what I call “astro-babble” – and always has perfect analogies that really help drive home the issue or the message. Elsa delivers even hard to hear messages in a gracious and positive way. She is very committed to answering your questions and being helpful – not just giving platitudes or offering cliches. Her readings are very personalized. I am grateful to have found her!”

Thanks, VSM!

9 thoughts on “Gracious & Positive”

  1. I agree. I’ve only had one consultation with Elsa years ago but a lot stuck with me. It was really insightful. She was able to give me a lot of information (a lot!) in a short period of time. I also thought it was cool that she recorded it for my records and sent it to me so I could refer back to it.

  2. And I also agree! I love your newsletters and column–cannot tell you how many times your wise insights have helped me! Thank you!

  3. I wanted to point out the tip jar as well. You can make a one time donation or you can set up a monthly payment in the amount of your choice. Elsa produces A LOT of really informative content here for free. And she also provides a great peaceful forum for free where people can discuss all kinds of things about life.

  4. Definitely! Couldn’t agree more….In fact, I am writing a request for help this week. Always, helpful, insightful and thought provoking responses from Elsa….and after all, it is we who must act on our concerns so insight makes a huge difference : )

  5. So glad you’re getting this recognition and support, Elsa! Elsa’s insights have been solid and made me take off the blinders. Great work.

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