Halloween 2024 – Trick Or Treat! Intense Fright & Flow

Halloween vampireHalloween  night, 2024, looks a fright!

The moon in Scorpio will square Mars in Cancer (detriment) and Pluto in Capricorn. Got that? Mars Pluto? Moon Mars? Moon Pluto.  I want to say, I would sit this out but I’d be a lying dog. There is more going on here.

There will also be a Grand Trine in Water. Mercury in Scorpio, trine Mars in Cancer, trine Neptune in Scorpio.   If I were even remotely young, there is no way I would stay home for this. I’d be to curious for one thing. I’d want to feel it. I would want to experience it firsthand.

Now I’m a Mars-y 8th house person. You may feel differently and if you do, you’re quite smart.  I saw this chart, looking for a travel date for a gal going overseas. I told her avoid it.  But if you’re into edgy stuff, if you like to feel your blood pumping, if you like to encounter powerful energy and such, I’d get out there and mix it up.

If you do go out there, pay mind your feelings. This is spider senses territory.  You get the wrong vibe, you’re out!

Also note, the sun will also be in Scorpio. There is a new moon in the sign around 8 am the next day.

Every Scorpio in the womb, right now, wants this chart.  See it here.

Are you up for this?  Or no way, no how?


17 thoughts on “Halloween 2024 – Trick Or Treat! Intense Fright & Flow”

  1. Before you even said anything, I was like “this is going to be the most lit Halloween ever” lol! It’s a lot but it has potential to be really satisfying. I think if you surround yourself with good people, you’ll have a good time. And if they’re not as good as they seem, and you’re paying attention, they’ll tip their hands.

  2. I don’t know.
    As long as I’ve been involved in/with astrology it seems the older I get the less significant it all is.
    I’m just not particularly ‘feeling’ any of it.
    My chart has been hit as hard as possible for the last 6yrs with a deeper emphasis on the last 4.
    Yet the more things change they absolutely stay the same.
    Just possibly colored differently.
    But there’s been no massive ups (yet transits have indicated it) nor no equal downs. Just mostly down n out. Zero. Nothing. Going or coming. Alone. No change. No hope for it regardless of planetary influences.
    I ask questions n can’t get answers so now I’m afraid to ask for fear of ppl not knowing what I’m talking about.
    I see this Halloween chart n just shrug my shoulders.
    I read daily forecasts in terms of transits which directly hit me and wonder if this is the day life will match this transit for good or challenging in any way.
    Always to no avail.
    I feel like I’m missing something or in a rocket ship of a body just hovering above it all but still in the midst – watching but not particularly involved.
    If I move to get involved I’m dismissed back to the rocket ship.
    No invites to join either.
    I’m alive tho and still doin all I can’t to stay well, eat better n workout.
    But that’s it. Surely there’s more considering how lively the sky is n has been

      1. Of course. And I do. It’s just seems to end up the same way.
        In fact I’m sure it’s within but it’s the ‘what’ which stymies.
        There was a time when all the transits occurred and things occurred accordingly regardless of my own actions.
        Personally I think this is all Neptunian.
        I’m a Venus guy (chart ruler n I have Taurus) and said Venus has been squared by Neptune for YEARS.
        Also I have Neptune in the 1st house which has been squared by Pluto equally as long.
        You’ve told me to be less concerned with Pluto for obvious reasons.
        But with Nep in the 1st house this all becomes more ‘personal’ to me.
        So Neptune natally and Neptune transit combined MAY be part of this banality

  3. Yeah.
    While not all Taurus there’s a preponderance of fixity (Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupe n Pluto) which I believe keeps me decently grounded.
    In fact it trines Venus (Gemini) n sextiles Pluto (Leo).
    I save the fantasies, delusions and mystery for dessert.
    I always do what must be done (life/living, tasks, commitments etc) before I indulge the Neptunian stuff.
    It’s like I eat all my vegetables (the rest of the chart) and then enjoy cake n ice cream (Neptune).
    But hell it hasn’t been a meal to devour in years!
    Can’t live on dessert alone. lol.

    1. I did not mean anything bad. It just seemed like you were asserting (1st) disillusionment (Neptune). It made me wonder if we don’t assert our first house and to be honest, I think we do.

      It’s not about how you feel inside, but about what you’re putting forth. “Identify” is trigger word, but again, it’s not intended in a negative way. This is pure, non-personal astrology.

      1. Gotcha.
        So this is a subconscious projection. I don’t know I look this way.
        Yeah. Lmaooo.
        I don’t.
        I almost don’t pay ‘me’ no mind in that way.
        Helps a lot

        1. I’m very sorry. I did not mean any harm. Perhaps I misunderstood you. I definitely do not mean to suggest you are subconsciously, projecting.

          There is a Venus, Mars, Neptune T-square active, right now. Perhaps we misunderstand each other. I really did not mean to write anything negative. I apologize.

          1. Elsa!
            I’m COOL!
            Everything you’re saying today is opening new interesting concepts up for me in ways which dont always resonate when I’m reading your stuff.
            This is a cold blooded Astro moment.
            Who’s on first personified.
            You’ve helped you just don’t know it

  4. All I can say is I’m a double Scorpio, Moon/Pluto conj, Mars in Scorpio conj Neptune and the last two years whenever the Moon is in Scorpio, I get into a very bad, dark and brooding mood and just want to hide in my bedroom. I don’t even have to know visually it’s in Scorpio-I can feel it first. Then I’ll check and yep! I do not look forward to this Moon but I do love Halloween! We have very competitive haunted house decorators in our neighborhood and they have gone to town on this already! We don’t indulge as we just don’t want to be bothered all night by car loads of kids and teens showing up in droves, so we light a pumpkin up inside on the table, turn out the lights and watch a movie. We do walk about a bit to see everything.

    PS I think I went on a date with that guy in the photo once or twice…lol (just kidding).

  5. Oh great! Transiting Mars will be in my 12th house opposite my Natal Saturn and t. Pluto is conjunct natal Saturn in my 6th:
    I was planning on going to listen to my favorite band playing in town but now I’m spooked …

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