How Do You Feel About Uranus Energy?

anomolyI miss the Mars Uranus conjunction. As far as outer planets go, I like Uranus energy. I understand the importance of the other transits, but things tend to pop when, Uranus,  is active. Big change, quickly has quite a bit of appeal, especially with Saturn in Pisces.  It’s hard to get traction? Uranus will pick you up and put you somewhere new in a split second.  You’re sitting there, thinking you’re bored, then it happens!

I think growing up with Aquarians is part of the reason I’m comfortable, going offroad, in order to arrive at what? My destiny?  An ability to detach is invaluable.  How else can you get a bird’s eye, view?  I’ve been detaching; you might even call it, “dissociating”, in order the evaluate my life, as if it’s a science experiment, which it probably is, on some level. It’s marvelously interesting to witness cause and effect and my personal favorite, the anomaly.  Leonard Cohen’s, high and wild card.

I think every single one of us is an anomaly, if only we would or could live, true to our design.  If you ever find a way to do that, Uranus, is bound to be involved.

Life needs surprises. Circumstances may need to be disrupted at times in your own best interest.  Maybe you take your gifts for granted and it has a bad affect on you over time.  Maybe you’re caught in a relationship, that’s slowly killing your spirt.  I’m not just talking about human relationships.  What if you’re bonded to a bad idea, the wrong idea or belief?  You lose years with things like this. It’s happened to me and I’m sure it’s happened to you as well.

How do you feel about Uranus energy? Where is Uranus transiting in your chart? What’s happening?

29 thoughts on “How Do You Feel About Uranus Energy?”

  1. For those of us who hate change and surprises, as they are generally not favorable to us, Uranus is not a favorite planet. I have a natal Sun/Uranus conjunction and speak from experience.

  2. Bar in the Sky

    Uranus has been a blessing. Uranus transiting 12th house. I quit drinking, quit smoking the funny stuff, quit my unconscious spending habits. (Unhealthy weak spots noticed and out) starting eating super healthy, working out 5x a week, tracking every penny coming in and going out- I have a major life goal to become financially stable. Spiritually- I am trying to really pay attention to my thoughts and how I react. Having more faith. Working on my creative outlets. Cooking ( really interested in food preservation) gardening, sewing and hairstyling techniques (my career/profession)

    1. Avatar


      12th here too. Kicker is that is transit to my sun. Lol.

      I have started exercising and i am refusing people with drama. I decided i am tired of being everyone’s rock and who everyone goes to for help.

      Never really drank and never done drugs or anything like that but am cutting back on the chocolate and unhealthy foods. But yeah, decided i was tired of being the help all the time. I want to be around interesting people who go and do interesting things. So turning towards the light as it were.

      1. Bar in the Sky

        I grow when I help without reacting. Not sure if there is such a thing as drama free. At least not in my case. It helps to recognize “emotionalism masquerading as righteousness” of yourself and when others show signs of it as well. It makes it easier to detect when it’s coming from anger, fear, anxiety, depression… etc. this stuff is real work. It’s hard and it requires patience and the constant reminder to have patience. Good luck my friend. From one 12th house to another!

        1. Love this! Will remember it… “ masquerading as righteousness”
          I also have Leo in the 12th so Uranus this year I’m starting to track

          Makes a huge difference to not do something because you think you ought to or what, will people think, it’s expected ? versus being truthful and realizing you don’t have to do that thing , it’s not a priority

          From now on everything is a maybe for me… And learning to say no and not go along for the ride so to speak

          Being mindful of my pontificating is also good to notice and release when I can

          Blessings everyone

  3. That question is for me – in fact I thought about it this morning in depth. Transiting Uranus in the 8th is currently opposing my Mars in Scorpio in the 2nd house. I LOVE surprises and I like challenge – I am at my best when challenged. I also like change… Venus opposing Uranus (5th to 10th) in my chart.
    I have mostly ‘pictured’ Uranus opposing Mars a a conflict of sorts, or unexpected stuff happening all of a sudden, good or bad. It has been conjunct everything in my chart and opposed Pluto, AC, Jupiter, Neptune and Moon and always – and I mean ALWAYS had a liberating, inspiring and energising effect. I don’t shy away from discomfort, if my leg would not hurt when I sit skew on it, that would be a fault and not a disease, right ?
    So, this morning I really felt the effect of Uranus on my Mars.. it is challenging my habitual way to ‘use my Mars’ and showing me alternatives. Again, not comfortable per se, but very valuable when I do not want to stay in a rut – and I don’t, hell no !
    Someone turned up on my doorstep that I was happy to have forgotten about. She floated niceties mixed with pity-me cries and I did indeed try many times in the last 12 years to ‘help’. You know when someone tells you ‘you are the one the only one, to help me’ it feels good for a few moments. But these feel-good moments are not worth what comes next, in this case for sure. I am a Scorpio Mars, I like to dig into people’s psyche and hold back with assumptions, I even provoke outbursts just to turn unconscious things into an experience. (My Leo daughter hates it but she acknowledges that it often works). My Mars wanted to dig again but Uranus closed the lid and said NO WAY. I think it is the first time I said no without a second thought and immediately felt the Uranian power of ‘It’s me, take it or leave it, I just don’t care.’
    Very specifically Uranus is shaking up my Marsian habits and come to think of it, the opposition to my Moon did the same. I like Uranus energy – both my kids are Aquarians and AQ is my 5th house containing my Venus and Chiron.

  4. Avatar

    I have uranus in 1st conjunct pluto, it’s on the cusp of my 7th, and my sun is in 11th. My hubs is Aquarius with stellium in 8th, so I think I like and attract that energy. Right now, uranus just into gemini 10th where I also have jupiter. I am hoping for big positive change in my career as a result of innovative inventive approach. I need this.

  5. I am Aqua Sun, Moon Venus, Aries rising. Didn’t know how this conjunction would effect me but I became devastatingly pissed of to a couple of people who took me for granted and I said NO. The truth came out that they viewed me as “crazy” and therefore irrelevant.
    These people are somehow connected to my ex husband (divorced 30 years ago) who still calls me ‘hatter’ ( from mad hatter) and realised it is his way of eliminating me from respect and validation. The truth came out.

      1. Thank you Elsa, weeks later I have come to realise – it may not be that bad – never could stand people who believe everything they are told.

  6. Uranus is transiting my 5th House, and just crossed my north node in Taurus. The creativity of a unique life of art-in-the-everyday has been lit by an unexpectedly horrendous arsonist attack on a local all-black farm near us.

    $250,000 worth of hydroponic growing equipment destroyed days before their scheduled opening day!

    We are part of the BIPOC support this farm needs to rebuild and expose the lies of racial discrimination hidden just below a seemingly fair and “nice” veneer.

    Uranus lit a fuse off that fire in me and my husband. We know about the “nice” veneer and Uranus just won’t be having any of it. I’m refocused and my purple tent and art will plant in more truly fertile grounds knowing what we know.

    Surprise!! You knew this now you c as put the bs on the seeds you’re planting with a dozen youth planting a dozen bean stalks!

    Remember that movie Milagro Bean Field? Miracle beans they were. They are!!🌱

      1. The farm’s originator has a gofundme project underway, $75,000 has been raised so far. I can email you the link if you like?

              1. Mika, thank you for your kind response. The process is underway, the healing will require change!

  7. Not a fan, as for me Uranus typically brings the ‘gain through crushing loss’ types of experiences where it can take a good while to see what the benefits were or are. I have learned to trust the process to a large extent at this point, which helps, but again – not a fan, going through it sure isn’t fun.

  8. Uranus is transiting my 12th house too, currently opposing my natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction 26/28* Scorpio. His Royal Quirkiness will retro on these degrees so I’m trying to stay alert.
    Like when the birds stop chirping and the wind picks up it might be a good idea to get off the golf course.

    Uranus has helped me disengage with long time energy vampire people, much to their surprise. Pulled the doormat right out from under their feet.

    The shake up of my finances hasn’t been easy but I’m finding unique ways to work around the fall out. For instance, I’m in the process of cleaning out two storage units of stuff I haven’t seen in five years. To sell or get rid of. Like I ‘d rather be proactive when I feel the minor earthquakes that prelude ‘The Big One’.

    I”m investing in an upgraded version of myself by doing a long overdue intense cleanse/detox. Already five days in. This should take about a month and will coincide with Mercury retro- I want my body back. After it’s done you don’t want to (physically can’t because it’ll make you ill) go back to eating crap because you worked so hard to get clean.

    Natally I have Sun square Uranus.
    Dare to march to the beat of a different drummer.

  9. I think too detachment is a gift, if it’s in a positive state, and doesn’t hurt anyone. But detachment of taking yourself out of the equation so you dont drown in sorrow and move on to the next field. You can’t hold on to air, i remember reading that in astrology and it’s fleeting, and maybe Uranus/Aquarius is like that despite the fixedity. You can’t contain lightning in a bottle, but there is always a pattern even in it’s unpredictable state. The predictability of the unpredictable. My husband likes to change up the garden and change the landscape every few years. Or maybe we move someday again. I get anxiety thinking of it. lol And he tells me, you hate change. You know he’s right. i do hate change. But i adapt easily after some time and once i’m comfortable, he wants to change up again. Well uranus is exalted in scorpio. There’s alot of truth in it.

    1. i.e. mutable dominant, so it helps i can adapt to change. >_< maybe that can help.
      but i so agree, life is full of surprises and we need them.

  10. Uranus has been all over my Sun, chart rules Mars and my 1st-2nd houses for the last few years.

    My apperance of course changed drastically. I dyed my hair crazy colors for the last 7 years and got 7 tattoos over a span of 3 years.

    I also started a new career, lost a lot of jobs, moved 3 times in 4 years and now have a job with wildly varying hours. My husband wants me to quit for “steady income”, but I have a feeling this will pass. Jupiter square Saturn.

    1. Yes I feel you about the steady income issue. Uranus has been in my 10H since 2015 and Pluto in my 6H since 2008. It has been a struggle to have a steady source of income, constantly changing jobs sometimes not having at all.. I thank Jupiter for giving me a helping hand when I needed!

  11. Well, this is timely for me as transit Uranus in my Taurus 8th house is just this month beginning a long square to my 11th house Leo Sun and, right after that ends, it will square my 0 degree Pluto in Virgo. Final square too. I have no idea what to expect – if one can ever expect anything with Uranus but I’m not terribly thrilled with the prospects. And Saturn is currently in my Pisces 6th house and just beginning a long square to my Gemini natal Moon. Saturn in my 6th made me break up with alcohol, so far. Not that I have alcohol issues but I did enjoy a nice red wine or nice cold beer but, mostly, it was the culture attached to it. Anyway, Saturn brought all of that to a screeching halt and I’m dreading if he casts his baleful eye to my tobacco habit. It’s my last vice and I want to keep it. lol.

  12. synchronicity — I was just thinking about Uranus in my chart
    I was thinking about the Cancerian propensity to take care of others, make them comfortable
    But I have Uranus in Cancer (in my 7th) — so not so comforting

  13. I am a Taurus sun with a Taurus stellium in 10H. Uranus first hit my Aries mc back in 2015. I have mixed feelings about the energy of uranus. On one hand I feel so greatful for the feeling of freedom that brought into my life the epiphany I experienced when it hit my sun that opened my eyes to see what was really happening to me. On the other hand sometimes I really can’t handle the chaos that brought all those changes and shift of mind, the instability, the unpredictability I am trying to take a different course in life but uranus says no! The transit isn’t over yet as it is going retrograde soon, maybe when it leaves Taurus I will be able to follow that authentic life it was meant to be for me

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