How To Handle The Full Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto

capricorn goat vintage mountainThe full moon in Capricorn will take place in the early morning on July 21st at 29 degrees.  The moon will conjoin Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. Pluto is retrograde; the moon is moving forward. These two are waiting to connect. The exact conjunction will take place less than three hours later, so let’s think about that.

I’m guessing the affect of this full moon will be sustained, for good or ill. If you’re feeling good and empowered under the full moon, you may feel even better as the day goes on. Further, I would plan for this… as opposed to feeling you’re going to be on the floor, dying in pain and horror. While the latter could happen, the odds are VERY low.   If you try this my way, you may just break out in ways you can’t even imagine.  Use the energy, see?

Moon Pluto opposes the sun of course… possible ego on steroids, even in Capricorn.  Person thinks they’re the boss of all!  But this is complicated by Chiron in Aries, which I expect to cause problems, though there is a workaround.

The workaround involve taking charge.  This a Cardinal T-square.   Don’t you want to be control?  Channel the high side of all of this this…. it’s possible to be courageous (Aries), have boundaries (Capricorn) and be nurturing (moon, Cancer), even if you’re not perfect (Chiron). You can shine (Sun) and be surprisingly empowered (Pluto in Aquarius).

Keep in mind, we’ve got Saturn in Pisces, disabling people with fear. The last thing you want to do is feed that.

To address the concerns people have with this, yes, there will be more death, but this is true of full moons in general.  Keep in mind, Pluto is associated with death but also healing and superhuman feats!  This T-square describes a powerful person, with stamina, who can handle emotion… but only if you personally opt to take the reins.  If you pawn this energy off on someone else, then you’re looking a megalomaniac control freak, doing God knows what. No thank you!

You can expect to witness (or participate) in power struggles. Some will become deeply depressed. If you have any choice at all, I would try to avoid, falling in. I realize some may not have the option.  But most?

Most are like me.   I can work with this, if I choose to.  So can you. You’ve just got to be the “executive” for a couple of days.  So what? You might really like it.

I say that, because it feels good to hold your ground when so many are hysterical. This also puts you in a position,  you can help others, even if it’s simply by setting an example.

I note that Mars at 0 Gemini trines the moon and Pluto.  This thing can be handled by an individual. I think a lot of us are going to be called up under this full moon. If this is you, do yourself and other a favor – show up, with your spine straight and do the job.*

*As an example, one of my friend’s sister just lost her husband this morning – lifelong marriage.  He is traveling to be with her in the overwhelm. Someone need to be ready to deploy! Let that be you, if at all possible.

How do you feel about this full moon?

26 thoughts on “How To Handle The Full Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto”

  1. I haven’t been inspired to make things, for market ,for a few years. I was blessed thru my partner ‘s inheritance- I guess. I have some dependence issues. Either way, this month, I loaded up fabric from a retired seamstress. I inherited a beautiful treadle sewing machine and I got it working. Ya know. I ‘m remembering the skills I have are important. Feels good to drudge up the familiar. I can produce material goods and present an alternative. If I revert back to be 24/7 called to action, I’m never in charge – which has lagged on my spark. So that’s me here. My progressed Sun is 2 Leo currently. Great thoughts as always.

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    I am tired of being the steady one, the calm one, the one who solves the problems. Just tired.

    I know taurus are good for being steady as she goes and a rock when things get unsteady. But I really just need some rest, some peace, yanno?

    1. Fellow taurus girl here, also tired of always keeping the peace and calm at work, in family and friends. so drained.

  3. I hope to be inspired in my home. The full moon trines Jupiter 1° in Libra trines 0° Gemini IC. Plus, Pluto is transiting over Lot of Spirit Aquarius 1°.

  4. At Mudlikesubstance, I hear you and so with you on this. Taurus in late degrees and just need a respite or to know I have a place where respite can happen… eventually. Mars Uranus ushered in my mom having a sudden attack of some sort that ended up in the hospital. She’s home but all of it is a mystery and she’s still struggling with symptoms. I’m having to tiptoe around it cause my Dad who is almost 90 still acts like my support is a threat to their independence. Superfun. Uranus is definitely not feeling freeing at the moment. More like revealing just how caged I am. It’s over my Sun Saturn conjunction. I am exhausted by life right now and I’m literally NEVER tired of life. Not sure how the Capricorn Moon Pluto conjunction can help but maybe it’ll provide me with a swift kick in the pants or at least a plan to move forward with. That’s how I’m gonna chose to see it. A get out of jail card or a get out of jail card plan. Things will get better! Hope you can catch a break soon. ✊

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      Oofff. Dealing with elderly family is a thing! So much tiptoeing. Have similar with some of my family, they need to be in supportive care but mental decline makes that hard for them to see and then of course previous relationship dynamics don’t help.

    2. Oh my you just described with the right words how Uranus feels like for us Taureans.. I am an early degrees Taurus sun with a Taurus stellium and it definitely feels more than pointing how stuck i am in life rather than liberating me and giving me that much needed epiphany to move on! But then again Uranus is in Taurus, slow and steady in everything..

  5. Well,this sure does meet up with my own Cardinal T square including Cancer Capricorn and Libra. AND there is enough going on in my family all the time these days (health wise mostly) that I COULD simper away in fear of “what’s gonna happen..” But I refuse.

    I have been on a journey to reboot my diet and exericse,finally saw a Physical therapist to fix a long standing issue, the sessions are WEARING ME OUT but working..I went shopping and am doing a “makeover” of my wardrobe (Pisces rising,I gotta have pretty clothes at all times..) So I will use this energy as a “MAKEOVER”. a “new chance..” “new choices..”

    I have been struggling with STAMINA, and am trying to just accept the reality that 71 is not 61 or 51..and adjusting accordingly, gracefully!A bout of covid last summer caused some lingering fatigue but I think I am working my way out of it…

    I could be frightened for the future of my country, but instead,I will review principles of karma, the book “The Fourth Turning” (everything happens in cycles) and pray meditate, and vote instead of getting all riled up.I don’t need ANGER to be motivated.. I can act without having my emotions trampled,thank you.

    Over all i figure what ever comes up, well,I am probably good.Since 2020, I have faced challenges of a large scale that have been life defining, and I am still
    standing ; thriving,even.

    I appreciate your take on things these past months,Elsa. We must stand straight and just DO IT.. face it, accept the work. That’s my choice!

    1. I hear ya..pisces rising ..28 degress..nothing like a bewildering neptune cha cha cha my cardinal t square again..enough already..sun 18 cap uranus oppose uranus cancer..t square my stellium libra..moon neptune saturn conjunct..I’m really feeling the chriron transit! Prayin I can stay strong enough to reach resolutions on all these lingering “problems” always been a fighter but with saturn neptune 12th I’ve grown weary and confused..need a new inspiration. .the drudgery involved with all the conquering I have done since wonder I’m tired..not used to feelin is helpng…friends are’re chart like mine a bit?

  6. Avatar
    Anna Risingssign

    Phew…… What shall I say??? Hoping that this is the
    get out of jail free card. Literally thought I was over with
    Pluto opposing my moon @ 27 Cancer!! As I realized a
    few days ago that this Capricorn full moon conjunct Pluto is still
    very close, too close for my liking nowadays,
    enough to oppose my moon with full force… I was shocked first off.
    But now I know this is THE END. And I am happy. This is the
    big ending of Pluto in my 7th house and unexpectedly
    opposing my moon for the 6th hit!. Any thoughts, ideas etc..

  7. No feelings about it, yet.

    My Mercury is 29deg in Capricorn. My ASC is 26deg Cancer. I also have Pluto in Scorpio at 2deg, and a 5deg Taurus Moon.

    I’m always wanting a challenge. I like boundaries & have learned to be far more emotionally available to myself and others (within reason…Venus Cap).

  8. This full moon is just 3 degrees opposite my ascendant that receives a trine from neptune from pisces.. it could have been a very challenging one but i feel Neptune has my back

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      Anna Risingssign

      Hello Sofie, thank you. I had forgotten about Neptune @ 29 Pisces,
      in trine to my moon x. Was too shell shocked first off. Now I am
      smiling. Happy full moon.

      1. I feel Neptune trines by transit to any personal planet and especially moon is spiritual protection. The universe has your back. My Scorpio moon was trined a couple of years ago by Neptune and it was so powerful I wish I had that transit again. I am not too worried about this full moon as Pluto and Neptune are on a sextile. There are other planetary aspects that will hit much harder in the next few weeks and Uranus is still in Taurus..

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    Kelly Thompson

    We will be driving to the Colo mountains for a week vacation in a Crested Butte that morning. This makes me a tad nervous.

  10. Avatar
    Kelly Thompson

    That full moon will be exact transit to my 28 degree Cap Chiron in first house opp 21 Cancer Uranus in 7th
    with transit Aries Chiron 23 in 4th.
    Should I postpone trip?

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        Kelly Thompson

        Thank you! Yes, today I almost hit a car and then a pedestrian, both due to the car stopping suddenly and the pedestrian blindly running in from of my car. If I hadn’t been mindful, going slow, and cautious I’m sure I would have hit them.

  11. Well, this is all over me! Close anyway: (Cap stellium) 0 Mars, 23 sun, 24 ascendant, 0 Leo moon. So chiron square will grind over the stellium. Mom is suffering mets. cancer with painful treatment. I have plenty to heal so here goes.

    I have been having heart symptoms , no insurance, and working my ass off to get insurance in January.
    Of course I will qualify for medicare in January too. cutting back caffeine helps. Slowing my heartrate with herbs, Geez. One day at a time.

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