How’s Your Medical Care Going These Days?

MedicalThis is something I posted in the forum. I think it’s worth discussing this so I’m posting it here so more will see it.

Medical? It’s such a complicated situation. While in this situation, your doctor was definitely wrong, in general, I feel sorry for good, feeling people who work in the medical field at this time.

Waves of people with mysterious maladies, from unknown causes.  Did the shots cause all this heart stuff?  Maybe.  So if the docs gave shots and recommended them, not only are they complicit, they profited. I’d hate to have to live with that. You made your patient sick for life and/or killed them? I’d hate to have to grapple with this.

Then you have the patients who can only hear certain things… can’t or won’t handle, truth. Many, many, many have cognitive and/or emotional issues.  I think of my doctor seeing a flood of people all day, every day. 20 minutes, max, to crack the case… no astro chart (lol).  We are being failed by the medical system and exploited and many other things.

Case in point, there are two large ortho practices here, with dozens of doctors.  God help you, if you go to the wrong one. I’d know.  You are a chunk of cash, and you are milked for all you’re worth, by one.  The other treats patients properly.

clawWhat kills me, is they won’t talk to you about diet and vitamins, minerals.. I’m sorry but please note this:  I used to have my hands, stiffen, all of the sudden, in a spasm.  One or sometimes both hands, would freeze into a claw. I could move them at all. It was stunning. I had to just stand there until the relaxed on their own.  It would be quite some time… like more than 90 seconds… my hand would become completely unmovable.  Brain stuff, right? Like a brain glitch. This is what it felt like.  It was extremely disorienting. Like I am taking something out of the oven, but can’t because my hand froze into a claw, for no reason I can discern. Plus it was painful and every time it happened, I had no idea when or if it would release!

Now imagine all the testing to diagnose this.  Neurologist. Brain MRI. Testing. STRESS! I’m talking about the stress of all the appointments…that lead nowhere!

Instead, my rheumatologist told me to try some magnesium, which I did, that same evening.  It resolved this within 48 hours.

Those two options are the same as what I get at the ortho practices.  Get abused and run around all over hell for every scan known to man? Or visit the other practice, for the common sense cure, which I feel doctors should know, immediately!

See, I am a practitioner and I have been for a long time.  When you come to me, I almost always know what is happening. I have a conversation with the person and it’s done.

What if I said I wasn’t sure what the problem was, and the person should schedule four appointments and buy some reports, so I can be sure… I can then pretend to have figured it out at a later date.  Maximize profit. It’s a business, right?

Yes, it’s a business, but my primary goal is to help people. Further, I treat people the way I like to be treated. I don’t waste a person’s time or money.

I think it’s the same with medical. You have to find good people and then stick with them when your find they’re human (in other words, not perfect).  I’m saying the perfect doctor in my eyes, is the one who is legitimately trying to help me and tapping their knowledge and experience so to get this done as intelligently and efficiently as possible.

There are definitely good medical people. I’m at a point where I am very direct with my doctor. I no longer expect him to automatically treat me they way I’d like.  I’m talking about inviting him to be candid, basically.  I can handle the truth! I also let him know things about me personally, that may not be true for his other patients. I DON’T WANT DRUGS!

How are you dealing with modern medicine?

44 thoughts on “How’s Your Medical Care Going These Days?”

  1. Mercury rules my 12th house so now obviously I’m dealing with a LOT of medical at age 72.
    I know a lot about traditional medicine and also alternative medicine and know I have options as does my husband, a double Gemini. Can’t say that’s true for most people I talk to, but I do press upon people that they need to educate themselves and take a vested interest in their own health and not expect a medical miracle with no effort on their part.
    If the Orange Genius says to consider injecting bleach, maybe look into the effects of bleach on your insides before you get out a syringe!
    With so many politicians promoting fear and loathing, one must be on guard for BS! Speak up!
    And you’re so right about magnesium! I can stop a visual migraine with a teaspoon of mag citrate in a glass of water. I no longer take a drug for that!
    It kills me when I hear about how the elites are killing us. Victimization is now acceptable and assumed state of being! Don’t buy the BS!

  2. We need to be treated Holistically. Some docs don’t care to do anything more than band-aid. Example: I know someone who got repetitive infections and the doc just kept prescribing antibiotics rather than look for the root cause, and discuss the possibility of nutritional deficiencies.
    She finally got a good doctor who discovered she was vitamin/ mineral deficient. They smartly even tested for celiac disease. She addressed her deficiencies and has not needed gut bacterial destroyers (antibiotics ) since.

    Some docs are great, some are not. Possessing a care-factor should be a pre-requisite to enter this profession.

  3. I began diving into this in 2021. I really picked up steam on it when Uranus and Jupiter were transiting my 6H Taurus where my Moon and Mercury sit. My take on modern medicine has been completely transformed. I believe in terrain theory now. I want nothing to do with allopathic medicine. I have been studying hard to be able to doctor myself. I am so relieved to see you write about this. I have felt very taboo in my thoughts about medicine ever since (to my total shock) people weren’t freaked out by the experimental jab like I was. Thankfully in my search for like minded people I found more amazing information than I could have imagined.

  4. You may find this interesting. The article recommends doctors take a more multi- disciplinary / holistic approach towards understanding patients and their diseases and examines how & why covid has led to increases in heart problems of various types. I know everyone has their own experiences and judgement but it is just too easy and convenient to blame vaccines. Agreed they were flawed and not effective enough but not the primary cause of heart problems: infection is many times more likely to cause multi-systemic problems and most children have not been vaxxed in many countries.

  5. One book I just read brought up a historical account when the Bolsheviks starved 5 million , took farmland to install the Party. When the Party agriculturists proposed synthetic nitrogen fertilizers for the common good, they were shot, accused of sabotage. William Albrect in the 40’s was blacklisted from universities because he studied the mineral content in soils and was steadfast that soils can be replenished and balanced with minerals. Healthy soils make healthy food. I’m encouraged to continue my garden, cook whole foods, get plenty of sunshine. Yes, magnesium chloride soaks and sprays help me much.

  6. My mother is a nurse of 40+ years, and the stories I hear about what’s happening behind the scenes are terrifying. It’s like we patients have know idea, put so much trust in the medical system, assume the professionals do right & wisely, but that’s not the case. Very dangerous stuff… nurses are treated like shit & doctors are often insufferable to work with.

    1. We’re gonna have to have robots take over because the shortage is understandable and real… which sadly puts so much more STRAIN on the nurses we do have… aka we might not have anymore.

      Same issue with teachers

      1. I should add… it’s all about greed and money of course. Hospitals (and sadly many many doctors) don’t give a shit.

        1. But a lot of them *do* give a shit. The job is becoming impossible for people like this. There’s not an easy fix. I’m saying, they have to feed their kids, just like everyone else. Or feed themselves, or pay for their inflated rent or mortgage or whatever.

          And the power has become more consolidated. I don’t think this trend has peaked in the least.

        1. They’re already recruiting nurses to work in tandem with AI, in other words, it’s basically away to steal humans’ knowledge because of how AI functions, its intelligence strengthens by self-correcting off of the human input over time.

          But doctors are overscheduling and allowing nurses fresh out of school w/ zero experience to do things like IV infusions, which is a specialty skill that can get very complicated, particularly because you don’t know if a patient will react. So of course patients are having allergic reactions while the office is overbooked… very very scary stuff. & Doctors allow for this shit it’s unreal.

    2. I agree about many ‘doctors are often insufferable to work with’ – not only to work with but be patients of.

      Two years ago, I started my search for an ortho surgeon to do my hip replacement. Saw 3 before I finally found ‘the one’ with the 4th. The first told me that it wasn’t my hip but it was my spine, even though I kept telling him it was my hip- he sent me to a spine surgeon (it actually WAS my hip that is bone on bone). The 2nd one (highly rated in the medical community) treated me like a child- was dismissive, ignored my concerns and questions, was told he is the expert, not me. The 3rd seemed ok (compared to the other two), but his m.o. was to schedule a meeting with ALL his patients for that month in the same room so the instructions and information didn’t have to be repeated – everyone got the same info at the same time. BUT, here is why I didn’t select him, or rather he didn’t want me – the first question asked at this meeting was “who will be your caretaker after the surgery – how many of you will have your husbands taking care of you?” There was a show of hands to which we got -“you are excused and I will not be performing your surgery – husbands’ are useless in caretaking and if you do not have another person available, I will not do your surgery and you are excused from the meeting!!!”

      Of course that set me on my search and I finally found a surgeon who listened to me, heard my concerns and questions, patiently answered all of them, has outstanding communications, cares about his patients AND has 5 star ratings!! Plus my neighbors down the street have used him for their surgeries and rave about him.

      So not only can doctors treat the nurses poorly, but the doctors can also treat their patients just as poorly.

  7. I’ve been learning and applying homeopathic potentised remedies for the last few years and have become a resource for my family and friends. Thus form of medicine is used as a primary medicine by doctors and laypeople in 65%+ of the world. But as the products use only natural resources that cannot be patented of course big pharma tries to keep it ramped down in the US. Check out homeopathy but use an alternate search engine to readily find information.

  8. At 59 1/2, just got health insurance for the first time. First agent pulled a bait-and-switch on the plan which I had to cancel then shop and enroll in a slightly more expensive but far better plan.

    Definitely agree that it’s proposterous that astrology has been eradicated completely from modern medical workups. They could introduce basic astrological courses in medical education. Then they could schedule patients for astrological consults with expert astrologers. There is definitely enough capital in the American medical system to go around.

    The other day, I was reading about the dangers of oxalates in the diet. Doctors
    know about these causing kidney stones, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. MDs and DOs are not really able to effectively test for oxalates and generally don’t consider where they might sequester in the body. However, this is definitely something to consider and arthritic symptoms are a side effect.

  9. Veterinarian care is the same thing. I’ve had many friends with pets who are likely near death, and the vet’s answer is to do at least a USD 1,500 worth of tests. They put the charge in their credit card and the poor pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

    1. I was spending 1K a year on heartworm meds. I bought a large bottle of ivermectin for $30. I expect it to last about four years.

      I’ve been using it for 18 months. Four healthy dogs and not a tick or flea, anywhere.

      1. Unless the temperature outside stays ABOVE 57F for AT LEAST TWO WEEKS, the conditions for the heartworm lifecycle inside a mosquito is not met. Therefore, most areas of the country only need heartworm preventative four months per year, if they even need it at all.

        1. Edit:. 4 days above 57F can produce viable heartworm in mosquitos and city microclimates can possibly produce dangerous heartworm carrying mosquitos, but still, I wouldnt give my pet dangerous chemicals all year in frigid winter conditions

      2. Yup! Also homeopathic nosodes work great. I give weekly when mosquitoes are active and test once a year for confirmation.

  10. Had the good fortune to work in an urban hospital psych unit (few years in late 70s). Experienced the metamorphosis of a Catholic hospital to a Corporate model and the variant inner workings of those systems(whose failures were not hidden). In our colleagues’ search for understanding this sea change, these two tomes, read during that time, confirmed our painful observations and encouraged compassion for each other in the process.
    Today, reading these books brings us ‘back to speed’ for enlightened discussion of
    our present sick care system.

    Free on

    “Confessions Of A Medical Heretic”
    by Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D.

    “The Medical Nemesis”
    by Ivan Ilitch

    This quote rings as true today as it did back then:
    “It’s not so much that we do not know, but
    what we will not do.” (unknown)

    We know our victimhood stops with us. When we change, the system will too, or merely dissolve. For now, yup, here’s what we’re still putting up with:

    no worries, it’s actually our first step in solutions…

  11. Everyone must take a proactive course towards directing their outcome in the health world. You can’t assume that your family doctor has you best interests at heart…far from it. Get as many copies of your medical records whenever possible. Never assume that the doctor(s) are smarter than you. Never assume anything in the medical field is legit!

  12. I think sometimes doctors are afraid to talk straight to people. I’ve been having to get cortisone shots in my ankles/feet every couple of months, which I hated having to do. At some point, I got the bright idea to lose weight and see if it would help the situation. 25 pounds later I’ve been able to completely stop the shots. I wish my podiatrist would have said something to me! It was such common sense, but you’re right – it’s a business.

    1. 12 years ago, in my late 40s, I had terrible shoulder pain in one shoulder for many months. As the pain subsided, the same pain began in the other shoulder. This lasted over one year total and it was difficult to put on a shirt. The pain eventually subsided completely. Perhaps it had to do with removal of mercury tooth fillings, I’ll never know for sure. Am very thankful that I did NOT have health insurance and could not see an orthopedist that would have undoubtedly given me multiple bilateral cortisone injections.

    2. I’m not necessarily defending your podiatrist but s/he might have been reticent to say anything about your weight because it’s now call ‘fat shaming’. And truly obese people (I have no clue, of course, your situation) who should be told to lose weight, when they are told to do so, call out the doctors, practitioners, whomever, that they are being ‘fat shamed’. And so round and around we go…

  13. It seems that doctors are “imprisoned ” by big pharma and the insurance companies. Having spent 12(+) years and multiple thousands of dollars on their education (which didn’t include nutrition), they are now confined to “standard of care”, a flow sheet from which they cannot deviate without putting their license at risk. Thinking out of the box is forbidden.

    When I was young (about 70 years ago!), the doctor came to the our house when we were sick!

    A bit off the subject, I believe that people should be allowed to die (assisted suicide) when they are no longer able to function. I volunteer in a health care facility and find it beyond sad that many spend all day in bed or in a chair.

    1. My cynical self thinks the reason why medical -aid- in -dying ( I like this term better than suicide since it really isn’t suicide if the person is in the process of dying) is not more accepted is because the medical industrial complex makes most of its money in the last 6 months of a person’s life.

      So much of medicine is useless waste – testing when the results will not change the outcome or what care a person should be given. Drugs for every malady and then more drugs for the side effects caused by those drugs.

      One of my doctors wrote a book called “Don’t Let Your Doctor Kill You” which I highly recommend. You need to find someone who will look you in the eye and listen and treat you like the person who gets to finally call the shots.

  14. This is 100000% accurate. Within mental health it’s so much worse and yet “therapy” is touted as catach-all cure-all. Astrology would be such a help to all of it.

  15. I am a retired Nurse Practitioner and pretty embarrassed at the state of “medical” care in our country.

    In order to keep my Medicare Advantage insurance I need to have a yearly physical and I am about to FIRE my current primary.She talked down to me and treated melike a “child” the last time I was in her office.No open conversation about WHY I refuse flu shots and pneumonia vaccines in addiiton to a few other condescensions.

    I mostly use a Chinese acupuncturist/herbalist when I don’t feel well.

    Our grown son is one of the previously extremely fit and healthy people who got very ill from the shots in o2021. He is still sick. He lived, but has debilities that have erased his former life as an athlete and generally joyous person.

    As I age I pray I don’t need much “help” but if I do I might just lie down,take my vitamins, and pray for a fast passing, in my sleep!

  16. They won’t admit now that they lied to us about the Covid vaccines being “safe” to make sure that people get them, to stave off the pandemic. It was a calculated decision made with intent – “some patients will die or get I’ll, but we will get the pandemic under control NOW”. Philosophical choices in action.

  17. This is so spot on! Im one of the victims of a cocky doctor who didn’t believe in antibiotics for the spine procedure he did on me. He went into my back with needles, cement and tools and I came down with a huge deadly infection from his poor decision. The infection cracked my lower spine. Even the anesthesiologist was surprised on his poor decision. Trust? No. It takes me a while to find the right doctor to trust. And you’re right. They don’t discuss vitamins or minerals that is a guarantee loss from side effects from drugs. And for symptoms? It’s another drug with no consideration that you may be lacking vitamins or minerals. And some doctors are such drug pushers,it’s sad. I’m not saying that medication isn’t needed and that we shouldn’t be thankful and grateful that it exists. It’s just …

  18. Does this apply to dental also? I have gotten contradictory information about what dental work needed to be done and it is hard to know what is correct.

    1. Yes. It is about maximizing profit. Each patient is worth $X. They want to get that figure as high as possible.

      Our (old man) dentist, retired. I suppose there are some with different attitudes but we’ve not been able to find one and we’re in “country doctor” land.

  19. You go girl. Tell it Elsa. You are always right on point. I am also not into pharmaceuticals and shocked to find that lots of things can be cured by natural nutrition including quality vitamins. After taking mom and dad back and forth to their doctors who insisted they appear for medical check up every year and actually reporting it to Medicare Advantage if they didn’t. I have concluded doctors are no longer doctors – they are business men and business women.

    1. True in many cases. Eye doctor insists I come in twice a year, for extensive, everything. I haven’t had a significant change in my prescription in thirty years.

      I responded by canceling my appointment without rescheduling… until I feel it’s in my best interest.

      I think older people see the drastic change. Younger people think it’s normal… and they are right, from their perspective. The doctor is the authority? But I’m from an era where a person is responsible for their person.

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