Jupiter Square Saturn In Pisces: Life Is Not Mundane

two fishes by SarahSaturn in Pisces has shown us all, “reality” is fluid, if not a straight up illusion. Illusion of justice. Illusion of fairness.  Lines are blurred at this time.  A person’s sense of control has diminished, if not flat out disappeared.

This is true, but not always.  Here and there, the veil lifts and we get the moments of clarity. We’re able to see what can be. What’s possible or at least, what may be possible.

The problem is, these moments are fleeting.  To take advantage of them, you’ve got to have faith.  If you can manage this, the world will open up for you in a new way.

Now this is not fairy talk. I am a grounded individual, by anyone’s estimation but life is extraordinary, if you’re open to such things.  This story is a perfect illustration. I get some information from the ethereal and invest, fully, with faith leading the way.


I want this post to be about those times when the veil drops, which is what happens in this story.  I was just reading my mail, in this story. It wound up changing my life. I became an astrologer for one thing!

The veil lifted, so I could meet the person, who would wake me up.  But what if I had seen what I did with clarity, but shot the opportunity down due to fear or pessimism?

We’re all living in a sea of confusion right now but all get our moments of clarity, too.  We can see the true nature of things aka life is not all mundane!

You may not be in control at the moment, but the opportunity to develop spiritually, is huge!  As Jupiter and Saturn square off, what I’m saying here will become more and more obvious.

It’s been about “real” (Saturn) faith (Pisces). It is now about having an abundance (Jupiter) of real faith.  If you can’t conjure up some faith, opportunities will elude you, as fear disables you.  Please work with me, if you can’t swing this.  I suspect switching over is far easier than you imagine. Your blocks can be dissolved.

What have you learned in the current climate?


1 thought on “Jupiter Square Saturn In Pisces: Life Is Not Mundane”

  1. Thanks for putting this slightly disorienting time period into perspective Elsa. Faith has been tested to the limits and as a Virgo stellium my patience has been tested as well. These Pisces transits have been offering very sort of ‘under the radar’ hints, pokes and pushes that my Virgo stellium has had to wrestle with (not in the most efficient way btw) lol. There’s some moments when I throw my hands up and just surrender and be open to something appearing that may give clues to lingering problems.

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