10 thoughts on “Making The Most Of Jupiter in Aries”

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    Jane Dougherty

    Jupiter in Aries… but in the 12th House… Which is actually beneficual in that it acts like having Jupiter in Pisces, since the 12th house is ruled by Pisces, & Jupiter is the co(original)-ruling planet of pisces.

    This particular placement acts like an 11th hour protector or benefactor…
    No matter how tough or seemingly hopeless the situation might seem, BAM!!! Divine Providence reaches in to grab you out of that situation.

    May be a deceased relative, like a grandparent or sibling, will give you a warning sign of danger at the last minute. Or you might receive financial help from a wealthy philanthropist/admirer. Or a career boost with a word from someone who respects your attitude if you’re self-employed (Jupiter, moon, ASC or mars in Aries individuals will more than likely be self employed somehow ..

    1. I have Aries 12H too… with venus rx conj mercury… I have to transcend it all? abdicate what I want, shut up about it… the more I try the more I undo myself? last time I had jupiter touring aries I didn’t get much help so not sure this applies in my case as much as I like to 🙂 I’ll keep hoping tho! thanks for sharing your perspective 🙏

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    Uplifting news indeed Elsa, (looking lovely btw)! After much grieving over plans and projects earnestly prepared and programmed pre-pandemic, (all of which subsequently went down the drain) I readjusted accordingly, making 2021 all about Plan B. Care, passion and diligence all went into plan B. I was all set! Yet, it still did n’t happen … postponed everything for 2022. Then my back went out, and that was that. I can now see how this stellium in my 5th/6th house Pisces played out. 12th house stuff too. Sorrow, delusion, and closure (end of my career at this point), leaving a massive void. Oh, and a nice dose of depression. No, I don’t have a plan C, but hopefully Aries energy will lift this inertia. Looks like it’s time to reinvent myself at least. Now I’ve done that before. Okay ….

    1. I’m sorry for your losses. I am very optimistic about this transit through. Everyone keeps talking about how scary things are. It’s high time we found some courage! 🙂

  3. Thanks, Elsa. This video was very uplifting to me. I’m dealing with the loss of my partner and after almost a year . I’m trying to find a new path and reinvent myself. I want to turn the page and meet kindred spirits. I believe Jupiter in Aries will be helpful.

  4. Thank you Elsa. Optimism is surely the trait Of Jupiter in Aries or yeee, just push through…Year 2011 was with Jupiter in Aries, was a year before 2012 when everybody was ready for the end of major Mayan circles and the beginning of something new, but the humanity slept through again and 12 years later ( Jupiter is going to be in Aries next year 2023 also) we will hvae to face the outcome of the last catastrophe. I see the last plandemic as huge disaster and nothing less then catastrophe, and i really do have HUGE concerns for humanity. As much as i am working really hard to stay ligthtfooted i am personally at the same time full of sobriety that humans do have to work harder on themselfs to push through the coming years, not because we have to be afraid, but we do not have other choice then believe in each other. And sobriety is also requierd to realize that there in the world not everyone you canto rely on and still must stay strong and full of courage. World needs courage, we need courage, real one, not just talking courageous, be it…if not now, when else?

    In Chinese astrology the next year with Jupiter in Aries is the year of Cat or Rabbit – considerd to be the time of magicians – the dusk year, time of the moon, new life is seeded. What we about to harvest will be visible in the Year of the Rooster, when Jupiter is Libra in 2029 – year of dawn.

    It is the time for possibilities, but what i have noticed to be true after i have heard from astrologers that years whith Jupiter in cardinal signs are always challenging, always for the best, but great endurance and stamina are requierd. Chinese astrology named the Cat year lucky. Nothing wrong with that right? Still i am convinced luck is not what we need, but courage It IS!

  5. P.S. I have made a mistake. Sorry for that. Cat year is year of dawn and Rooster of dusk. Cats or Rabbits are still lucky at dawn because the Moon is still visible in the sky.

  6. Placidus is so confusing like Jupiter transits Aries, but it stays in 1st house for me for a long time, I guess a year before technically in 2nd house, so what changes for me? No second house $$ goodies for me yet? 1
    my second house cusp starts at around 22 deg of aries.

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