“You Have No Balls!” (A Cautionary Tale)

long roman swords

“You have no balls!” one of my clients told a man in her life, as Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius opposed her sun in Gemini. She also told him he was sick, negative and afraid.

I have permission to publish this. Chances are a good number of you can relate, having attacked a man in a similar way at some point in your career.

This is a wholly ineffective way to fight. First the man knows he has balls, he can see them hanging there between his legs.  Also, his balls are completely unrelated to the fact he’s not giving you what you want… which is usually him.

Then you have to ask yourself how motivated a man is going to be to spend time with a woman who tells him he has no balls.  Having Libra, it’s pretty easy to see the other person’s side and if I were a man and I had a woman ranting about my balls… well common sense, yanno?

Just imagine a man yelling at you that you have no pussy. Oh really?

Mercury and Mars are conjunct right now. Watch your mouth or die on your own sword and if you’re going to pontificate, make sure you’re talking about them, rather than yelling in a mirror.

I feel bad for this client but told her if she learns from this and never tells a man with his balls in tact, that he has no balls again, she’ll be ahead of the game.   If others can hitchhike here, that would also be good. Let her morning-after agony benefit others and then we all move on.

Are you prone to verbal diarrhea?

38 thoughts on ““You Have No Balls!” (A Cautionary Tale)”

  1. Verbal diarrhea? Definitely.

    The only time I’ve gone in that direction, is when I’ve no longer been interested in him or his balls. (It may take time for the emotions to disappear, but the new feelings of wanting them and their balls to take a hike, tends to reigm supreme.)

  2. I’ve never said this, probablyonly because I’ve never met a man of whom this would be, say, crossing my mind as a thing they needed to hear.

    “You have no pussy.” LMAO …

  3. not generally, but sometimes i have a bad case of excessive hyperbole. saturn mercury has taught me a bit about saying more than people want to hear…

  4. So glad I’ve resisted urges to make this type of comment to the one I truly care about!

    But in some cases, it has got to be said- like a smack upside the head for the guy who forgot about those dangly things between his legs (nicer to just say it rather than kneeing him in the nuts….)


    Empty 5th house Libra

    1. Bwahahaha …rolls over.
      I never attack verbally,but I once in a fit of temper , drove my car at very fast speed onto my bf and swerved last minute, when he jumped off the road.
      I think he got my point.
      Of course I ve grown up since then…its silent treatment.
      Works like a charm

    2. Elsa .I am a eunuch but I get testosterone as I need it.Who ever controls my testosterone supply can make me sexual too their hearts content.Let me rest a day and I will be yours because you own my sex drive. You can deny me and then flood hormones into my system that keep me able to do what ever your heart desires,

  5. verbal diarrhea… LOL

    Yes im prone 2 it… but i try to keep my mouth shut, till the anger goes away.

    damn… my mouth burned so many times.

    Mercury sextile 9th house Mars… also makes aspects to almost all my chart, including my 2nd house Scorpio Juno… fight for the truth, committed to my personal values.

    Its a a complete diarrhea if not spoken, its mental, but it doesnt necessarily have to stink at my side, its the truth that stinks.

  6. I’ve got Saturn in the neighborhood of my Sun and Ascendant in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus. I’ve learned over the years to think first, talk second.

    This is not to say, mind you, that it came naturally. Sadge moon opposite all that wants to share *wince*

  7. von, I wish had your problems 😉

    My issues with this have improved greatly with Pluto being out of Sag. Back when it conjuncted my mars it was horrible. When it conjuncted mercury I could cut glass with my speech. I mean that is normal for me but it was on steroids. Now he is in my third.

  8. My husband, “All women attack your manhood when they’re pissed. Just about every woman I have ever fought with has done it, I tell ’em, then go get a man! They won’t find a better man than me. I know that. I know I am man, I have been tested as a man to the extreme so I just tell ’em, go find yourself a man then, go ahead.”

  9. I have never said this kind of thing (can’t see myself ever saying it, not a a romantic partner anyway).
    I like the soldier’s approach:)

    I do know how to cut, but I usually do it in my head. Sometimes I wish I would just blurt it out already.

  10. hmmm this sounds VAGUELY familiar… I want a man who responds to my ” you have no balls” with what soldier said 😉 or who tells me you have no pussy :).

  11. OMG I can! I got mad just the other day and asked some guy why he was seeing someone he didn’t want to get involved with in the long term but saw her often enough. In fact they keep breaking up and getting back together and she is having dreams of marrying this person. So I said “I dont’ get it! What, does your dick have her name on it!?”. YIKES…dead silence on the other end. *duck taping my mouth*

  12. I have definitely used that expression but like Angela, it’s when I have no interest in the person and my words serve to amputate the relationship/acquaintance. I know it may be stating the obvious but it is a metaphorical expression not a literal one so I think it works powerfully well when conveying to a man (or woman) that they don’t have courage or more importantly they don’t have integrity. I have told a former boss that he had no balls when I resigned and I was referring to his lack of integrity and his failure to make ethical decisions.

    I also frequently use the expression that a person “has no heart.” I deal with a lot of people from non-english speaking backgrounds so all these expressions and analogies are great ways of communicating effectively I think.

    PS: Did I mention I have stellium in Sag?! xx

  13. my verbal diarrhea is more comic. my propensity for verbal surgery is frightening in the extreme. even to myself. thankfully it’s reasonably rare and I tend to learn from it. I guess I’m 98% reasonable human being, 2% castrating harpy bitch. I’m working on it. about one half of 1% is actually medically necessary.

  14. I’ve done this. When I start raging especially, the verbal onslaught that ensues can be quite nasty for the other person. With all the Mercury I got going on it’s SO hard to pull myself back from the brink of spewing off at the mouth. Oh man, verbal restraint in heated moments is so not one of my finer qualities LOL I’m working on it tho!

  15. I try to remember to apply the same rules to my mouth as I have for guns. my dad was very clear about the rules: never point a gun at anything/one unless you plan to shoot them. never shoot someone/something unless you mean to kill them.

  16. Oh that’s awesome advice Satori! I’m definitely going to remember that when in those situations where my trigger finger is especially itchy.

  17. Satori thats a good one 😉

    I can also kill with sweet talk if I want my venus is in the 3rd house, and it sextiles my ascendant, jupiter and moon.

  18. Is stapling your mouth shut a viable option? This particular conjunction is hitting me hard AND I KNOW BETTER! But it’s like I open my mouth and stupid just falls out. There seems to be not much forethought at all.

  19. The best Mars Mercury song in the world, ever, bar none by Nick Lowe:

    “Stick it where the sun don’t shine”

    You got a tongue like a knife that loves to tittle tattle,
    Sometimes at night it sounds like a death rattle,
    Your lust for life is costin’ a packet,
    Time’s running out for you and your rotten racket,
    Well, you call up the law,
    Do what you like,
    You keep the car,
    I’m on my bike;
    I can’t be sorry when there ain’t no choice,
    Either rejoin the rabble
    Or listen to your babble;
    You can stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    Yeah, you can stick it,
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    You put your foot in your mouth with a heavy pitter patter,
    Through all the jokin’ I was chokin’ on your chummy chitter chatter,
    You put it all around now, plan the plan wars,
    You didn’t understand things were bending over backwards,
    Yes, you call up the law,
    Do what you like,
    You keep the car,
    I’m on my bike;
    I can’t be sorry when there ain’t no choice,
    Either rejoin the rabble
    Or listen to your babble;
    You can stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    Yeah, you can stick it,
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    Yeah, you can stick it!
    Stick it!
    You got a tongue like a knife that loves to tittle tattle,
    Sometimes at night it sounds like a death rattle,
    Your lust for life is costin’ a packet,
    Time’s running out for you and your rotten racket,
    Well, you call up the law,
    Do what you like,
    You keep the car,
    I’m on my bike;
    I can’t be sorry when there ain’t no choice,
    Either rejoin the rabble
    Or listen to your babble;
    You can stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    Yeah, you can stick it,
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it
    Stick it where the sun don’t shine,
    Yeah, you can stick it!
    Stick it!

  20. I have Mercury conjunct mars in VIRGO I can cut below the knees when I feel hurt or unsafe…Un fortunatly My 28 year old daughter learned it and she is BAD..Five planets in Libra and no earth..Needless to say I have been the victim of her MOUTH and I have had to cut her off..She may go through her Saturn return without talking to me…I however have not bothered to tell anybody off lately..I am learning to pick my wars and that I had rather be alone than with those who make me feel ..Like I need to “cuss out” and get straight..People are what they are and with Saturn now transiting my 12 th house I am a witness…not a participant..Just watching and seeing.

  21. I once said something like this to my boss. *lol*

    He was waffling around about something vile his ex did to their children and I asked him if he got joint custody of his balls in the divorce, too. 😉 It was a low blow, yeah, but he’s notoriously conflict-avoidant and it was meant to be a wake-up slap to the head.
    Proving my point? I didn’t get fired after that. 😛

  22. I always have front & centre in my mind that once you say something, it can never be taken back. Sure you can aplogise, the other person may even accept, but any damage is going to be there in the ethers for ever & ever.
    @Satori… this is pretty much what you have said- just not put as poetically =)

  23. Oh I had a lightbulb moment with this one! I had an on again, off again relationship over 2 and a half years. A sore spot between us and the reason for a couple of those break ups was his refusal to give up being friends with his former mistress. So one morning during “pillow talk” I quipped how his mistress had his balls. To which he denied. A week later he says he wishes he could be “sure” about us. A month later he breaks up.

    Elsa is right – it isn’t about whether he has balls or not – he does :-).

    But it is about whether he’s giving himself fully to her – or not. I don’t think this woman should feel bad about what she said. She said it because she wasn’t getting what she wanted from him, which was him. If he’s not willing to give himself to her, then good riddance! He doesn’t have the balls to be in a relationship with her. Find a man who does :-).

  24. Lmaooo

    Almost 20 years ago, a boyfriend that I’d broken up with decided to leave a bunch of voicemails, trying to get my attention. So, we talked. Well, it was mostly him talking about how I’m this and that and that I emasculated him because I was too decisive. I think he said something like “you took my balls and held them” and I responded with, “did you have any in the first place?”


    We got back together only to break up two months later for good. Funny enough, this dude would propose to me for another 8 or so years in between girlfriends.

  25. I have a woman I ocassionally converse with that I find uhhhhh, well kinduv controlling. She is rather proud of manipulating people. I would say I was off base on that but for the fact when she told me someone kicked her out of her shop, she said ‘she’s just afraid I’ll get some control.’ This came in a demonic tone from within her which frightened me but also made it unforgettable. We spoke yesterday and she was at it again with another person. ANd yet when those people are swayed by her and fail, she of course takes no responsibility there. And when someone in her life gets their own success, she takes credit for it. Anyway, it is frustrating and yesterday I told her let him go, let him find his own way. Get out of his way. I could not listen to it. Not so much verbal diarrhea, but I just couldn’t listen to it. I know I should have been the bigger person and let her prattle on but it was intolerable. I don’t like trappers. Makes me uneasy.

  26. Unfortunately, my daughter’s 3H Gemini Moon opposes her 9H Sag Uranus and Saturn conjunction. There is verbally cruel when she unexpectedly erupts.

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