Fighting! Mars Around the Zodiac…

Personally, my Mars is broken in Libra. Mars shows how you get what you want. It shows how you hunt, how you get the man/woman and also how you take out an enemy. The problem with Mars in Libra is that Libra is nice. Libra is not actually any nicer than anyone else but they do have to act as if they are. This is their job on the planet.

This means I may want to hit you with a bat but the second I think it I realize that these are not “nice” things to do. Since I’m not allowed to disturb the peace, that plate does not crash down on top of your head – which I regret!

The result of all this? Well no one is that nice, so when Libra blows – look out.

Mars is well placed in Aries, the sign it rules and the sign opposite Libra. Aries Mars throws the first punch. Everyone knows that gives a clear advantage. Aries knows instinctively, “nice” is incongruous with war. Libra Mars wants to discuss the unpleasantness over dinner – Aries is going to have Libra for dinner.

Worse, if Libra does manage to strike it can only use the same amount of force that has been used against them…and probably just a slight bit less. The reason is that Libra must balance everything. You hit me with force of 10, and I hit back with force of 9.8.Because this way, I’m the nice one. See how ridiculous this is?

Mars is also very well placed in Scorpio. Where Aries is overt (that’s their fist smashing into your face), an enemy with a Scorpio Mars will subtly dismantle you from the inside out using elaborate covert techniques. Where Aries will kick your ass in two seconds, a Scorpio Mars is much more insidious.

Scorpio has the poker face in the zodiac. They will lie in wait or perhaps slowly undermine you in a myriad of ways. Many of these will be psychological, Scorpio’s natural playground. Undercover cop? That’s a Scorpio Mars technique. You don’t know what’s happening until you’re in the bag.

The exalted placement for Mars is Capricorn. This is because Capricorn is goal-oriented and tenacious as hell. It just doesn’t quit until its goal is achieved. It’s a cautious planner who acts with integrity and so is nearly unbeatable. Think “controlled force.” They plan and have covered both their ass and anything your ass can possibly think of before they launch an attack. Further, they will keep going bumped, bruised, bloody, or whatever until victory is achieved.

Rash-acting Aries Mars can get in trouble when they punch a black-belt in karate on impulse because they did not take the time to size up the foe. Scorpio Mars can get in trouble when the psych games turn on them, and the cat becomes the mouse. Capricorn Mars is the creme de la creme. If you want to come out on top, you might pretend you have one.

Where is your Mars?

Learn about your Mars – Natal Chart Report

212 thoughts on “Fighting! Mars Around the Zodiac…”

  1. I have trouble seeing any placement of the planets as better or worse within any chart. It seems that people should be born with the planets exactly as they are. The chart shows how they can harness their energies to the maximum. This whole idea of exaltation and that there is a more perfect placement for the planets, just seems outdated to me. There is no one ideal way of being. We are all unique and should embrace and empower our idiosyncrasies. Yes?

    1. I think I see it not as perfect placement, but maybe a more natural placement as far as how the planets’ energies match energies of the corresponding signs.

      I like that Elsa often points out how energies might naturally be displayed for good or ill, as well as the positive ways to act on placements that might naturally cause difficulties if not transmuted through concious effort.

      I agree with you that everyone should be encouraged to find ways to use “difficult,””exalted” and “neutral” placements in their charts for highest good, each in their own unique and quirky way.

  2. Mars in Capricorn in the 1st and people cant believe it when I whip it out and I am always shocked that they are shocked. It’s the closest I have to a penis : )

  3. Oh I wish I had a Capricorn Mars! 🙂
    I have Aries Mars ::coughs:: as well as Aries South Node.

    I have seen the Aries ricochet effect you speak of.
    I grew up thinking I was tougher than I was, which was good and bad. It didn’t stop me from being physically harmed, but it helped me feel like I could defend myself (even when I actually couldn’t).
    My Aries Mars is also in aspect to Saturn, which is great because I think it helped me get a handle on my hothead impulses…pretty much most of the time.
    The last time I lost it was during my SR (Leo) when my old neighbour started using crystal meth. He’d get SO out of it.

    One night he almost set the 120 year old wooden house we lived in on fire with a shitty toaster oven. It caught fire and almost burned the house down. He put it out on the sidewalk to cool off and then started ranting about how he wanted to keep using it.

    I didn’t say a word to him, but I went and got our axe and then smashed it to smithereens. He never said a word to me after that. My SO and our other neighbour (a Pisces with Aries ASC) thought it was hilarious, but I tell you, I went downstairs to see where the smoke was coming and seeing the flames LICKING the underbelly of MY FLOOR triggered my Mars with lightening speed. I’ve never been so thankful for my Mars than that night!

  4. I’ve got that mars in Libra, at 0 degrees, and I’m way too nice for my own good. It drives me crazy.

    Dated a guy with scorpio mars conjunct uranus. It was a mess.

  5. My Mars is in Capricorn and my sun and Asc. are in Pisces. I’ve been called stubborn. I usually try and have a well laid out plan before confronting someone or acting on something. When I’m done with something I’m done.

  6. Virgo Mars in the 12th. It doesn’t seem very go-getting. But I also think it means kind of deep-rooted anger that explodes when it feels that is truly (and FINALLY) justified, like it needs all the proof and every benefit of the doubt given, THEN full-force lets out.

    Then again, I’d also describe it as a hissing furball of a kitten that is pissed but not capable of doing much damage out of anger. Kinda victim-y.

  7. I have Mars in Sagittarius. (Oddly enough, most of my planets hit in either Sag or Cap, which seem somewhat oppositional to me). I don’t know how that really plays out, but Astrolab interprets it to mean that I will “resist mightily” (Mars) attempts to limit my fredom (Sag) and have a tendency to stick up for anyone who feels put down or restricted, which sounds about right.

  8. Scorpio mars in the 10th house and I have been living my chart.

    I have always been a keen competitor for competition sake. I never bring a knife to a gun fight. I always have a B and C plan and have friends who bring their plans too.

    I can lay out in the weeds for years and wait for you. I will find a way when a sane person says there is no way.

    I’m like a little termite who has tunneled out the entire foundation beneath your floor. I’ll be waiting with the video cam for that minute when you try to stand up and walk across the floor but instead fall through it. You’ll never see it coming and I don’t care how long it takes.

    I refuse the idea that there is no solution to a problem or satisfaction to be wrested from a situation.

    I love the idea of stealth operations and believe knowledge is power. I have embarassed myself with my desire to win at any cost and its sometimes been in direct opposition to my better sense.

    God help you if you hurt my feelings or do something to my child like this guy who has intentionally knocked out J’s tooth. My son hates this part of me – he calls it “Serial Mom. He is Libra Mars.

    I am really into this vendatta thing today right?

    With good reason- x Mr Wonderful is having a total jihad against me for the past 10 days. You know the guy with my clothing?

    There is not a filter big enough to keep him out of my face.

    He is Libra/Mars too and he’s not being polite, he’s not fighting fair, he’s not going away and I have no idea what else he wants from me except control. I better get my butt to the gym right now and let some of this go. 🙂

  9. Leo. Regal. Showy. I do favour results over drama, though. My ladyfriend (Libra Sun) has it in Scorpio, we make a good duo.

  10. Mars in Cancer. It seems like I can never do anything directly! Not the easiest planet in my chart.

    On a side note, I DO think this is a good placement for being/having a lover. I like water and earth Mars. 🙂

  11. well, p, while i don’t personally believe a chart can be “wrong,” i don’t question the idea that some placements provide a lot more challenges than others, and welcome the awareness that gives more options to harness my own strong points and compensate for those that are more challenging.

    i’ve got scorpio mars as well; saturn trine gives me an exceptionally long fuse and, usually, significant self-control in the expression of anger. i also credit the saturn trine for the ability to follow through with long-term projects.

    i’ve got some mercury mashup in the mix, so that along with the pluto stuff so my weapon of choice when I do hit back is almost always my mouth; generally related to calling out the dirty underbelly of a situation that’s been denied, hidden or repressed.

  12. Doesn’t Saturn and Plutos placement affect the martian thing? Shouldn’t that be taken into account when you are talking about Mars? Isn’t Pluto the higher Octive of mars. Could having Pluto cycling over your moon possibly have triggered your mars in an eruption of feeling?

    I don’t know – I am just asking – I am curious mostly.

    I have Mars in Leo conjunct my ascendent, and had to learn to love my mars long ago. Yes I have long flowing blond hair – and yes I seem to gravitate toward leadership positions. That mars is 30 degrees exactly from Pluto in Virgo – and that Pluto sits on my north node. I always thought the energies were somehow connected.

    I am still learning all this – so am open to interpretation and teaching.


  13. I think mars would be worse in Pisces…warrior instincts drowning to death. I have natal mars in Sag and it has served me well. Apparently it has recently progressed to capricorn which I am thrilled about because I want to make lots of money.

    1. Avatar

      i wouldnt say mars in pisces is bad, libra and cancer are worse imo. i have my mars aspecting pluto and saturn, and i am far from “drowning”. as of matter of fact i am going for a career as an army officer. i can be tempermental but cool-headed most of the time.

  14. Mars in Cancer. Which is supposedly in its fall. But I feel like this placement gives me alot of initiative to act on my emotions. Expressed negatively I can see this is as impulsive and reactive. But expressed in another way, I feel it helps me be true to myself. I also have an intense desire to express my emotions (being a musician….this helps alot) and I cant stand to play anything that isnt truly what I am feeling, or an expression of something deep within myself. So I think this placement can give integrity. I also have a deep desire to “plumb the depths” if you will. Introspection, and vision of the unconscious motives within myself, and others fascinate me (I also have saturn sitting in the middle of triple conjunction venus and jupiter in the 8th). I am very motivated career wise and have never found any lack of inspiration in that regard (thanks cap rising). Sexually I find that I am not interested in flings and only desire sex within committed relationships…..otherwise it just seems shallow to me. Anyone else with Mars in Cancer?

  15. Mars in Virgo ruling Scorpio ascendant. I generally avoid conflict but if really riled I can pick an enemy apart with a ruthless meticulousness, selecting just the right words for the occasion…

  16. Mars doesnt need to be about fighting. Mars in Libra is perhaps the “animus increased”. Like a woman with Mars in Capricorn; she is going to find a way to deal with her extra testosterone levels.

    Mars in Libra gets so tired of adapting or acting as you say and depending on where and what Venus is doing in the chart, there you will have your modus operandus.

    Mars in Gemmini has two packages of anger.


    1. This is funny Kingsley.
      My BF has Mars in Libra and I have my Mars in Capricorn.

      We kinda “fir” or “complement” each other, I’m pretty buff, but he’s “buffer” than me. And yes, I do mean physically 😉

      Still, he’s very good with people, always mr Nice Guy, while I’m independent, could easily be called a loner when it comes to seeking out people time (I rather prefer “me” time) – but somehow it works, although his Mars can really hit my deep feelings because his Mars in synastry hits my moon in my 8th house… :-/

  17. Mars in Cancer here too and I think mine is mixed up. (Mars conj Venus in 2nd Cancer, opposite Jupiter in Cap 8th all squared up to a 5th house Uranus in Libra. *chuckle*)

  18. Mars in Aqua along with Merc and Sun. 10th house.

    I have been working so. hard. this week to not verbally and publicly filet some people who reeeally need some water thrown in their faces. Because it would only serve to hurt them if I can’t temper it well.

    So I usually do the other Aqua Mars thing:
    Say something detached and *leave*.

    (I’ve been gone for a while, Elsa, and am back and catching up a little. I missed so much.)

    Peace, all.

  19. This is the Day by The The is one of the greatest songs ever written. I used to play it every morning. It is a great way to start the day.

  20. Mars in Cap here. At 0 deg conjunct mercury.
    So Pluto is going to hit this conjunction very soon. Like next week?
    I’ve enrolled in higher education, oh the bureaucracy of this has been very tedious. So I figure pluto transitting my mars and mercury will assist in deep detective work, scouring the archives, digging deep…then being able to write it all out succinctly.
    I try to be nice and polite too (Taurus Asc ?)but another aspect to mars placements is “Don’t try and stop me!” when on an action mission.
    I figure this is an important part of mars in various signs/houses.
    What happens when you are thwarted, stopped, negated, undermined – what will your mars do then?

  21. Check Mars for mutual receptions and almutem rulers because there will be another side of the Mars – action in that planet.


  22. Mars in Pisces, so most of the time I don’t care if somebody has done something to me, I just keep swimming. On the other hand, I feel vengeful if my loved one is attacked (Emphasis on FEEL tho’ and ultimately I’m probably just fantasizing about acting on the feeling.) BUT I’m married to a Scorpio Sun with Mars Capricorn and baby, he takes care of it for me in a way more calculated and relentless (and patiently planned) than I ever could. Capricorn Mars description above is spot on for him. And since both my sun and mars are in the 8th house, I have no problems using the resources of others to do my work for me!

  23. “they will keep going bumped, bruised, bloody, or whatever, until victory is achieved” Yes, whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

    Aries Mars in 10th. My Mars is slow to heat up, but if pushed hard enough for long enough I’ll get even. If they hit me with a force of 10, I’ll make sure they are crushed and never recover – no matter what.

  24. I have Libra Mars in my 5th house opposite my Aries Saturn in the 5th. I am pretty easygoing but when I am pushed beyond watch out!!! But you are right Elsa I will only hit about an 8 because I am being nice,lol.

  25. If Mars has a mutual reception to another Planet then the nature of Mars is combined with that Planet in some way. Such as, if Mars is in Libra and Saturn is in Capricorn. Mars and Saturn have reception by Exaltation and therefore Mars will have much more direct action than just in Libra alone.


  26. I agree that Mars in Cancer is not too bad and conversley that Mars in Pisces tends to become abstracted, non confrontational. However a seething bully (underneath) if the Mars-Pisces person is backed into a corner.


  27. Thanks Kinglsey – I’m still getting my head around mutual reception.
    AnnBanana – can have your autograph now?

  28. Australia – lol 😉

    Kingsley – my Aries Mars opposes Saturn in Libra. Does this work the same way as mutual reception?

  29. Nope, unfortunately not, because Saturn does not have any dignity in Aries except perhaps if in Terms with Mars. That maybe a connection if they are both in later degrees in those signs. Their opposite nature and individual strength (dignities) may allow for a wilfull polarisation in your case? In that case Mars actions could be temperred in other ways.


  30. Mars in Leo, 5th house, conjunct the Sun, and my chart ruler (Aries rising).

    My chart itself is a contradiction. This Mars is flamboyant, and I tend to stick out no matter what I do. On the flip side, I have three Virgo planets (Mercury, Venus, Pluto) and MC in Capricorn, and that side of me prefers curling up with books.

    My husband says it’s an adventure living with me. 😉

  31. P – i have mars in cancer and a lot of other placements like yours. cap rising. venus on the cusp of 7th/8th. no motivational problems here. i think sometimes i’m very crablike in going after what i want though – sidling up, feeling things out. i don’t often go in guns blazing. but i am tenacious as all h*ll once i’ve decided.

  32. My Mars in Aries says it’s time to go the mountains!

    Cold tonight; but, I’ll be on top of a 14,000’+ peak sometime tomorrow. 🙂

    And the sun will be shining on Missouri Mountain in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness of Colorado.

    I love the weekends…

    When I played (pitched) baseball I’d throw at my best friend’s head if he crowded the plate too much…

    I tried teaching that approach to three of my boys who pitched, but they mostly thought I was crazy…though one figured out how effective it was and finally, by high school, added the knockdown pitch to his arsenal

  33. P–I also have Mars in Cancer and I think what you said was so well put. Sometimes I wish I had Mars in a more aggressive sign, but not really =).
    I think with Mars being placed in my 9th house as well makes me super-duper introspective and interested in all things spiritual (not religious). You said “integrity” which struck me because my husband always tells me I have “awesome integrity”.
    On the down side, I can over-analyze a situation to death until I decide to “not even go there”. It’d be nice to just jump into things and enjoy the ride. But then again, because of that characteristic, my twenties (I’m 27 now) have been practically peaceful and drama-free….which I appreciate and love. So really I’d have to say that I actually love my 9th house Mars in Cancer. Wow, never thought I’d say that.

    I kinda always assumed Mars in Aries would be a disaster. Sun in Aries is agressive as it is!! But I sure do admire their blazin guns….unless their pointed at me 🙂

  34. I have Mars in the 4th in Sadge and a really really horrible boss. To days ago my mom, the Sadge, tells me she wrote an anonymous letter to the general manager extolling how this boss of mine is awful. The solution came from my home, which it often does.

    I’m glad I have Mars Sadge. All my other personal planets are Pisces or Virgo. It puts a little fire in my fish belly.

  35. I have Mars in Aquarius. Conj ASC, trine Jupiter/Saturn, sextile Uran, square Pluto. I like to work on something for hours and hours and then I don’t want to work at all. e.g. I’ll write my 10 page paper in one day or stay up til 5am coding a website and then I am DONE. Is that consistent for most fixed sign Mars?

    I think Mars is not the best planet to have on the ASC b/c it’s a malefic and if you’re female, it counteracts stereotypes so that you frequently go against the grain w/o wanting to be different. Frequently, Mars’ qualities are acceptable in men but not in women, which can be frustrating. Ppl often tell me I think like a man, whatever that means. I don’t think I do.

    On the plus side, the placement gives you tons of energy and fight. I don’t know if it bestows genuine confidence, but it certainly gives you the balls to act like you do. Ppl tend to think I am “strong” in some kind of fundamental psychological way. Again, I disagree w/this assessment.

  36. Perhaps Mars is an element of your persona that others see isthmus. Invariably planets on the ascendant like this do have a bearing on personality. It is also quite likely that others misunderstand who you really are and that can be perplexing. In fact I would imagine that you may attract competitiveness, where others will feel they can “mix or mess with your mars”. Takes a bit to get used to and to navigate diffrent outcomes with Mars in this location.


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