Mars Opposite Pluto For 3 Months: October 2024 – January 2025

standoff dog catIntense times ahead!  Mars in Cancer is headed to oppose Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.  These planets will officially engage, mid October.  Once this happens, the tension will be maintained for the rest of the year, and then some.

For comparison,  transiting Mars opposing Pluto is usually a two week long deal, that happened every two years.  This is one of the reasons, 2024 Solar Returns look the way they do.  This informs us, what occurs at this time will be carried forward.

This will not be straight up Cancer/Capricorn thing.  Mars will make it into Leo (and back), during this time frame. Pluto will leave Capricorn for Aquarius, so we have considerable variance here.

Planets between 28 Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and 6 degrees Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most affected.  Expect some hardcore standoffs with this. If you get into a scrap with someone, expect a dirty fight.

standoffAs I say, energy is neutral until directed, but oppositions tend to bring, um… opposition. You can’t control the other person.

I expect to see cruel amputations with this, not just person to person but cancel culture stuff. It would be nice if “people” took their power back, but it looks more like violent division.  In other words, more of the same, but amped up and possibly explosive.

Saturn and Uranus are not involved here. Either is Jupiter. I think is good as it’s contains the energy to some extent.  But even if this doesn’t hit your chart, chances are, someone next to you will be impacted. Case in point, my husband is a 2 degrees Taurus sun.

Do you have planets in the hot zone?  How do you feel about this?


29 thoughts on “Mars Opposite Pluto For 3 Months: October 2024 – January 2025”

    1. Thanks for the extended forecast heads up, Elsa. You cannot control the other person! This will set off my fixed grand cross in early degrees. Time for self care and lots of exercising.

    1. My husband too, exactly Jupiter at 29 degree cancer in the third house. I have Pluto at 29 degrees Libra, 4 degree Scorpio Saturn, part of fortune at 2 degree Taurus. I have observed that I seem to lose first before I win. I think that is the Pluto Saturn opposition to my part of fortune. This year has sucked royally so I’m not surprised it may culminate awfully.

  1. Looking at someone very close to me’s chart and holy hell… their chart is going to be hit so hard. I’ll definitely have to “be there” as strong as I can be because they are already expecting the time of this Monday through January to be a very stressful time period with work and outside life (due to work).

    Another thing I noticed in regards to Mars’ long period of time in Cancer, it looks like it also spent a long time in Cancer from late 1992-1993….

    Mine and my friends were born between those times. My one best friend, born on 10/1/1992 has Mars in Cancer, as do I born 11/17/1992, and another with Mars in Cancer born on 4/21/1993. Thought this was worth mentioning.

    1. Yup affects my Sun Venus Saturn Mercury & moon are all 27 degrees cardinal – 8 degrees fixed hits my cancer sun and Leo stellium

      Have to stand up to boss controls me I’m the top salesperson though so they need me as much as I need the job opposition for sure I’m learning personal power they have n been controlling me for 16 years but Pluto about to go out of Capricorn

    2. Thanks for mentioning this. I had an aggressive teacher starting 1992/93. Used to hit my classmates he deemed slow or dumb (we were 7yrs old…), and me because in his eyes I was too smart which should be fixed?!… I have natal sun+ac in tau opp… pluto no less. My life has been hell since october last year… with no end in sight.. :/

    1. Hi Ja, how was Pluto opposing your moon for you? Mine was awful and I am hoping Mars gives me the assertiveness and blessing of positive change x

          1. Hi debzzz, ouch. Tough going right now… me too Cancer ascendant but have been thru Pluto opposition to it a few years ago. Boy what a challenge it was too. Care to share some of your experiences with Pluto opposing both? X

            1. It’s been a challenge with friendships and health. Nothing too serious with my health but its been annoying especially the colds that take 10 days to recuperate from.

              Two of my long term friendships have ended and one is on the way out, I feel it. Interesting they are all late Virgos.

              I haven’t felt fulfilled emotionally with them and they were getting the benefits. I would like to have a relationship/friendship where I can be myself and not judged.

              My sun is in Scorpio at 20 degrees. I’m looking for something different to obsess over and hopefully Pluto in Aquarius will present it.

    2. Thank you Elsa. 6° Taurus Sun/7° Scorpio Rising. I haven’t been following astrology closely, so I haven’t a clue. Doesn’t sound particularly fun or light-hearted.

  2. My moon is in Cancer at 27,05 degrees.
    Question.. am I out of the firing line????
    I am so battered already can take no more 😩 As Elsa writes from 28 degrees of the Cardinal signs am so hoping that the one degree below will protect me 🙏

  3. Please God let this be okay.. Am on the Fixed Cross with Sun and Mercury at 0 and 6 Taurus, on my midheaven, Moon in Scorpio, Cancer rising… Or let me organize myself beforehand… I feel the trepidation already… Perhaps meditation is the answer…? My natal Mars at 1 Aries is sequiquadrate my moon… And to top it all I have my North node in the first house…so with an Aries flavour… Is this the culmination of the “make or break” period of my Fixed Cross Life Path, I wonder…? God give me strength…. Thanks for the heads up, Elsa… I currently have a childhood friend who has been accused of arson, who has checked herself in to a “facility” for a couple of months… Incomparison, I think I am doing okay, but can feel her pain…

  4. I have mars in Cancer natally. It’s pretty tricky. I’ve found that to have peace in the home I really have to consciously channel it. Best way I’ve found is to focus on cooking! I always made a point of choosing roommates who liked to cook, as it uses up that mars energy and is also generally indicative of people who like to socialize and like people. Without an actively organized cooking culture, the knives come out, so to speak. 🙂 I just notice a lot of general strife, mostly pointless but constant, enduring tension and irritation. So for this next six months I’m planning to really dive into teaching my boyfriend how to cook and upping our meal planning game, etc. Watching cooking shows, improving our recipe infrastructure (we need a printer!), listening to podcasts. Etc. A deep dive, if you will. I’m looking forward to it. I see it as a short term survival tactic that will set us up for long term success as a couple. And it’s nice timing as it corresponds with Labor Day and the end of summer, moving into fall.

    1. Brilliant! I hope I can use the energy for writing and collaborating with a few likeminded powerhouses I recently connected with; we are all conscious beings with light and clarity.

  5. 28 Aries Venus + 29 Libra MC – so I am in the hot zone.
    Husband 29 Taurus Sun will get the trine, so that will help

    Will be visualizing the best possible expressions of this energy….

  6. It’ll oppose my asc degree while in leo in December. I am not really worried about it. Cancer is my 6th and transits there seem to ultimately have the effect of improving my health and routines which can bring a bit of drudgery at first. My venus in scorpio loves mars in cancer.

  7. Honestly, I pray for a break. After 16 years of Pluto opposite my Cancer stellium in the 7th house; I’m tired. I’m also empowered and transformed but damn. My natal Chiron is at 28 Cap at tail end of 1st house and I have n Saturn at 3 Scorpio end of 10th house. I find it interesting that I’ve stumbled on a woman, an expert in family scapegoat abuse and I suspect my Chiron is involved (I’m the family misfit/scapegoat) Her work really shines a light on those dynamics. Maybe more of that energy is headed my way (the way they target me now as I went no contact is through an adult child and grandchild) I want to be on the other side of it all. How can I channel this opposition to my benefit?

    1. P.S. in reality the universe is affirming me on all levels so i have to trust this knife edge is part of the healing of that Chiron wound and channeling it for benefit of others. It has truly been remarkable. Is their pain? Grief? Yes. But the universe is completely uplifting and validating me and turning that wound into power. The mars transit may be the final I hate to say test but it kind of fits. To trust myself and not take on the unconscious projections of others.

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    the laughing goat

    Asteroids Vesta and Juno will be involved. They are natally squared so I’m assuming more amped up. Will have to do some research.

    Elsa, what are your thoughts on asteroids? Do you feel they have weight?

  9. The Mars Pluto action runs all the way into May of 2025 when Mars passes in Leo in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius.
    It is not just Mars in Cancer and Leo that is being challenged – Mars is implicated in the sign of everyone’s Ascendent as the natural ruler of the first house.

  10. My partner and I both have our planets in the hot zone. Gosh, 3 months is a long time ! . I’ll have to study our charts to work out how this may manifest. It’s really good finding this out here, in order to prep.

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