Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: Fight? You Must Mean Choreography…

speedy gonzales“Yeah, well I’ve never seen you fight,” I said to the soldier.

“I know.”

“You invited me, do you remember? When you used to fight Speedy. You guys beat the hell out of each other with bare knuckles.

“I know. I loved doing that.”

“Yeah, well you invited me to come watch those fights but I didn’t consider it for a nanosecond. I hope I never see you fight. Ever! Matter of fact if you ever get in a fight and I’m around?”


“I’m going to leave. I’m going to be out of there like a rabbit, I just couldn’t stand it. Then you call me when it’s all said and done and I’ll come get you and survey the damage.”

“Okay, P.”

“Yep. Same as when we were kids. You’d come home all bruised and it was gross. It was disgusting but you’d be happy as hell so what could I do? Want some ice on that, I’d ask?”

Speedy (Gonzales) was a friend of the soldier’s when we were kids. That’s his real (nick) name. I figure its okay to use it because Speedy was a Puerto Rican guy from the Bronx and I figure there are many more just like him. Not that Speedy did not distinguish himself, he did. The soldier says that to this day he was most fierce fighter he has ever faced.

west side story fight“He pretty near kicked my ass a few times. Matter of fact he may have actually kicked my ass, it’s hard to say, we would beat each other so bad. If he did kick my ass, he’s the only man who ever did. Good ol’ Speedy.”

“Yeah, well I liked him too. He’s the one who knew to call me when you were dying. He’s the one who called me and said, Els. You better get over there, he’s gone insaaaaane. And he wasn’t stupid, he called you too. She’s coming! You know. So you could clear off if necessary…”

But here’s the thing: With Mars (fight) in Libra (art and doilies), I really can’t function on a bloody brawl. So when the soldier would be going off to fight Puetro Rican, Speedy, in my mind it would be ‘West Side Story” like. I’d see all this choreography in my mind.

::shakes head:::

Such an imagination. The bruises and his busted up face was all fake too, I’m sure.

6 thoughts on “Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: Fight? You Must Mean Choreography…”

  1. I’d see all this choreography in my mind.

    Ah, the uh, joy of street fighting. I’m the exact reverse from your guy; I got my ass kicked a lot when I was a (small) kid (I was outmanned, outweighed, and outgunned), but when I got older, and bigger and meaner, I got to explain it to certain persons what it was like to be on the receiving end of such treatment.

    There’s nothing like the jacked-up-on-adreneline-and-endorphins feeling when you’ve gone up against four or five (no choice) and won.

    Yeah, Mercury in Libra is totally never going to be able to process that. (‘Couldn’t you just have a dance off?’)

    [‘I shoulda been a Viking.’]

  2. Avatar
    Little Miss Hermit

    I have Mars in Libra (conjunct Pluto) and I practice martial arts! We get to punch, kick and scream some, and muscular tension is released. It’s great; I would recommend it to anyone:) (Screaming is not mandatory, though punching is). It’s very different from what most people seem to think; the emphasis is always on practicing technique and control – fights are more or less “choreographed” until you reach black-belt level.
    [Am a Viking, which means I come from a long line of peaceful farmers];)

  3. I have Mercury in Libra, 2nd house & Mars in Aries, 8th house. So…I could see both sides of this. But I have to admit- I love a good fight, and I am always 100% convinced I’ll win. ‘Raging Bull’ is more inspirational than a gross-out. ON THE OTHER HAND ;)…I took French in school (the diplomat’s language).

  4. It’s very different from what most people seem to think; the emphasis is always on practicing technique and control – fights are more or less “choreographed” until you reach black-belt level.

    That’s why I never really did the martial arts thing, at least in school; too much like dance lessons or something. (‘Why not just whomp ’em with a baseball bat?’)

    [Am a Viking, which means I come from a long line of peaceful farmers];)

    Am part Viking too, shoulda been a farmer.

    [‘A farmer with a big axe. And a boat. And a travel guide.’]

  5. I’m a Virgo sun, Sagittarius rising, Taurus moon, Mercury Libra, and let me tell you all a little something. . . When it comes to fighting, I was born to win. You want to defeat me in a fight? then build a fighting robot, cause flesh and blood, it ain’t happenin’ dude. I’ll conclude with a bit of advice for conspiring fighters out there. Don’t think of anything when you’re about to fight. You want your head to be clear. Through experience you learn this one vital lesson, that is, to always keep your distance. There’s people out there with incredible talent. That’s why UFC is such a challenging fighting sport. The moment you let the guy get too close to you, you lose. I can take a punch, several in fact, and have, but it’s not fun, but when you let them get in too close, it happens. Keep your head clear, and keep your distance, and you’re good to go.

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