Mercury in Libra: The Codependent Mind

boy with puzzleI have Mercury in Libra.  The planet is conjunct Mars in my 9th house and I love to think!

I love to think fast, backwards, and upside-down. I think out, think around corners and think through things. I also like to drive and think, walk and think, I wake up thinking and I think while I bathe, garden, cook or cut the grass.. This all works, except for the Libra part.  My thinking is tied to “the other”.

The 9th house wants to break out. I don’t see this as a horse with a carrot dangling in front it’s face. I think of it more like an erection trying to escape pants. In recent years, this has become a very big problem me.  Well a big problem in a new way. Because it’s also been a problem.  Listen to these quotes from men I DIDN’T marry.

“Why do you have to talk to everyone we see, everywhere you go?
“Why do you talk so loud? Keep your voice down.”
“Why did you say that shit when we were playing cards?”

My husband has a mouth as bad as mine so I don’t have that problem any more, but I have a new one. Some months ago I realized I was going to have to cut.

I’m talking about cutting out time spent talking to people who are in more fixed in place than I am.  We have a dialogue going and I want to think out from where we are…. stuck, holding. I want to think ahead. I want to push it.

kid puzzleI want to do this because I know there is something beyond where we are.  But the other person wants to ruminate. I’ve already ruminated, damnit! I want to advance!

I stuck it out in these “partnerships” for months and months, maybe as long as a year, marveling at my own codependence.  But eventually, my spirit of adventure could take no more. I cut the rope and started to let my mind run at it’s own speed.

You may have noticed on this site, but not known what had changed. I started writing, OUT.  I’ve been at this, not quite a year. I hacked the connection so I could run ahead and now I’m way, way out.

I don’t see myself heading back to town, so to speak. The reason is because this feels better. I’m always preaching (another feature of my 9th house Mercury) about the importance of living true to your design.  There is no doubt I’m supposed to run my mind.

I’m writing this because I am truly stunned at how this works.  The Libra brain.  “Well, what do you think? Oh, you think that? Well I’ll think that too and be polite.”  And then I go home, with my brain contained and in fact, controlled by the “other” who is innocent and utterly unaware!

As I mentioned, it’s been many months. I’m firm enough in my “recovery” to write this without fear of backsliding, not back into “groupthink” but back into “partner-think”.

I write “I THINK” a lot these days, because it’s me doing the thinking.  I quit paying attention to what other people think or how they feel about what I think. I have specified, these are my independent ideas”.

All my life, I’ve loved puzzles.  Well, we have the most epic puzzle to solve at this time. I will be entertained and learning until the day I die. It’s a nice million piece puzzle for Elsa. Thank you, God.

The only downside here, is I have to do this alone…  not my preference!  That’s why it took me so long to break out.

Recently, I realized I was re-living / re-enacting my childhood. I wanted my sister to steal the truck with me… but had to go alone.  A few years later, I try to talk my sister into moving to town with me, when I was thirteen:

“Let’s Move To Town…”

I was successful that time.  But when I tried to get her to leave home, permanently, she balked.  I eventually could not stand it and left on my own when I was fifteen.

That worked out for me and this will too.  But the astrology!  This is what Mercury in Libra goes through. I do want to get along, I stuff my own thoughts so I can get along with yours.  I don’t think I’ll do this again. I’m finding new ways to express this energy, because I feel so much better. Had I not done this, I would be right where I was, waiting on someone else to do something.

Instead, I threw my mind out, like a horseshoe. It landed in the dirt, far enough out, when the rest of me joined it, I had enough space to keep going.

That’s my son, pictured. He did puzzles alone, too. I can’t believe what’s revealed in these pictures. I see myself in him, so clearly.  There’s an intention to accomplish something and the pride when you get it and you know you’ve got it and got it right.

Do you have Mercury in Libra? Do you notice yourself, tied to the other… thinking in agreement all the time?

23 thoughts on “Mercury in Libra: The Codependent Mind”

  1. I resonated with what you said about wanting to always talk further or beyond, to keep pushing the mental horizon. I have Mercury in Gemini in 9th and you made me realise where that comes from!

    I was contemplating Libra the other day, due to the stellium transit we’re having. I have Pluto and Uranus in the sign, which I think is harder to experience as personalised though it plays out that way of course (Uber Libra). I was thinking that Libras need to do their boundary work but always enjoy and appreciate the fact that they hold relationships so dear, it is a special gift. Libras need to throw in a little Mars (separating), where Aries need to throw in a little Venus (connecting). I also think that both Arians and Librans are actually expert (or can be with time) at that ‘other’ supposedly opposing quality done well/in a balanced way, it’s just not so immediately conscious and thus needs to be consciously applied.

  2. I actually do have Mercury in Libra, though it’s conjunct Pluto in the 10th. Honestly not sure what this means. Good food for thought, no pun intended. Hmm.

  3. With Mars in my 12th, I notice myself seeking external validation for how to act, but not so much with how I think. I don’t have Mercury in Libra, but in Gemini – 11th house. I lean more contrarian!

    I have noticed the change on this blog, with you writing OUT. The liberated state suits you well!

  4. I love your writing, Elsa, your memories and your astro wisdom! Even on the few ocasions where I don’t agree, it spurs me on twds something deeper & wider, twds the truth. And it’s always interesting, too. (7th Merc in Aqua here, and Libra moon, so I get it)
    Endlessly curious, my mind, but I also keep reading because you have ***heart & compassion. For me, intellect without heart is sterile. Emotional anorexia. I starve around people who live in their heads w/o feeling what the impact is on real people, of their abstract dicta.
    Keep up your strength & your truth-telling, Elsa! ❤️We need it!
    (Btw, some writers I follow on Substack have their newsletters/posts free to read, but you can only comment if you subscribe for $1. Bots don’t have money… Keeps comments way more real)

  5. I also have Mercury conjunct Mars but in the 8th House Capricorn…As you would guess, I constantly think about serious, life and death subjects, and am usually not much fun at parties, unless I’m reading tarot….
    Elsa, I have always wondered why you didn’t play professional poker…you have the ability…

    1. I like to compete and I played to win. I like evaluating players and noting their interactions, but my main interest / concern was the fun… the joking and comradery, the banter, to be in a position to hear what was said as I was a young girl at table with adult men.

      Professional poker has everything but the fun… without the fun, it’s not fun, but stress-producing as there is no relief or outlet for tension.

      I also prefer pinochle. You need a partner. I have not played cards since I was in my late 20’s. I did play quite a bit though, after I left home, but my big play, gloating and jokes didn’t fly so well with normies. I decided it was best I quit invading their games with my desert manners.

      In hindsight, those games with my father were a hellacious experience. I’m glad I wormed my way into them!

      1. PS if gloating is to be off the table, I am off the table, because there goes my game and there goes my fun. I’m mutable and have other ideas!

      2. I see your point…I can play top level bridge, and have won major tournaments, but the idea of doing it for a living…sounds awful…

  6. Merc Rx/Uranus @ 4* Libra
    Sun @ 7* Libra
    square Mars 6* Capricorn.
    What a mouth on her!

    I think constantly. I saw myself in your article. Thanks! Being able to relate helps us get thru. 🫶

  7. I have Mercury in Libra conjunct sun and sextile Uranus- I am a quick learner. I completely understand what you mean “partnered thinking”. I think the more confident I am the more independent thinking I think!

  8. @Elsa Does I have known two people with Mercury in Libra (maybe a third person as well). One like to play games and play people (it was in his 5th house) one has it in his 10th and squares his Mars in Cancer-he plays agreeable but is defensive if you don’t agree with him and will not quit the argument until I’ve cried Uncle. The 3rd person was a Libra Sun but my guess is she had Mercury in Libra and was very Cardinal- yet quite pleasant and interesting to talk to. Are these all traits of Mercury in Libra in different guises?

  9. Never mind the “Does”above. I was starting to say one thing and ended up expressing something else but missed it before I hit “post comment “.

  10. “All my life, I’ve loved puzzles. Well, we have the most epic puzzle to solve at this time. I will be entertained and learning until the day I die. It’s a nice million piece puzzle for Elsa. Thank you, God.”

    What a Fabulous description of being a human being!

  11. I don’t have Mercury in Libra, but I do have Mercury Conjunct Mars in Cancer (1st house) and boy does this resonate: “I love to think fast, backwards, and upside-down. I think out, think around corners and think through things. I also like to drive and think, walk and think, I wake up thinking and I think while I bathe, garden, cook or cut the grass.”

    Actually, today I was thinking about you Elsa and all you’ve written about Mercury Libra conjunct Mars. It was a funny, as I got very little sleep last night and was up before dawn to take help my parents with surgery today. Needless to say it stressful, but thankfully it all went well. But with Mercury Conjunct Mars in Cancer, my emotions were too close to the surface (and I always THINK I have them under control, LOL-jokes on me!) and being too tired, I was teary eyed at every turn. Mars in Cancer makes emotions hard-wired to my tear ducts, even when I hoppin’ mad (not terribly effective!).

  12. Glad you manage to side step Libra and charge like a ram Elsa. You’re always a good read.
    My Moon in the 7th tends to make me a people pleaser because I so need to fit in but as an Aries with Mercury square Pluto, I NEED at least one person who listens to my underground theories. At present I’m obsessed with and writing about the Gulf Stream. It is cooling because of the melt from Greenland and causing wild weather in lots of places. Scientists are contradicting each other and not facing up to how drastic this can be while people are living with it right in their faces with hurricanes, floods etc. Thanks for listening. XX

  13. well, i have it in taurus, but also in the 9th… so i do see that “throwing it out there” approach you’re describing. but not focused on other people.. more like trying to concretely connect far flung ideas…

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