Monday, Monday – Can’t Trust That Day

Uranus abstractYes, Monday is looking hairy scary! But you have a lot to say about how your day goes, so long as you maintain control of yourself, which is something adults do anyway, as a matter of course.

Mars Uranus will be exact on Monday.  This is good, as you already know how to use this energy.  You’re a free agent, able to step clear of any and all snares.  You can also easily, detach.  Remember this idea: “Let’s blow this pop stand!”

The Cancer sun is caught in T-square with Chiron and Pluto.  This is impacting families and home life in general, but it will pass.

The moon in Scorpio will clash with  Venus and Mercury in Leo on Monday. I’m sorry, but this is best drama you can buy.  Like this: Dating Dracula. If you like the show, stick around. If not, then unplug aka detach.

Note the Mars and Uranus are now squaring Mercury in Leo.  Expect people to say things on impulse. These things may be cutting, but may also be astute.

Positive turnarounds are probably on the menu as well. I have a check in the mail from my collision with the gravel truck, January, 2023. Shock!

Speaking of money, Mercury (timing) squaring Mars Uranus in Taurus (money) spells trouble for banking the stock market, etc.

Last, Jupiter is squaring Saturn now. I think this is a good thing as they’ll check each other. Basically, you’re only going to go so high or so low.

I admit this is a lot,  but anyone who picks up the Mars Uranus knife, can easily cut through whatever mess they encounter.  Whatever surprises you chance upon, consider them, spice of life.

OR… have a conniption fit with the Leo and Scorpio. How entertaining!

Who’s ready for this?


13 thoughts on “Monday, Monday – Can’t Trust That Day”

  1. My Mars Uranus knife is attached to a weed whacker and all I can hear is the roaring sound of the gas powered motor. No ear muffs, shorts with shin covered grass clippings. Rage productively. Rage productively. Get out of my way I’ve got sharp tools that will cut!!!!!!

    1. A softer approach of one and a half hours of exercise and removing vegetables riddled with flea beetles ensued instead. Moods come, moods go 😉

  2. Much more a spice of life kind of person. 😂 I’m not saying trauma is a requisite to fostering that attitude, and I’m not trying to be insensitive, but after some things in life it’s tough to imagine how anyone flips out over socks on the floor or an overdraft charge rather than just dealing with it however we need to, even with some annoyance.

    Love the metaphor, and ironically, in my experience, when the freakout has passed, stops, or was never there to begin with and we are not wasting energy on that, creative solutions start to bubble up again.

    BUT. I’d never deny anyone a shorter lived cussing session or some tears, either.

    I try to remember though I may not literally BE the ‘knife’, I can feel like I am no matter what and see things more broadly. Great post, thank you.

  3. I couldnt help thinking of the Algol part in this sandwich of planetary of energy in regards to the shooting of we-know-who today.

    It’s so textbook energy it’s practically a joke. Well, it isn’t, but the case is.

    Algol is an avenging energy, if it’s not checked.

  4. Avatar

    Well, a childhood friend lost her son today. Murdered. Looks like his girlfriend has been arrested.

    I figure this will make national news soon enough. But what is shocking to me is to know the family and to know what his mother was like. She is a kind kind soul. I have zero details and there is lots of shock around the whole thing.

    But the timing of it, just kinda, yeah. Wow. Talk about being hit by the uranus bit. Yikes!

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