Patterns In Your Life & Other Mutable Oddness

patternsThe current emphasis on the mutable signs creates a situations where thoughts and ideas bounce off each other.  I was thinking about the gal in the Lazy Days Of Summer post.  She was a Libra with a Scorpio moon. “Was”, because she died in her late twenties.

I had another very close friend who was also a Libra with a Scorpio moon. She also died in her late twenties.  These two women helped me when I needed it the most. I went on to meet life-long friend, Leon, who was also a Libra with a Scorpio moon. I met, Leon, while dating his best friend, a Libra with a Scorpio moon!

Leon was from Michigan as were both his wives. I realized in my twenties, I got along with Michigan people.  We used to tell Michigan-specific jokes. By the time I was, thirty, I stated, I’d never met anyone from Michigan, I didn’t like.  This holds true to this day.  My friend Jilly, who I met on this blog, who now lives down the street is from, Michigan as is her husband.  She’s a Libra, he’s a Scorpio so there’s that combo again.

I’ve also noticed there are some names I resonate with; I’ve tried to figure this out, throughout my life.  For example, I tend to hit it off with men named, John. We become friend, but the relationships are never romantic. I have no explanation for this. I also get along with women named, “Angela”, “Mary” & and any derivative of “Elizabeth”, which is of course, my own name.  I note these names are biblical, but I did not grow up with the bible, so who knows? The names are common, though, so it’s strange to have a lifelong streak,

I also hit it off with black men who are older than me. I understand the root of this one.  I met that Juvie Guy (story in my book), when I was teen. I loved that dude and vice versa.  Fast forward a few years and I met, L.B. Meredith.  We got on like a house on fire.  When I started going to a gym, in my late twenties, it happened again. Fast friends with an older black man.  This is when I caught on and in fact, started making life decisions based on these patterns.

Specifically, I think the Juvie Guy experience set me up to expect to get along with these men. You see, my ideas on Hacking & Programming go back, thirty years. I take this seriously, so when I decided to have kids, I moved to what what the most diverse city in the country at the time (Aurora. Colorado), so that my kids could grow up with “everyone”. I thought this would benefit them.  By then, I’d run into narrow people, who could not deal with anyone who was not their mirror image.  I felt it was worth moving to prevent this.

My friend, Ben, swears, people are just like the city where they were born. It’s interesting to think about.  My husband does not put it in the same way, but he has similar feelings. Over the years, especially with working with so many people all over the world, I’ve come to understand, a person’s blood, their home, their roots, do exist at their core.

This man (an ex of mine) picked up on a patter in his life, hard core:

Relationship History: The Man You Date *Before* You Meet “The One”

What patterns have you discovered over the course of your life? What keeps coming up, or appears to hold true,  no matter what?

2 thoughts on “Patterns In Your Life & Other Mutable Oddness”

  1. My few serious relationships were all Cancer men. My husband is a cancer. I have my own cancer in 2nd house.

    Also as a side note, I am currently visiting my sister in Michigan! We just kayaked down a river for 3 hours it was the most peaceful I have felt in a long time.
    I’m from the east coast, I do find that I am lacking the salt in the air. I’m breathing in deep, waiting for that familiarity of fresh salt water ocean in the air. I told my sister I would bottle up some salt water to mist in my face before I took another breath! 😂

  2. Definitely Cancer or Cancer prominent in the chart, my entire life. I have no Cancer. It’s my 11th house which is empty. However, I am aa Aquarius sun.

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