Pluto Transits: “The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire”

forest fireThe idea of a Pluto transit can be scary. Personally I’ve got my eye on Pluto transiting my moon in the next few years. Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m starting to gain perspective on it. Pluto is transformation, regeneration. Pluto is power; Pluto can be pain. But Pluto also represents pain with a purpose. A metaphor for Pluto action is the bone that must be rebroken so it can heal properly; avoid that pain and you never walk again.

Pluto is the controlled burn of the universe. Some seeds require the intense heat of fire in order to be freed of their husk, enter the soil and germinate. Farmers burn their fields between crops when they start over for a new planting. It eliminates weed seeds that would compete for resources with the wanted plants. Firefighters use backburning and burn lines to protect. Small, regular forest fires are a part of nature and preventing them totally often leads to huge, out of control devastation in the long run.

Pain is a part of life. Avoidance of pain sets one up for bigger pain in the long run. To quote a seventies song, don’t fear The Reaper, man. Actually, if you want a more current Pluto song try this one. Warning: it has the curses. I’m hep like that.

Have you been through a Pluto transit? What good did you see come out of it?


73 thoughts on “Pluto Transits: “The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire””

  1. Pluto transit direct on my sun (Sag) and also squared my moon (Virgo). Talk about processing and the shit flying. overall… i am still processing.

  2. I still have a bad attitude about it all.

    I mean yeah, I have been beat into fine Damascus sword steel by it all but how is that of any benefit to me or anyone else?

    Not expecting anyone to answer my question, just saying. 😉

    1. I read somewhere that ceres was a planet in the early 1800’s then demoted to a dwarf planet…when will pluto be demoted? I have had serious scorpio’s in my life since the 90’s and I have seen a more and more their behavior growing do whatever you want erratic to the point of are you in orbit with anyone? Do you follow your own agenda with no thought of the gravitational pull around you? Why is this still considered a planet with the other formation players? Why hasn’t the impeachment occurred?…..:)

  3. Going through Pluto opp Mercury AND Pluto opp Sun AND Pluto conjunct Moon, then after I get through these I have Pluto opp ASC to look forward too *rolls eyes* – (like someone most eloquently and rightfully said on this blog a few weeks ago about these transits for me) – most days it DOES feel like surgery without anesthesia!!!!!! But trying to keep a open mind and look forward to the “NEW ME” when it is over – even though I will be in my mid 50’s – hopefully wisdom will overfloweth!!!!

  4. i know someone who is going to have his sun conjunct pluto in dec — & it’s happening just a few days after the lunar eclipse (although, an out-of-sign eclipse), & i think the conjunction is supposed to trigger the mars/mercury/pluto conjunction energies from earlier in dec.

    i’m kinda thinking, it might suck to be him. although it might be the shakeup he needs – family-wise.

    yikes, right?

  5. Let’s see. You had a front row seat for a Pluto transit to my Sun and my moon. I’m just glad it’s done.

    Next up, Pluto transit to Mars and Mercury. Historically speaking, outer planet transits to this conjunction have been hideous however I am beyond conditioned to loss so not that concerned.

    I think I was born to a fairly hideous life but blessed with perspective and innate happiness so it seems okay.

  6. I’m going through a Pluto transit to my Mercury right now – 1Ëš to go to exact – at least I think so.

    In the next few years Pluto will transit my Venus and then my [conj] Sun – that’ll coincide with a Saturn transit to my Jupiter. By the time all that’s over I’ll prob be too old to notice let alone care!

    LAgurl, go to / astrodienst and get your *natal chart with transits* from the dropdown menu. You can see the transiting planets positioned round the outer edge of your chart, and thereby see which are transiting your natal planets.

  7. This past year as it has approached my 6th house Sun, I would not call it an easy transit. It hasn’t been an exact conjunction – YET. It’s coming though. I’m trying to convince myself that I did a lot during the retrograde that will (hopefully) make the conjunction go easier. With my luck, it will probably just decided to focus on another 6th house Sun possibility.

  8. Got these from
    Pluto Aspects
    Pluto conjunction Moon orb -3°47′
    Pluto opposite Mercury orb +0°45′
    Pluto opposite Sun orb +2°30′
    Pluto trine Pluto orb +1°50′
    Pluto trine Mars orb -4°21′

    Perhaps the trines are keeping the conj and opps from “killing” me – hopeful thinking? I am sure there are other “transit helpers” in my chart that help take the edge off!! – I am not that experienced in astrology – YET!!! New goal to LEARN LEARN LEARN!!

  9. Pluto nearing end of transiting my 4th house, a few years left now, I can definitely see when it entered my 4th house almost 10 years ago that is when the shite started hitting the fan, wish I had of know astrology then, would have made some changes a long time ago – seen the writing on the wall then rather than now!! – maybe 5th will bring new love into my life, give me the courage of Leo the Lion to do new things, go new places, meet new people – and my 4 grown children are all with me 100% percent for a new life!!! No more excuses of sacrificing for them anymore….they want me to have a happy, new life! Gotta love Pluto – resistance is FUTILE!!! *wink*
    I’m gabby tonight…hope everyone is having a great weekend! {{hugs}} 🙂

  10. In the last 54 years, I started with a transit to my sun, then about 9, a transit to my Jupiter (opposed mars), then about 7 years later, a transit to my mercury (opposed moon), then a transit to my neptune about 9 years later, then it transited my saturn, in my early 40s, and then moved into squaring my moon/mercury, then mars/jupiter. I don’t know for sure, but I think the hell of the last few years has been pluto transiting my 10th.

    Pain, overwhelm, depression. Yes. But, I am thankfully no longer the person I was. I have strengths that others only dream of. I have really learned that happiness is a choice, and that the brain can be trained to make the movement towards happiness, away from depression. Fear can be breathed through. And I KNOW the thing I learned with the Jupiter transit, that as long as you can smile through the tears, then you win.

    All that said, I am embracing the fact that although Pluto never goes away, for a time at least, I will have a break from his transformative tendencies. I plan to wring every ounce of joy and healing out of this time as humanly possible.

  11. “I’m hung like Pluto…” **

    Thanks Satori. I’ve been twisted a bit lately, focusing on Pluto’s current transit squaring my Sun lately, and your post reminded me to get a frick’n grip! My chart is ruled by Pluto, I’ve survived Pluto transit my AC/Moon… I’ve been to hell and back… Why was I twisted? Thanks for the reminder to take my power back. **

  12. I hope the younger people on here are taking inspiration and courage from the older ladies! – we are proof you can not only survive but come through stronger and wiser.

    I don’t think Pluto can throw much worse at me, although I have some major transits/oppositions to pass through in the coming decade… I’ve been looking up some Pluto degrees tonight, for dates when important things have happened in my life. Fascinating… esp transiting my Neptune at 8Ëš Libra in 1974!

    Apropos, I found a fascinating site detailing the importance of 8Ëš in Cardinal signs – its really worth reading if you can find it – it’s a pdf file

    reborninfaith, good to hear you sounding so positive – and you too ruth.

  13. Pluto was conjuunct my ascendant witin 1 degreee when my eldest Son was born.It was conjunct my natal Neptune in Scorpio in the first house within 3 degrees,when I was the victim of a violent(life altering)sexual assault(no alcohol involved.)It is currently squaring my Saturn 5th natal/12th by transit.I’m not having any fun and I am forced to stay in the house.Would anyone care to exchange charts?!

  14. ((Melody 1971))

    I hid in the house. It was so bad at one point that I wanted to take cardboard and duct tape and put over all the windows but I knew my friends and family would have me committed.

    Pluto was square my natal Virgo moon in 4th house.

    Little bastard I’m glad you lost planet status! LOL

  15. Hi Elsa and friends…hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
    Any Capricorns with the Moon in Libra in the house? Pluto AND Saturn have been socking it to us lately. Any of you feeling punch-drunk?
    Anyway, after trawling through the depths of my life, just this minute I had an “AHA” moment.
    I remembered that Saturn is exalted in Libra. Pluto is showing me how strong and resiliant I really am, how to handle things like loss and death.
    Sure, my life is still shaky, but perhaps this Pluto transit over my sun sign, and Mercury, perhaps I can use this strong energy of Saturn and Pluto to rebuild my life in a better structure. Saturn in Libra will help me with emothinal boundaries and better decisions. I have lots of grattitude for what I do have left. I have food and shelter and important people that care about me.

  16. @Tam.Thanks.I kept trying to die by self sabotage.It’s just kind of sad to lose the person you once were(in my situation)That’s the Devil planet PLUTO at work.Hope you are in a better place now.I like your funny bit at the end!

  17. Yeah I’m hung like planet Pluto
    hard to see with the naked eye
    But if I crashed into Uranus
    I would stick it where the sun don’t shine . . .

    I could have written those bad boy lyrics when Pluto was conjunct my Moon, Midheaven and in opposition to my Sun (back in the day) . . .

    My father died, my son went to live with his dad, I lost my best friend and wove in and out of a long, tumultuous relationship with a very cold man. I worked graveyard shift in a darkroom environment and lived alone (without a phone) in a one room cabin on 40 acres during those years. Pluto, I know thy name.

  18. Pluto is transiting my sun…as well as natal pluto and venus but its sextile so I havent felt it too much and I think its because I was born with Pluto conjunct my sun,venus and saturn, so Im used to the energy. Interestingly its opposing my north node.

    I did feel tranisting pluto big time a few years ago when it conjuncted my natal mars/neptune in the 10th, I left my job because I became so sick that I was given 2years to live…what good came of it? im still aliiiive!!!!

    I know I will definitely feel it when tranisiting pluto conjuncts my moon and squares my sun, pluto,venus saturn stellium but thats a few years away

  19. Pluto demanded I transcend grief, move through obsession and trust my core instincts. The bottom actually felt like a feather bed when I finally let go and landed. Best be unencumbered when moving through the dark on Pluto’s watch.

    toomuchpluto, I’m glad to know you lived through Pluto/Moon/Sun. When Neptune went over my Ascendant and transited my first house for 15 years, I don’t know who was at the wheel during that period.

  20. Yeah pluto square pluto while conj my jup and square my merc..

    Its kinda reminding me of childbirth.. NATURAL childbirth theres that moment when you think you can’t do it.. OK LOTS of moments but then Its done and you can remember there was pain but can’t feel it anymore…. Till Next time anyway

  21. Checked back a few years… like 20 when Pluto Opposed my 12th house mars in taurus I married. Its was trining my 11th house pisces sun. When It left my 7th and got within orb or being conj my 8th house jup in Cap I said enough..

    Its pass through my 7th took almost 12 years. how I relate in partnership definately changed. During those 12 years pluto conj my Nept on 7th,opposed my Saturn and ASC, trined my merc, trined my chiron, squared my sun then trined my 29 aries venus just after leaving the 7th and my asking for a divorce.. ok demanding one. I hope I learned what pluto had to teach me cause 1 nasty divorce was more than enough.

    I find it interesting that the 1st aspect was to neptune and the last was to venus in 12th (neptune ruled) In the middle was my sun square (my sun is neptune ruled) and the whole thing somehow feels unreal now… Elsa’s words about Neptune Disapearing things popped into my head when I thought about this. The whole thing feels “disapeared”.. if It wasn’t for my 5 kids I would think I was never married to him that it was some strange dream..

    Pluto was the incission neptune was the lidocaine?

  22. I can relate with so much here, Pluto was conjuncting my Asc at the time of my first and second sons birth but the orb was tight for the eldest and I think I was learning that my family at home wasn’t supportive, family wasn’t in my 4th house, it was now begining in 1st it was the first time I moved out of my parents house. It was now about me.

    Currently Pluto has been hovering around my Moon and Mars for a while now because of the last retrograde, it will conjunct them again. I’m really re thinking my home life, should I stay, should I go, do I like my relationship or should I venture into the big wide world on my own and face the scary unknown.

  23. my mom nearly died when it opposed my sun. i don’t remember that part (it was invisible to me) just that it cracked her really good for a long time. i was at the age where i thought things like that were my fault, somehow. children have a tendency to try to explain life that way, i gather.
    but i finally feel like i’m getting my mother back. now that pluto’s a couple years from squaring my sun :/

    he did a whole song and dance on my neptune/venus/saturn/pluto/uranus aspect pattern around when my son was born. that was several years of joy and pure self immolation at once, as he retrograded back and forth over exact aspects with each part. my spirituality and faith in myself were burned to the bones. the nice thing about that is once you can see the bones, you can then understand what the core of the issue is. i also dealt with extreme saturney limitations on my life and my time.

    i think, sometimes, the theme of pluto has at least as much to do with his moon, persephone (who’s close to his size- pretty much a binary planet) and mother/child themes. death in the fmily/genetic ancestry, et cetera. i lost my grandfather when pluto contacted my nadir, for example. or maybe i just think that because pluto has been transiting my fourth house for most of my adult life.

  24. Avatar

    @satori- Looks like I get it next year… The conjunction to my natal moon begins soon and with the rx periods Pluto will be transiting back and forth over my moon for more than two years. If there’s anything left of me, I’ll make a full report back… Saturn is also opposing my Jupiter and my natal sun now. That Rolling Stones song, “Tattered” is now my new theme song! (gallows humor may get me through this yet)

  25. LAgurl

    look to aries/libra placements in your chart–they will receive square transits by pluto in cap

    cancer will receive oppositions

    taurus/virgo will receive trines

    scorpio/pisces will receive sextiles. look at the degrees

    these are the basic aspects. move on to eg. your 8 degree venus in cancer is in opposition w/pluto in capricorn, which is currently at 4 degrees. this will be in effect a few years.

    i would study this aspect in particular. as you learn more you can assimilate more. but here is a good starting point.

  26. annnnnd LAgurl:

    pluto in capricorn is filling in a cardinal grand cross for you; with your own venus/pluto/jupiter t-square. can you see it? your chart is lighting up.

  27. Pluto started sneaking up on my Venus (~2 Cap) in late 2007 and I knew it was coming but I didn’t realize how devastating it would be. Someone came into my life for a few months, knocked me on my ass and left w/out helping me up. It was November 2007, I was 2 weeks away from my 28th birthday. We almost had sex, he was about to stick it in but I said no because I was scared (I was not on birth control and I had condoms but I didn’t assert myself about using them and I didn’t want to risk my health and wellbeing on him pulling out in time). Instead I opted to go down on him to buy myself some time and he started fucking my face and making me gag! So I stopped and when I started again he started gagging me again, so I stopped again and told him I didn’t really feel like doing it anymore. So he jerked it and I think we both went to bed hurt/angry. Or maybe it was just me. I tried to talk to him about it a few days later… I sent him an email.

    We were still friends and would still hang out after that, but I started seeing someone else after to try an move on. I told him I’d moved on, but I hadn’t and I’m sure he knew it. I visited him around Xmas and in January, Feb etc. I don’t remember exactly the last time I was over there but I’m pretty sure it was after Valentines and I know I told him I was taking a couple days off and going to Seattle to meet a friend in March. And sometime before my trip I was at Jacob’s and I had a dream about Paul and his dog and we were on the couch looking at a Thai takeout menu. So I decided I had to break up with Jacob soon. Well, I pretty much told Paul that I was thinking about breaking up with Jacob but I was probably just anxious because Jacob was kind of training wheels for me and I have no idea what I’m doing. But anyway, I got back from Seattle, broke up with Jacob and a couple days later I went to see Paul and no one was there. I mean, his neighbor says “Oh, he moved out last week.”
    He moved and didn’t tell me shit! I mean, okay, I knew he was going to move. He said in like his second email that he was planning on moving into a house with his friends soon, but he did not say when! And I did not ask! And he didn’t even have the balls to send me an email or something saying he didn’t want to see me anymore!

    Well, it really hurt me and I made sure he knew it. I sent him emails about how I missed him and how I wish I knew what I’d done to push him away. I wrote to him about my Pluto/Venus stuff hoping he would understand.

    I have never felt so strongly about anyone in my life and I fully believe that I love this person but the hurt and anger I feel towards him for “abandoning” me took me to some dark places. I tried to talk to him directly about it and he called me a stalker! Maybe it’s true… I have been rather obsessive about it and I know I’m probably just projecting my Pluto stuff onto him. I read about limerence and sent him a note to say “I’m sorry for everything, I think this is what’s wrong with me, I won’t bother you anymore” and the next day I see a post on craigslist MC’s about limerence and about a month after that then he resurfaced last summer (he drunk txtd me) and we talked a little bit and I told him his refusal to acknowledge my feelings hurt and “you make me hate myself” and he said “you should love yourself” (but he was drunk) and I thought *maybe* we could work past things and be friends again but the next time I tried to talk to him he called me a stalker again! And he talked shit about me to his friends! And I see him around sometimes (rarely) and it hurts because for a long time I just wanted to hug him and feel safe and now I just want to punch him the the face and then cry. This summer was the worst because the Pluto/Venus conjunction became exact and everything reminds me of him and I started getting very paranoid because I thought he had been posting for me on craigslist missed connections to mindfuck me but I may just be finally losing my mind completely and then he DID post some emails I sent him to his blog and said that if something should happen to him, I’m the one to come looking for. He finally took them down in September after I asked him repeatedly and told him I was going for counseling (which I still haven’t done, cuz fuck him!). Though I probably really do need counseling.

    I should mention that I’m in a relationship since summer 2008 which is okay, but I think about this guy every day and I finally got the balls to tell my bf just how badly this has affected me.

    Often I can’t help but think about how badly everything has gone and how I just made it worse by trying to bring it into the open and I just cry.

    Tomorrow is my 31st birthday. My life is a mess.
    11/29/1979 Eugene, OR 7:22PM

    The guy: 4/25/1977 Dallas, TX 6:42AM

    BF: 11/21/1979 Portland, OR 6:40AM

  28. This is fascinating stuff, my step brothers girlfriend is also pregnant and Pluto is opposite his moon at the same degree. And also transiting his first house, he’s having troubles with his own mother and his girlfriend is also about to become a mother.

    Also transiting Pluto will still be in my first house conjuncting my moon when I have my Saturn return in January 2012, when will this Pluto leave arghhh it feels like forever.

  29. @ h — thank you for your time for checking out my chart!

    OK, um…not to sound really stupid….but I don’t know what any of what you wrote means….

    I’m trying to Google it and see what it means, but I’m still learning….

    Can you simplify some of the stuff you’re saying?

    Sorry, I feel really dumb asking this….

  30. no probs!

    1. those green planets by your 5th house, on the outside of the wheel, are planets in transit. where planets currently are in the sky as they relate to your chart.

    2. look across the way, to your cancer house. -inside- the cancer house, you can see the glyph for venus (the female sign), and the number 8 next to it. that means your natal venus is at 8 degrees cancer. venus was at 8 degrees cancer when you were born.

    3. compare that green transiting pluto in capricorn to other symbols/numbers INSIDE your chart, in the signs i mentioned

    4. google ‘pluto venus transit’ to start with

    5. if it’s overwhelming, just focus on one thing for now. that’s what i did when i started, made studying a little easier!

  31. Transiting Pluto is conj the ASC. It has been aspecting everything I have, and that will last for at least another 5 years. Then it will be sitting the the first for a few more years with aspects I haven’t looked at. It’s got it’s perks, “That didn’t work at all, let’s try this now…”, and I admit I do like it, but it is really hard work.

  32. I’ve got (T squared) planets in early degrees of Cancer, Libra, and Cap. Pluto transits are slow. I’ll be here a while. *smile*

    Also: natal Pluto at the end of Virgo has gotten Pluto and Saturn transiting in the past few years.

    I’m still standing – yeah, yeah, yeah.

  33. Shannon, You ever get up north or I get south we should have a drink… except your cancer would give you and I together a grand cross… hmmm maybe good maybe not 🙂

  34. LMAO Shannon. My progressed moon has left Aries and I am feeling rather slllooowwww Moons now like my Taurus mars so as long as we do it before It gets hooked up with my ASC in Gem we should be good to go 🙂

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