Outer Planet Transit? Expect To Lose A 10-Year Chunk Of Your Life

10-planetsThere’s not a lot out there about the long term effects of outer planet transits. I got into astrology when I was a child. I’m getting old now. This puts me in a position where I can see how these things play.

I have my personal experience to draw from. For example, I have had Pluto transit conjunct my sun. I’ve also had Pluto transit square my sun.  But I’ve also witnessed what’s happened in the lives of my clients; many of whom I’ve know for twenty years or more.

There is such a thing as losing a ten year chunk of your of life. This is more common than people realize. It can manifest in a number of ways…

You may marry poorly or take the wrong job. You can get drunk for ten years, suffer a devastating loss or just go through a time that is so out of character for you it can be seen as something akin to temporary insanity.

The current stress in life from the pandemic, which followed the Saturn Pluto conjunction, and various other sundries had traumatized many and taken them off track.  The stress makes people ill, mentally, physically an spiritually.  When people are ill, they shut down in various ways. Blink and see the years go by as there is a transformation underway.

The person going through something like this is not going backwards, ever. You go through something and then come out the other side.  Your name is the same but you’re not.

People with stelliums or a good number of their planets in aspect are more likely to have a period like this in their life. Basically an outer planet transit comes along and whoops! It’s like the person joins a cult or something else radical. They’re cast into some drama or maybe they wade into. Maybe they’re influenced or seduced. However it happens, it happens.

The majority of people I know have had a period like this (myself included).  For the people who would say no time is ever wasted, I can see that perspective but it’s not helpful in the near term for those who wake up one day with awareness they’re on top the wrong mountain or have driven themselves right into a wall.

I wrote this fourteen years ago. Look at all the comments and the variety of the stories.  You’ve really got to be patient with people sometimes. They can utterly transform themselves and their lives… but have a crazy period in this process.

Have you ever lost 10 years of your life? Tell us!

Check out your Personal Transit Report

170 thoughts on “Outer Planet Transit? Expect To Lose A 10-Year Chunk Of Your Life”

  1. Sure did lose ten years, and counting. I read an interesting article by Donna Cunningham about how it has just sucked to be a Libra for a long, long time and that has definitely been my experience. The Pluto/Uranus square picked up my early Libra Sun, and in 2020, Pluto will be conjunct the IC and square my Ascendant and Mercury/Venus in later degrees of Libra, around the time that Uranus will be opposing same.

    It’s been one catastrophe after another on every front: health, career, kids, relationships. It is getting really hard to bother investing in anything.

    1. Sucks to be a libra? They are the lucky ones who always get away with anything. In my experience. Sometimes i thought how easy it must be to be a libra. Everybody likes you, you look stylish and don’t have to make choices if you don’t want to. Maybe i just know happy librans 🤔

  2. Actually, it’s the Pluto/Saturn conjunction that will be conjunct IC and square a ton of Libra in 2020. Yay! I can remember being in my teens in the ’80s when the same conjunction occurred on my ASC, and it was just awful.

  3. Yes, a full “Saturn Return” marriage. That’s a lot of years but I’m financially secure; two great grown kids; and a bright, sunny life chapter ahead of me.

    1. anonymoushermit

      When you say a full “Saturn Return” marriage, do you mean it lasted a full Saturn Return cycle (28-30 years), or do you mean it started during a Saturn Return?

  4. Perhaps my life is a patchwork of these lost years.

    Astrology had been on the outskirts of my interests probably just as I was entering my teens, stumbling upon a book or two that my mother had borrowed from the library. (Ohhh! So this sign explains pretty much the way I am – cool).

    On to the late 80’s – during a somewhat sad Fall (My 2 year old beautiful blue Pontiac Firebird that I had ordered from the factory is stolen, stuff like that.) – stumbling upon a new age-y book authored by an astrologer, that described numerology, the third-eye, a bunch of stuff. More great content reflecting my personality and experiences.

    On to 1997-1998, a markedly unhappy time. One evening during the ’97 Christmas holidays, I decided to quiet all inner whisperings about astrology not being worthwhile, against the religion that I had been raised with, and ordered Dalton’s Book of Houses. Using this and some other guides found in the bookstore(s), I plotted my chart. My eyes were opened! A brand new threshold to step through. I was hooked. I spent the summer of ’98 devouring astrology books and astrology has been a source of support ever since.

    It turns out that during this time Saturn had been transiting my 12th and was crossing my ascendant, and Neptune had been swimming along in my 10th since that late 80’s Fall mentioned above.

    I’ve found many parallels with traditional western religion, and some things that I feel have been left out from western religion. But I work with it.

    So the unforeseen “wrong” turns are still painful if I think about them too much. Astrology and the associated subjects are still my source of comfort and reinforce the practice to remember to not think too much about outcomes.

    So much more to say. But thank you Elsa, your assistants and your colleagues for cultivating this immensely interesting and helpful way of life.

  5. anonymoushermit

    I knew a friend, who is now 45 years old, who suffered severe depression and didn’t want to get out of bed, from the time she was about age 6 to age 29. I guess her Saturn Return was a positive one. Started putting on more makeup, being more outgoing, going out more, smiling more, losing the 50 pounds she gained during those 23 years, and just plain being more positive.

    If there is every a positive Saturn Return story, hers is one. Unfortunately, she lost 23 years of her life. She was lucky she passed high school, being how severe her depression was.

    I asked her if she’s bitter she lost 23 years of her life, she just told me that she was glad she out of depression at all. She told me it was better than the alternative: Never getting out of depression.

    1. Sounds like me and i suffered all through childhood with abuse and my teens and early twenties until 27 years when saturn was coming around for first saturn return. My life was so much happier but ofc lots of ups and downs but i dont live in trauma and abuse and fear constantly. So its a good thing 😊

  6. I’ve lost 18 years so far, the entire time Saturn was in the underworld of my chart. Beyond hopeless and horrible. Had I known ahead of time what I was in for I would not have thought I could survive this much hardship and horror.

  7. Those Pluto transits are whoppers! I gave a decade or so to the Lord of the Underworld during his trips through Scorpio and Sag. But finally he let me go in 2012 with such empowering gifts! I had to die to be reborn, Phoenix style!My 40’s are now amazing, 30’s were comatoxicly hard! I quarantined myself most of the time, I’m thankful I didnt have to be out in public that often! I’m pretty sure Saturn and Neptune played parts too though. Sun Scorpio 12th, Sag AC conjunct Neptune, Moon Leo 9th opposing Jupiter, Saturn Cancer 7th opposing Venus Cap.
    I think I had some intense squares going on and Neptune opposing my moon too. Not sure I will have to look into the ephemeris to see.
    I can remember when I ‘woke’ up or was released. Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus square Pluto transits! It was like I was a Walk In! Hell, maybe I am! Idk but I’m stronger than ever now. Thank you Universe!

  8. Uranus over the ascendant, squaring stellium in Aries! Yow!
    Then comes Neptune — then Pluto! Pow! Pow!
    And now Uranus is heading for the IC – along with the rest of the gang. OMG.

    What I have learned is this: it is all always moving!

    Nothing lasts forever – the good or the bad – so cultivate equilibrium and all will be well.

  9. I have a sneak peak preview of Pluto transiting over my natal Mercury in late Capricorn next years in the form of Mercury-Pluto conjunction in my Solar Return this year. And gosh, I’ve cluttered my mind with so much information pushed down my throat, educational system on this planet is a steaming pile of useless horse shit. Tons and tons of impractical facts and history details that change absolutely nothing and that has no practical application other than social masturbation in the form of “phd” and “doctor” label. Erase! Erase! Erase! Making mental space for something meaningful and fresh and alive. Time to leave behind coffins of the information long expired.

  10. What a great article Elsa!!

    I feel like I’ve lost the last 18 years due to damaging financial and emotional circumstances from my first marriage and now as my second is in shambles, I’m contemplating whether to walk away from it all and start fresh. And I really, really loved another commenter’s idea of resetting their mental age to adjust, that way it doesn’t feel like a loss. The mind has a powerful effect on the body so maybe I’ll feel younger too! ?

    Also, thanks to this post, I know my “why” now ??

  11. Yes, this happened to me when Uranus opposed my natal stelliums I have two stelliums back to back from 12 degrees Virgo through 16 degrees Libra. Eight planets in a string through the 9th and 10th houses so the opposition included my MC as well. I am still surprised I lived through it and at any given moment during that time if I had, had the option to just lay down and die it would have felt like sweet relief. I cannot recount the compounded blows because frankly its just too much to think about all that happened. Nothing learned was worth the devestation I experienced. Uranus was only the ring master Saturn was simultaniously conjuncting my string of planets for a few years of it at the beginning. Other transits came into play as well but the caotic destruction was the Uranus opposition.

    1. And now 2 years later as Saturn squares and Uranus opposes said sellium my ass is once again kicked, some situations repeated some new all devestating. 2018 is rivaling 2007-2008 for top spot as worst year of my life. Everytime outers zap my chart they zap 2/3 of my planet all in immediate session. It is brutal!

      1. I’m hoping you’ll post what’s been happening for you since the pandemic. I have a couple of stelliums too. Saturn sits on my midheaven and is cruising slowly over the first stellium. Pluto is getting excited to follow shortly after.
        Life has proven to be an ass kicker, over and over…

  12. I just had Uranus conjunct my Mercury, my Sun, trine my Asc and square my Moon. All within a couple of months and my whole world fell apart. My mom passed away with the Uranus to Mercury hit, and then I had to deal with the fall out and selling her house – my childhood home. My dad passed 3 years ago, and I’m an only child and not married and no kids. I’m pretty much alone now and scared, and am trying to claw my way out of the pit I got thrown into. It’s a whole new world, and I hope that as I emerge from the grief and anxiety, that I will be starting a new life for myself. This is going to take some time of course. I’m kinda scared of what the second hit of Uranus is going to do! I’m dealing with physical issues now too, from the intense emotions. I have great hope for my future though and can’t wait to get going on it.

  13. anonymoushermit

    A lot of celebrities have eras in their lives like this.

    I’ve read about Steve Job’s painful fall from grace in 1985. He spent the next decade, until 1997, to make a huge come back.

    Tina Turner was with Ike Turner for roughly 20 years. And we all know he wasn’t an angel.

    Winona Ryder had an embarrassing public exposure, in 2001. Then by 2016, she finally had a huge hit show again.

    Britney Spears’s breakdown in 2006/2007/2008 was known by everyone. Then she had a comeback in 2008, with her album, Circus. But I feel she’s giving in to her North Node in Cancer now more, though. She said she wanted at least three more kids. Yes, that’s very North Node in Cancer! I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t want to be famous anymore.

    1. You’re so right! Mariah Carey too! Her chart was clobbered back in the early 2000’s until she finally redeemed herself back in 2005 and going strong ever since!

        1. She went through a lot of transits, actually. After she was divorced from Tommy Mottola, she still dealt with Saturn in Aries crossing over her stellium in Aries. He owned her record label. She had to fight for her independence and creative control in the late 90’s. Then she was free agent. After that, she had a Saturn return as T.Saturn (her MC ruler) in Taurus crossed over her 12th house stellium, incl. Ascendant and then finished up by opposing/squaring her Moon/Neptune. Then the T.nodes and T.Jupiter squared her Sun/Chiron in Aries and T.Neptune in Aqua squared her Jupiter in Scorpio in the 6th right around the time of her mental breakdown due to overwork and exhaustion in July 2001. She blamed it on an exhausting schedule after signing with Virgin Records for $100M (T. Jupiter in the 2nd) but after Saturn moved into Gemini, that very public meltdown and her movie bombing at the box office after 9/11, Virgin decided to part ways to spare the embarrassment and bought out Mariah’s contract for $49M for less than a year’s worth of work. Ouch (That’s a typical Saturn for ya– cleaning up after Jupiter’s party!) Then she disappeared for a few years and reemerged on top in 2005 with a hit album when Jupiter was in the thick of transiting her 6th house…. On the release date, she had Sun/Venus/NN conjunct her natal Venus in Aries and T. Jupiter opposite her natal Mercury.

          “The Emancipation of Mimi”

          Astrology never lies! ?

          1. Oh God, sorry for the late reply. So busy job searching these days!

            Thank you for the answer. I always felt that Tommy and Mariah had a karmic meeting. Then Mariah was to break away from him one day!

            I totally forgot Mariah had a Saturn Return. Oh Saturn, oh how you bring down tall towers?? 🙂

            I always felt that the 2005 Mimi album was the end of an era. She proved that she could make it without Tommy’s help. It was like the album was the lid on the whole Tommy era. The transition away from Tommy was complete in 2005/2006.

  14. I’ve lived most of my life under heavy Pluto transits. My chart is bucket shaped, Jupiter r in fourth house, Pluto conjunct Venus, orb of 3 degrees, in Leo in 11th and a stellium in Cancer.

    Pluto has trudged through my chart, making significant transits to most of my planets. Starting with Venus when I was three – my adored father died. Meeting Saturn, crossing my Ascendent, conjuncting Neptune, squaring my Sun in Cancer, and so it went on. Year after year of major Pluto transits. I’ve only realised the significance of these transits in recent years. I’m now in my sixties. During the past few years Pluto has opposed Uranus/Mars conjunct, crossed my IC, opposed Mercury and, for the past 18 months has been squaring my Moon in Aries. Last year Uranus was also conjunct my Moon in Aries – it was hell. Felt as though I’d been hit by a truck, emotionally floored. It eased slightly as Uranus moved away from my Moon but Uranus is now squaring my Sun and I notice the energy is now different. Still difficult but different. I guess, being a Cancerian, the transits to the Moon, are the most difficult of all for me. Certainly has felt so.

    I think a chart like mine shows heavy karma and I’m trying to learn now I understand this. The Pluto/Moon square alongside the Uranus/Moon conjunction was devastating. Luckily Chiron is trine my Sun for the next couple of years and hopefully will help the deep healing work I’m trying to do.

    If you have time Elsa, I’d be really interested to read your comments on charts where Pluto is so active throughout a lifetime. He moves on to oppose my Sun soon and conjunct my Jupiter, activating my Sun/Jupiter opposition. I’m just hoping that I’m handling the present square correctly and will emerge with hard lessons learnt.

    1. “If you have time Elsa, I’d be really interested to read your comments on charts where Pluto is so active throughout a lifetime…”

      If you’re caught in something like this for decades, it’s probably not helpful to think of it as something you are going through. Your life is about transformation – period.

      In other words, step into the transit as opposed to trying to defend against it. 🙂

      Good luck.

      1. Well, it’s now 2022 and my final Pluto transit is coming to an end. I’m 73 and yes, it does feel like a lifetime of trauma but also learning. I do feel like a different, wiser and more accepting person. I’m letting the waves wash over me rather trying to change their course. I hope I worked with the karmic lessons.

  15. What a great post. I’ve lost the last six years of my life and counting …

    I’m putting it down to transiting Uranus arriving in Aries and my 12th house. This has been exacerbated by progressed moon arriving there last year and transiting Saturn moving into the 8th. It’s all been about looking inwards which I’m comfortable doing because I’ve practiced so often, but I would like *some* outer action and to feel that my life is moving forwards.

    Think that if my planets had been spaced in such a way that difficult events happened every 3 or 4 years apart, I’d probably just have got through them and whinged about having bad luck.

    But they’re not. And by having a close run of planets the events have been so destructive and rocking to my core that I’ve had no choice but to look inwards, withdraw from life, grieve, learn the lessons and evolve.

    The other positive about the stellium is that the outers have finally reached ‘dead spots’ in my chart. I’ve got almost no hard aspects from them until 2040.

  16. 16 years of friendship. so to speak. i projected the person i wanted her to be. took that long to realize i’d made the whole thing up. or maybe she was that person once, at least partially, and then broke. and it took awhile for me to catch up. i blame an eleventh hosue saturn t-square. things i needed to learn about friendship. and people. and. well. i have planets in middle degrees of all the fire&air signs (except my gemini is early.) it makes for weird transits.

    1. Exact here!! That time was hell. No peace at all during that time. My teen years were tough no matter if I was running away with friends for months or being in my shithole of a “home” with my crazy, unsupportive family. Moved to a state I hated with a passion with people I had nothing in common with. Was bullied relentlessly. Married an abusive jerk out of high school and endless drama with him when we separated. Including stalking, harassment at work, slandering me, attempted kidnapping, attempted suffocation and he almost sliced my throat with a kitchen knife. And because he was in law enforcement, he was using the court system to abuse me further when I sought relief when he was actually the abuser but the courts said “he said, she said” and I ended up with a restraining on me! Geez. Like I said —I had no peace during that time. Zero. I don’t know I got through that time. There’s so much more than all of that. Just grateful when those transits ended and life turned a huge corner at my lowest point right after I turned 24.

      Pluto was transiting my 4th & 5th opposite my 10th house stellium & 11th House planets (incl. Mars & Chiron!)

  17. When Saturn hit my Sun-Pluto conjunction I started a new job in a new industry after being self-employed for years. I was 30 and 10 years older than most of my colleagues. I wasn’t used to an office environment and managed to make a serious and powerful enemy, a VP. I absolutely threw myself into overcoming and winning and proving, which I DID, but I lost several years, failed to realize I was destroying myself to build skills in areas I would never be more than ‘just ok’ at. And I did it because I was frightened about a money situation. I did get some valuable skills, but what better skills could I have built that served my strengths? All because I totally gave into fear. You have to rebuild those parts of your self that are damaged by fear and it’s no fun. Like Littlefinger in GoT says “chaos is a ladder”. Make sure you are climbing UP not down into the pit.

  18. Pluto through Sag 2001-2009 was horrible. And I lost the ten years when I could have had children.And now this Neptune square Asc/Mercury which is risking to end my teaching career. My progressed sun is at 29.35 º Capricorn,don’t know what Aquarius may bring me (Maybe Astrology?)

  19. The last 5 years was a total upheaval of my quiet comfortable life.
    Lost my job of 23 year that I loved. Floated around fell in love. Was used and manipulated. Lost all the money. Estranged my son. I worked so hard to save for retirement
    Trying to find my way after the industry I loved threw me out because my job requirement changed. Abusive manipulative father came back into my life…a wolf disguised as a lamb.mother died.
    Relentless pain….
    Saturn was going through my 3rd house and is now is romping in my Capricorn 4th before it announces its return in my Aquarius 5th house. Uranus in Aries scorched my 7th house then into my 8th for the past 5 years. Now I get 2 more years of this emotional upheaval before it tears through my 9th house.
    Im getting tougher colder and much less yielding.

  20. I lost my voice as I was in a horrid
    Marriage ; constantly trying to eradicate the debts in our business
    He spent twice what we made
    I was dragging a dead horse with the rider throwing rocks at me and when exhausted and barely breathing
    The rider would come walk to the mess of me and beat me smother
    Poison and rape my existence
    Till I would rise and drag the dead
    Horse and rider, planning with
    Every step how I would fix things
    Never realizing, all I needed to do
    Was let go, so no looking back
    Just swim float walk run plan or
    Watch and wait everything life
    Offers now better than what I did
    I tried to fix , so no more dead horse
    Am I trouble free hell no but
    I have a voice ,it’s a little voice
    Are years gone yep are there some

  21. To my sisters and brothers who have suffered from Pluto transits, know this: we can and do walk through fire, repeatedly, and come out the other side even stronger than before. They say the most powerful sword is forged through repeated hammering in the hottest flame. We are the embodiment of that sword. I think people like us will have an increasingly important role to play during this time of global upheaval and transformation. We will not bend, we will not break, we would stare down the Devil himself and win. When everyone else is running away, screaming, we’ll be standing tall, saying ‘c’mon, is that all you’ve got?’

    I was born with Pluto stationary direct conjunct Mars in 12th H Virgo, followed by Venus and of course my my Ascendant. As transit Pluto criss-crossed over my natal Pluto and Mars for a couple of years, my mother – who had a personality disorder – nearly starved me to death. As a toddler, I hid from my mother inside a rolled-up mattress in a closet filled with mothballs – the near-total deprivation environment, and the chemicals in the mothballs I guess, resulted in my experiencing numinous out-of-body experiences that remain with me to this day. The visions and experiences from that time have underscored my life with a beauty and grace that has transformed the destructive energies in my chart to something empowering and transformational. Like Elsa, I also left home at 15, when Pluto crossed over my North Node. I had a tough, tough time, but I survived and came out the other side with a brand new life.

    My experiences have given me a great deal of empathy for others, especially those considered outsiders, and I’ve devoted much of my life to helping empower those who’ve been locked out of the good things life has to offer. Right now I’ve got Saturn criss-crossing over my natal 1R Saturn in Capricorn (4th House), but that’s a breeze compared to when Pluto crossed my Saturn 10 years ago – on the day the aspect began to form I had an operation for cancer and my charity received a large grant on the same day.

    You would think I’ve had a terrible life, but I would not have it any different. I have a wonderful husband (married 36 years), some really beautiful friends, a peaceful home, and my work has been incredibly rewarding. My spirit and will sustain me when things would otherwise look bleak.

    As Elsa has so many times demonstrated – Pluto’s entry into your life is often a curse at the time it happens, but a blessing with hindsight. Pluto gifts us with a power and wisdom that few others could even begin to understand. There is no reason to fear it, nothing to fight. Pluto in our life means the Universe had a very special mission in mind for us – do you have what it takes to accept?

  22. So, in 2011 I had Pluto going over my MC and Neptune went into Pisces around this time. Neptune was pretty bad because a kind of addiction I have to ‘spirituality’ became a serious problem. It’s like a high functioning drug addiction that causes serious problems that others can’t understand and that even the spirits can’t really help you out of without simply escalating it until you notice. Neptune is obviously still transiting Pisces and I can handle the energy a bit more now by pushing against it with my own animalism, but it is still fierce and ongoing.

    Saturn is now going over that same place where Pluto was and things are straightening out a bit, a bit but not much. Slowly does it. It has been a meandering few years. Not a waste or loss though.

  23. Re-reading what I wrote on this thread back in 2009, and what others who had charts similar to mine wrote, i.e. people with charts laid out such that your whole life is essentially one long Pluto transit. It all still rang true. (Thanks Elsa for re-surfacing this thread. It is good to revisit stuff years later to re-evaluate.)

    Which led to rediscovering what someone asked in 2016:

    “If you have time Elsa, I’d be really interested to read your comments on charts where Pluto is so active throughout a lifetime…”

    To which Elsa replied:

    “If you’re caught in something like this for decades, it’s probably not helpful to think of it as something you are going through. Your life is about transformation – period.

    In other words, step into the transit as opposed to trying to defend against it.”

    So… here I am… September 2018. Grateful for all the teachings and tips available here on this site. I need to sit down, review a bunch of stuff (both posts AND comments) and align myself for the next transformational phase (I have just completed one).

    Then step up to the plate and swing my bat! 🙂

  24. Wow! That didn’t take long! I’ve already got “it” all figured out (thanks to some key “images” from Elsa and Satori) !

    Whatever transformation lies ahead, I am ready for it! Pluto can do whatever Pluto wants: I have a point of focus and a strategy!

    Gosh that feels good! 🙂

  25. Feel like I lost at least 4 years during my Saturn return in Scorpio. All through this period I had no job, no relationship, lived alone with little contact with anyone. Life seemed pointless and meaningless with no reason for my existence. Guess I was very depressed. It began about 6 months prior to Saturn in Scorpio return to 8th house and ended shortly after Saturn left my 8th house. I have natal Pluto in the 8th so transit would have been conjunct my natal Pluto during this period too.

    Definitely feel I like I lost a few years there.

  26. Oh I can definitely relate to some of the comments about sometimes waking up or looking around and wondering “who am I?” and “is this my life?” And “Who are they?” “is this really real?” “If this has been my life for so long why does it feel so unfamiliar?” Then again, I may have some kind of dissociative disorder. But I don’t know, to me, it feels like I am more awake in those moments than when I am going about living my life.
    It’s awful how time can slip away from you.

  27. Yes! 10 years starting late 20s….so much so that when I moved somewhere I knew no one (to extract myself from untenable situation), I was the thought of as an awful person when I was literally trying to save myself. Sadly it took decades, until this past chunk of years to admit to myself how my behavior was so unlike me … but like I had been treated early in my life.

  28. Natal Pluto, Jupiter, South Node, Uranus all in 8th…so, no stranger to Pluto. Transiting Pluto conjunct Mars started the reign of destruction shortly followed by Pluto squaring that stellium in the 8th and immediately Pluto made long term residency in my 12th. The tenancy of the 12th house ends over next 2 years but not before Pluto squares natal Saturn and opposes Moon. As Pluto crosses my Ascendant, it then begins squaring my Sun.
    Thank you for this article, Elsa.
    Nothing is permanent. (…but I am a bit exhausted)

  29. Is it always bad? Some times are challenging and transformational but not all that bad. I’m in my 60s and have been through these transits. The worst was pluto in the seventh which did feel like I was trapped and in retrospect like I wasted trying to do the impossible. I learned to my energy is too valuable to waste on the impossible.

  30. Too valuable to waste on impossible people? Since it was in your seventh house? I have Pluto in seventh house in my natal house which is getting squared by my progressed moon in Leo in the 4th house. I think its effecting me by making my borderline personality flare up again. It sucks cause I thought I had got control of it over the years.

  31. Avatar
    Shimmering Light

    Yes and no. I’ve had Pluto go over, i.e. conjunct my Stellium (Mercury, Sun, Neptune, Venus and Mars), quincunx Jupiter, square Saturn, oppose my Moon and conjunct my DSC. Same with Uranus and Neptune (not Mercury/Sun with the latter). If it’s a case of losing linear time then I feel I’ve mostly lost it – Lol. Perhaps it has given me an appreciation of non-linear time instead.

  32. I’ve read this blog post a number of times over the past couple of years and wondered what this felt like until just five minutes ago! In 2018, Pluto started squaring my sun and I remember sitting in the garden on a beautiful summer day and got a chill through me and thought ‘something’s coming’. Covid didn’t really affect me, so it wasn’t that, but my life since then has been one loss after another. Four years later I’m in the thick of it, but this post is so heartening to read as I know I’ll move on.

  33. Whoa nice , rear view,whoa whew
    Seems like 400 years ago yet
    Some piercing feeling , a paper cut pain
    Feel like blowing out candles 😘

  34. Thank you Elsa, for addressing this. Other astrologers I always have to be stern with for dismissing the transits of the outer planets.

    I had Pluto in opposition with my Sun, Mercury, Mars, Ascendant and Venus which is in reception with my Moon. I did lose a big chunk of my life. nearly lost my life and so did my partners. Pluto was transiting through my 7th house.

    At the time I only felt understood when I read Howard Sasportas’ book Gods of Change.

  35. Not 10 but I’d say last 5, Neptune has been hitting my chart heavily. I feel lucky that I have a grand trine involving Saturn and MC so my work is the only thing keeping my mind afloat and focused, everything else is just out of reach. Even when I try and get more disciplined and want to move on to something, things fall apart and dissolve due to external circumstances.

  36. well it’s not a complete waste. there’s always some growth in the process, even if you lose your way on one aspect of your life for a chunk of time. like wonderful kids from an awful marriage.

  37. I have a scorpio Stellium in the 12th house. But my moon and venus is in SAg. I actually had 10 great years during the Pluto in SAG transit. Married the love of my life. The scorpio in pluto transit I was married to my abusive first husband and lost both my parents. I did have my 2 children then. I gave birth to my son at 30 and lost my mom unexpectedly at a few weeks later. Yes I lost my mind for a good 6 months after that. Pluto in Capricorn I have lost my husband, my brother and Now my sister who is actively dying today on my Birthday. I have spent the last week with her she has been able to be surrounded by her large family. She is a Capricorn. She is just 62.

  38. Ironically, an outer planet transit brought me out of my lost years. But yes, I have also experienced this. I believe it was multiple outer planet transits, simultaneously and overlapping.

  39. this resonates painfully. I have lost past 10-plus years of my well-settled life, since 2012, when transit pluto conj my natal sun merc in the 10th, activating their natal square to Uranus and Pluto, and Neptune transit my rising, with Uranus in the 2nd. No money, no career, no identity.
    One question though, if outer planets take away, do they return at some point in life, what they have taken?

    1. It would depend on what you’re talking about here. Some losses are permanent this is true of transits but also just of life in general. Like when your mother dies or something. You only have one.

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