Saturn In Capricorn For The Pluto In Virgo Generation

I’ve noticed Saturn’s transit through Capricorn is really shoring up the Pluto in Virgo generation.  This is more evident for those born with Pluto in Virgo in the early degrees (1959-63), at this time.

Eventually, it will impact everyone else with Pluto in Virgo. This will include those born with Uranus and Pluto conjunct in Virgo.

That group was born into turmoil in the mid to late 1960’s. I wrote about them being tweaked circa 2014. I would expect this Saturn transit to be of great support to them and just in time.  I say that because these are people in their early fifties, really coming into power.

It would be great to see them ground this powerful energy. I’m going to be watching them for sure!

Do you have Pluto in Virgo? How do you feel with Saturn transiting Capricorn?

41 thoughts on “Saturn In Capricorn For The Pluto In Virgo Generation”

  1. Having trouble with economy and looking for new job but I feel I have a lot of power inside – my spirituality really helps me. I hope it will show in my material life and with relations too. Pluto conj Venus in virgo (8´and 6´). But also a Cancer Sun quite sensitive and psychic..and too “kind”..But with Asc in Scorpio! I can bite I just avoid it until I really have to for my survival..
    I really want peace and harmony for all beings.

  2. It sure changed things for me! Pluto conjunct my Mid-Heaven, 1 degree Virgo. When Saturn went into Capricorn, I found a part time job, and money worries have eased tremendously, after years of struggling.
    Saturn leaving Sag helped too – it was my second Saturn return, and I’ve got Saturn in the first house. Ouch. It was rough.

  3. Venus, Vertex & Pluto conjunct in early degrees Virgo in 7H.

    Natal Saturn in Cap, so the current Saturn transit through Cap is especially powerful for me. (And I’ve attained my 2nd Saturn Return, successfully navigated.)

    The last two months I have been working very hard, with solid determination and discipline, at 1) what I call “Virgoing my house” (decluttering and organizing it) and 2) bringing in income (I am unemployed).

    I have been quite successful. Someone close to me who knows me well and is a Saturn figure (an accountant no less) showed up yesterday and suggested I ought to continue what I am doing, as a BUSINESS. He gave me tips. He gave me solutions to perceived obstacles. He has agreed to be my mentor.

    I am grounded (Sat/Cap). I feel empowered (Pluto). I am doing something I love and value (Venus). I have a partner/mentor (7H).

  4. Those born around 1970 with Pluto in the last degrees of Virgo stand to benefit from this upcoming triple conjunction (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter) at 24 degrees Capricorn in 2020 far more than other age cohorts will. It will make 50 a memorable year for many of us.

  5. Nice to hear someone say the 50’s are in their power. I was shocked when I got here and so many thought me feeble. I stood back and could say othing as so much chaos created because this wisdom was lacking. It’s all youth. So sad for everyone. Perhaps we should define what power means.

  6. Pluto in Virgo here and I was happy to have Saturn leave Sag. But Saturn is heading straight for Pluto in my 12th. I have taken to imagining the 3 of us, Pluto, Saturn, and myself sitting around a table as I toss things from my “closet-12th” onto the table. I picture them as no-nonsense business type men whom I discuss my past actions with and then sweep the crap out of the way. Think I should invite Neptune to the party, but she’d be too weepy and wanting to evade the conversation for me. Hahaha!! This is how I am gonna deal with these 12th house transits.

  7. Im not pluto in virgo, but i have noticed a great kind of concentration of energy for that generation. Really solid and mature.

  8. My Saturn rerun as well as Pluto Virgo in 7 glad I read about the great shoring up for 2020 article you wrote that we do have this time to get prepared

  9. This is me, born 1963,aged 54. My Uranus is 10 deg & Pluto 14 Virgo fifth house. Saturn is sitting on my natal Cap venus and trining Virgo. It is a shoring up and strengthening transit. Yahee. Hard working and focused.Maybe bringing in innovation smoothly, without a rebellion. Maybe I marry an Alien

  10. Avatar
    Southern Cross

    Well, yes, and yes. I have Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Virgo widely trine in early degrees. I love Saturn in Capricorn. I feel this time it’s going to be a game changer. I feel greatly supported from within, but the stakes are higher now.

  11. I was born in 1964. I am a young 53. I have my sun square Pluto, Saturn Opposition Pluto, Uranus Conjunct Pluto. I also have Pluto in Virgo at 11 Deg and Uranus Virgo at 6 Deg. I am going through my 2nd Saturn Return now. My father committed suicide 27 yrs ago and I can feel something is changing now. I am prepared this time though. I suffer with depression but I have been working hard to take my mind off the depression and to become self sufficient again. It has been a SLOW but steady progress. I am not giving up and I am determined to get through this. My only worry is, is that I have a 13 yr old son who I think will be affected by this transit. It is really hard for me and I cry a lot.

    1. GYpsy Girl Your dad’s suicide while you were around 26? Im SO sorry to hear that. Wow
      You appear to be a bit young for your Saturn return tho. I would push for 56 minimum for early bloomers
      You MAY be feeling the transition of other passages, for this, I also RE-E-E-E-EALLY feel for you. At least you have time to take a deep breath to get through things before you have to dive back into the waters at 58(56 maybe). My thoughts are with you…and your son who loves his mom and wants her to be happy.

      1. Hi Gads, I have gone through such a terrible past 5 years. Relationship issues. I have my 11th House in Pisces at 29Deg. It said a permanent ending. I don’t sleep properly worrying. It took me 26 yrs to get over my fathers death., How on earth will my 13yr old cope? His sun is in his 12th House. I cry so much. Not sure how I get through day to day. I also have 7 placements in the 12th House. I am a good person. Kind and loving. Why did this happen to me?

        1. Oh Gypsy Girl I SOOOO so feel for you. I have had a tough time relationship wise for the last 5 years too. As a matter of fact I feel like Im experiencing my Saturn return now but mine is in Aquarius so…but you? a packed 12th house… in Aries, right? You simply humble me. Aries Being in the 12th house must be excruciating. UGH!People don’t understand how tough it can be. So many lights hiding under the 12th house bush to drag out and deal with in this lifetime. Wow… overwhelming.
          53 is also a very tough time. Of course you would cry all the time. God I remember this. You probably hurt so badly physically and emotionally you just want to end the pain..Yup. It also makes you vulnerable to a lot of guilt and self criticism.
          If this IS how you feel, what helped me personally was Vitamin C (rose hip powder-,Naturally fermented sauerkraut are some excellent sources. Most supplements are made up of fake Vitamin C) Plus Licorice Root and Holy Basil that nourishes adrenals immensely.. Ashwaghanda might help you sleep and reduce stress.Boil the root, drink before bed. And exercise…Heart pounding exercise…changes everything.
          Your son will get through this. My son with his Cancer moon suffered a lot these past 5 years seeing me suffer. He had enormous empathy but a lot of suppressed emotions(grief, anger and a sense of helplessness) because he had to put aside his own feelings and fears to be strong for me. He also pulled away in self protection. So I hear you.

          Makes sure he has someone to talk to real soon.

          Not to poke at a wound but
          I wouldn’t think your dad liked seeing you suffer all these years..let alone his grandson. And I am sure he is very sorry for it. TO be in so much pain that he had to leave his girl must have been just awful. Poor man.
          What helps me now is I call on my mom who just past to help me deal with things. I’m sure that’s what he would want his baby girl to do. Just a thought because it helps me. Thats all

  12. I was born in 1961, so I have Pluto in Virgo (in my first) quickly approaching my Saturn and Jupiter conjunction(23*+27*) in my 5th house.
    I feel I “came into my power” at around 42, and was stepping on the gas for about 10years, with a slight slowdown these past 4 years. I feel I am coming back into power in a different way recently, so I am excited to see what happens when Pluto crosses these beauties.

  13. My Pluto in Virgo retrograde 3•55
    Think I am coming into new sense of
    Excitement!!my cranky ,at times, might be natural cabin fever thing
    Spring sooo close , money skinny at this time, more daylight ,more wampum [happy dance],wide eyed ears open &smile on.I might be the best I have ever been.[now time for house to fall on me,just gotta dodge those falling houses]smiling and breathing deep

  14. I’m loving it. You described it exactly right, Elsa (and btw, I love the troll picture!) Born in ’62, I’ve currently got tr Saturn trining my Pluto and my Chiron, as well as creating a grand earth trine with my Venus.

    It’s been a lot of years of bad crap, lots and lots and lots. Last year, I finally started to get breaks, and this year, I’m trying to uplevel these. With my P in the 12th, I also decided to sue an employer that treated me really badly. I hate suits, but I’ve got a really good case, and it feels really empowering–the motherfuckers will surely settle.

    With P in Virgo and Chiron in Pisc, I feel like all that I’ve read and see about my generation–victims who lost their faith as youngsters, now we’ve worked a lot out, and no one’s going to give us crap anymore.

    I know that yesterday’s march was very much about teens, but between gun violence and abuse of women and civil rights, I feel happy to be out and marching about. This is our moment. I’m feeling excited. thx

  15. I have 4 degrees Pluto in Virgo and it misses connecting with my Venus in Capricorn by 8 degrees, but it seems to be supportive. It doesn’t hurt Jupiter is in Scorpio right now either. I have no idea how things will turn out in the end but I feel good about it. It’s not been all a bed of roses but I am finding support where truly needed and in surprising places.

  16. For me, so far, it’s been enormously heavy. But I have 7 planets and points in Capricorn, including Saturn, about to come home at 11 degrees, and Pluto stomping through my 8th house, hitting my 23 degree Sun. I’m feeling pretty crushed, like a great weigth is on me all the time. Things keep going wrong, as they did when Pluto squared my Sun many moons ago, but that was over in a matter of months, I’m really not sure I can take another 2 years of this.

  17. born may 2 1966 Pluto conjunct uranus Virgo

    It has been a mighty struggle – is there some light coming my

  18. Avatar
    Matthew Burton

    My Pluto sits at Virgo 9 exactly opposite the Ascendant. These days – apart from lovey marriage and grown up daughters – I’m almost untethered, I’ve dropped financial ambition and any kind of push for achievement/status, after decades of incomprehension and materialistic struggle with trying to figure why so much talent remains so invisible (!) especially with my Leo North Node getting so much energy the last year. But inexorably everything seems to point to the phrase “abandon yourself to God as you understand God”, and that figures with my five 12th House Aquarius stellium (Jan 30th 1962). It’s blind faith day at a time. Matt x

  19. Born 1966 – Pluto conjunct uranus 2nd house. Very difficult
    for a long time. Is there any light coming my way.

    thank you.

  20. Avatar
    Antoinette Panton Isaacs

    Hi Elsa, I have Pluton in Virgo 6° conjunct north node, in exact opposition to my sun conjunct Chiron at 6°. I’m heading into my second Saturn return in Capricorn. This years’ solar rev. puts Virgo in my first house. I don’t know what will happen, but I am sure something life changing is going to pop, like a mind bomb, changing the way I think and feel about my whole life.

  21. Thanks Elsa.
    Born October 1959 Saturn in Capricorn 4th H. It is my Second Saturn Return. I deeply feel “It’s Time”. Something visceral telling me that I am about to know WHY I was born in this place (Middle East) and Time (as you mentioned – and I have been also deeply assessing that fact myself – of violence, horror and upheaval)..

  22. Im a 68’er w pluto & uranus in virgo 11th & 12th. I have saturn in aries & my moon in capricorn is now being transited by pluto saturn & mars. However im a 4 planet gemini in the 9th house & i cant stand the rain ‘gainst my window. All this gunk coming out of the backd up sewage is draining. Im saving up for the saturn in cap workshop. I live in pesos so this takes more time 🙂

  23. Weirdly, all this earth energy is making me want to move out of the city and onto a ranch. I feel this overwhelming desire to upend it all and just get out from under it. Could be Saturn plowing through my 12th house, but the earth energy is making me long for actual earth–dirt, gardening, digging….

  24. Avatar
    Bob(in Australia)

    It’s interesting to observe a common thread through all of these comments, compliments of Pluto, people all at different stages of resolving powerful and essential life force issues, though you are right Elsa, we have been or are still going through the wars with this placement, but that’s just the price you pay for choosing the experience in this incarnation. BTW, also love your troll photo used in the original post, but wonder where it comes from in your sense of humor, suspect your having some fun at our expense! But never mind it worked for me. Have a great day!

  25. I belatedly found this page because I am wondering what will happen on the 2020 triple conjunction. Born a Virgo in 61 (yes, Pluto in the 11th trine natal Pluto/Moon/Sun conjunction has helped so far, unlike devastating Pluto in Sag!), but coming up have natal Sat Rx at 23 Cap, conjunct natal Jup Rx at 27 Cap, both in my 12th house, so will also experience both Saturn and Jupiter returns (and Jupiter ruler of MC) next year along with Pluto transiting 12th . There will double conjunctions, and best as I can tell by looking at a few dates, it looks like summer of 2020 is closest to triple conjunction with both natal planets within about 8 degree orb. I think the actual triple conjunction in Aquarius will be conjunct my progressed Jupiter. I have been clearing a lot on the material plane, and finally ending an on/off relationship that, amazingly, first began after my first Saturn return, so I hope I’ve been preparing wisely. I hope that the prior Sat return helped, and Jupiter’s presence will as well, with both as natal planets being familiar, but Pluto in 12th ? I am about to find out (starting about now)

  26. Hi Elsa,
    I was born in 1st of september 1970.Yes i have pluto in My first house at 26 and Uranus in my 2nd house Libra at 7 and my Saturn is in my 9th house Taurus at 22. Neptune in 3rd house Scorpio at 28.
    Am i one of the coming beneficiaries in 2020 too???

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