Saturn In Virgo – What About *Not Controlling Conversation?

alcoholic.gifI made a video awhile back about how to discredit someone. All you have to do is say they are a drunk and that’s it! Walk into the room and everyone looks you up and down and thinks, “Here comes the alcoholic”. Doesn’t have to be true and I’d know because this is exactly what happened to me. This was “first handshake” before I even shook a hand when I first starting meeting with the task force.

Further I did not know this had happened for at least 2 or 3 weeks which meant people were talking to my hologram (Elsa the presumed alcoholic) and boy did I flip out when I found out. Considering I’m not a drinker, I was STUNNNNNED.

While most the people I am working with now have the story straight there are still some stragglers. These are people working on the periphery and while I have lots of Capricorn and I am aware of my public image, I have decided to just let them pass. Think I am an alcoholic? Fine. Because sometimes it looks even worse if you try to run up and convince someone of something, especially something like this. What alcoholic thinks they are an alcoholic anyway? So I’ve decided I am unable to control everyone’s thoughts. I am just to busy to make it my job (Saturn) to clean up alllll the information (Virgo).

So right now there is someone running around the astrology community with things to say about me. What she is saying is not true. It is wholly delusional but I am sure there will be a percentage of people who will buy the myth and you know what? So what.

It seems to be another of my jobs on this planet. All I have to do is be alive and people have the opportunity to learn to discern. That some of them are unable does not seem to be my problem.

What is one of your jobs on this planet?

6 thoughts on “Saturn In Virgo – What About *Not Controlling Conversation?”

  1. This is a bizarre phenomenon you are dealing with, Elsa. This story does help to grasp Neptune a little more. It’s such a strange place, Neptune. Mine’s smack in the middle of my 8th.

    One of my jobs?
    Putting people in touch with their energy reserves when they really need it. This has happened over and over again.

  2. Elsa, way to go!!! That has to be difficult to just say…”So what?”, but in my opinion it’s brave and shows integrity. I don’t think I have ever seen your chart, but you say you have Capricorn and that always puts people in the public eye. You’ve already figured out that it just doesn’t matter what people think and sometimes no matter how hard you try to explain yourself, it doesn’t make a difference. And of course, you’re right, that’s their problem. As long as you know the truth, well then, that’s all that matters. (I’m preaching to the choir here, obviously 🙂 )
    To answer your question, I think one of my jobs is to bring new ideas and broader perspectives to people who never think outside of the box. Not sure what planetary energy is doing this work.
    Peace to you, always, Elsa!

  3. So right now there is someone running around the astrology community with things to say about me. What she is saying is not true.

    Well, you’re supposed to say how wunnerful ye olde astrological community is, but there’s always an element that is way out there personally, in a bad kinda way. That is, the bad kinda Uranian. I just expect it at this point because…

    [Neptune on the Midheaven]

    …I have Neptune on the sun. I do not like drugs, and I barely drink [in the past two years I’ve had five beers, and about one glass wine, tastin’ the stuff before I put it in food], none the less, I have been accused of being a drunk or whatever half a dozen times after somebody looked at the chart. And given that people with that position often are drunks, I can see why. ‘Often are’ is not ‘always’.

    It is wholly delusional but I am sure there will be a percentage of people who will buy the myth and you know what? So what.

    Good plan! Fuck ’em!

    What is one of your jobs on this planet?

    Holding the bridge against all comers, of course!

    [‘Somebody has to do it.’]

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