Scorpio Woman Asks: Am I Destined To Be A Slut?

scorpian vintage embroideryDear Elsa,

I’m a Scorpio female and am dating a Capricorn at the moment. I’m having a problem with keeping my mind faithful. I constantly look at other guys and check them out. I have crazy thoughts of sleeping with them. Am I destined to be a slut?

Wandering Eye

Dear Eye,

With a stellium in Scorpio, Mercury conjunct Pluto and Venus and Mars conjunct, I would say you were destined to be sexual.  But thinking about sex does not make one a slut.

Rather than judging yourself and the thoughts that come to you naturally, how about you spend some time thinking about just exactly what a slut is… because it sounds as if you don’t want to be one.

Thinking and doing are two different things. Just because something occurs to you does not mean you have to act on it. We are not dogs but human beings who are capable of being civilized.

Try to relax. People think about having sex with other people all the time and manage to keep their pants on all the time. You can be one of them if you want so no. You are not destined to be a slut.

Good luck.


3 thoughts on “Scorpio Woman Asks: Am I Destined To Be A Slut?”

  1. It’s unrealistic to think that, once hitched to someone else’s cart, you are a bad person for considering all the other chariots around you. But that’s just it. THINKING about it is different that ACTING on those impulses.

    I’ve been dating my boyfriend for just over a year, and we’ll BOTH tell you that we have had naughty thoughts about other people. Granted, they usually end in ‘but I like mine better’, but it’s a harmless fantasy (it’s why the Divine created eye candy! Pretty to look at, but no touchy!).

    Now, if you find it to be distracting when you’re with your partner, when you start wishing he were someone else, then you have a problem, but again that doesn’t make you a slut.

    Which brings me to my next thought: What is your definition of ‘slut’? Do you view it as just the negative connotation associated with women who openly enjoy sex with the same casualness that men are allowed to without the same stigma? Is the idea that a woman can have crazy (and hopefully safe) sex with a bevy of partners distasteful for you? Because there is a difference between a woman with enough self-respect to chose her partners and a woman who is screwing the masses to somehow buttress her self-image (which, btw, never works).

    *steps off her soapbox*

    I hope you find your way through this.

  2. Be anything you want. Break free from the confines of societal expectations! Just remember not to violate the rights of others, be a person of your word, and align your hearts, words and actions.

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