She’s Destructive In Relationships -Part one

Hi Elsa,

I continue to have difficulty with love relationships.

I am a very independent person, but the second I am seeing someone I really care about, I try my best to destroy it. I am usually successful at destroying it. I don’t want to just be by myself. I have been seriously working on stopping this, but it’s extremely hard to get past.

What do I need to change or do? Am I meant to just be by myself?

Relationship Challenged

Dear Challenged,

With your Moon conjunct Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus, you are definitely a powerhouse and nothing is going to change that. Basically, you’re a particularly unpredictable volcano and furthermore, you’re huge! With a chart like this, it’s very easy to see why you would have difficulty in relationships. Your challenge is pronounced but does this mean you’re meant to be alone? Of course not.

You have Venus in Taurus and you definitely value relationship. You definitely want to love and be loved, touch and be touched… and with Saturn in Taurus as well, you might say this is your “job”. To master the art of relationship, that is.

I hope that hearing this encourages you, but the fact is you have your work cut out for you, so I have some unconventional advice, once I cover these standard things. There are three main points that test you.

  • First, people with Venus conjunct Saturn are scared to death of being rejected and they typically handle this by beating people to the punch. “You can’t fire me, because I quit”. So just be aware of this. When you kick someone out of your life, what is motivating you really?
  • Secondly, you have Mars opposite Mercury, also known as a BIG MOUTH. There is a tendency towards aggressive speech… and being LOUD. Having Mars Mercury conjunct myself, I would know! Your mouth is a weapon, okay? And people who do not or cannot communicate the way you do find it very abrasive, so you need to find an outlet for this. For example, I write. And I exercise. I get my ass in gear (use my Mars)… otherwise the aggression, the Mars energy will come right out my mouth and you can see it on this blog. Just look how hard it is for me not to swear!
  • Last, there are all these planets conjunct your Moon. The Moon rules emotion and you are very volatile. You are too volatile for most and this is your problem not theirs. It’s your problem when no one can stand you, right? So I would begin to address this by making and keeping myself some space. Space to blow, that is. Because people don’t like your hot lava flung all over them, I am sure.

Now… I am sorry that list is both long and hard. But you know it’s all true and I hope it helps you to have it laid out like this. And I have one other suggestion… which I’ll outline tomorrow.

Skip to part 2….

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7 thoughts on “She’s Destructive In Relationships -Part one”

  1. upon reading this, i immediately grabbed my own chart to see if i could blame a mars/merc connection for my own big mouth. (i have a sextile, so i guess to some degree i can.)

  2. “Your mouth is a weapon, okay? And people who do not or cannot communicate the way you do find it very abrasive, so you need to find an outlet for this. For example, I write. And I exercise. I get my ass in gear (use my Mars)… otherwise the aggression, the Mars energy will come right out my mouth and you can see it on this blog”

    Wow, I need to really look into doing this myself. I’ve got Mercury/Mars too and not only do I know I have a big mouth, but I really do feel like I come off as abrasive, sometimes.

  3. Thanks for the nice greeting Elsa..

    All I can say is Saturn and Uranus what a tug of war on my virgo stellium…suprise stop, suprise stop.

    Throw the rule book out the window grab a magnifying glass check out the details of the big bang and rewrite the rules…

  4. Mars conjunct Mercury too. I’ve been called brutally honest and Betty Blunt. I have to be so careful with what I say. It’s like being a fire breathing dragon.

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