Top 10 Taboo Topics In Astrology

What’s currently considered taboo in astrology in this era? I first posed this question, thirteen years ago.  It’s always interesting and we could use an update. My original post follows.


People say I’m provocative but it is almost never my motive. There are topics I feel are taboo in astrology. These are subjects that really PISS PEOPLE OFF.

I have Mars conjunct Mercury which likes a mental challenge. I wonder if people can help me put a list together.

My vote for the #1 thing that you can’t bring up in astrology circles would be the shadow side of Aquarians.  The other signs are fair game but if you get to talking about the gross and disgusting side of Aquarius, you’re going to have a hideous fight on your hands.

Your turn!

What makes your list of the top 10 taboo topics in astrology, today?

209 thoughts on “Top 10 Taboo Topics In Astrology”

  1. Really? No wonder I’ve never had any Aqua friends, LOL! Seriously though, mine would be – and this is based on my reality, not speculation – the notion that ALL Scorpios have magnetic sex appeal and tremendous ability in the intimacy dept. I have proof this ain’t always so, LOL!

  2. HAHAHA, I know right! Aquas have the highest Assholio factor which never gets talked about. (I may be biased, you’ve seen my dad, right?)

    I think its taboo to talk about anything that could be a hindrance. Everyone wants to say “well in olden times these planets were considered maleifics, buts thats a nasty word, so we like to think of them as special helpers who push you to achieve!”

    Lets just cater to the most fearful and talk about how blessed we are… Vomit.

  3. ..that Jupiter isn’t ALL good. seriously–tell the people that Jupiter won’t bring endless bounty for the rest of their days and they’ll freak the fuck OUT.

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      Alessandra Derniat

      I *seriously* agree. Jupiter simply makes whatever is happening huge. If that’s bad stuff, then it is bad stuff on a huge scale. (On the day of my 4th Jupiter return, I cried the whole day over a romance break-up. I was massively miserable!) People totally freak out when told this.

      A close corollary is the trine. Everyone expects fairy dust and flowers to fall on them during trines. What they don’t know is that the trine, being a soft aspect, tends to inactivity. And sometimes that inactivity means a situation will not change, because the person will not take action to change it!

  4. I just realized I’ve got my Venus in Aquarias (sp?) in the 11th! I’m a total douche when not getting my way!

    Wait, what? Are you saying Jupiter is dying? lol

  5. I think it’s taboo to tell someone their chart is just plain-ass boring . . . it happens. So you have to start digging for stuff, or telling them how “well-balanced” they are.

  6. You can’t say that Mercury retrograde is just NOT that big a deal. It’s just Mercury people…it’s not like a Pluto transit to your moon.

    1. Expect if you’re a Gemini sun and mercury- I like the slow down periods very much. I’m like an all star in retrogrades when everyone around me is throwing fists.

  7. The viciousness and manipulation of Scorpio. Oh, and how about the fact that not all Capricorns are power hungry control freaks? 🙂

  8. Oh gosh, I would love to see this list!

    I think it’s taboo to tell someone they’re never going to get it– I’m reminded of when you posted about somebody whose chart was so “inflated” you realized they were not going to listen or process any of your advice.

  9. h: I really have a hard time talking about natal Jupiter, because all that luck/bounty stuff just seems to be a big fat fantasy.

    1. I know, right! One astrologer told me I have an ‘easy’ chart, and the other that I have one of the ‘most successful’ charts she’s ever seen. But all life hands me is hardship.

  10. This sounds fun.

    How about the MILD side of Scorpios? I say this on behalf of one I know who said she doesn’t relate to anything in her astrology because she’s not a sexy vamp, revenge-minded mean person. And to be honest, almost all female Scorps I know do not fit “the profile.”

    I think the most taboo thing is well, telling someone there isn’t hope for them on a particular subject. Also, health astrology/predicting death.

  11. That just because you’ve got favorable aspects between the all the asteroids and Venuses conjunct, your suns, moons, and ascendants not connecting in synastry means you’re prolly not getting anywhere. Ever.

    Actually, anything bad in synastry, unless the person is looking for a reason to make the other person into an asshole. Then you can’t point out anything good. *lol*

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    How about the very misunderstood side of Capricorns that make us appear to be all those nasty thing people are prone to saying about us? There’s dark shit there, I’m not saying they’re not.

  13. Funny you guys talk about Aquarius and their not-so-great qualities. I generally like Aquarians but I can never get into relationships with them (ex is one) because of their ability to detach. It hits the Cancer Moon hard 😛

    Taboo topics… Hmm… None that I can think of… I think you can talk about anything and everything, no? At least the sky’s the limit to me.

    1. Yes aquas do detach but if they love you they always come back (fixed). I’ve got moon in Cancer and have had loads of loving, committed aquarians (male). I dumped them all mostly because they got too possessive (except for my aqua husband who’s not possessive). I hate to be bossed so aquas suit me (Sag sun, mercury and Venus)!

  14. Lunalie: The detachment/asshole complex. It’s so true. And I should know: I’ve got Aquarius Moon! And Cancer rising. So I like them a lot, too, and then they just leave you gasping for air when you get brave enough to show your emotions. Poor crabs! 🙂
    I think that Water Bearer scoops up a bunch of crabs in that jar and then just dumps them on the sand. A fatal combination!

    1. Reading this post 11 years after, ie 2121.
      Agree that we Aquarians can be major assholes. I have sun, moon, Venus in Aquarius and according to the books should love them to death! I rarely even like them, just so stubborn minded. The men, even with Aqa moon so arrogant.
      Remember reading in an astrological magazine years ago, that people were complaining about Jupiter, and how was So overrated. Have found this also- it does have it’s moments, but the blessings seem to be ephemeral.
      I wrote this to tell you crabs that I think you are the best! I love Cancerians!

  15. I don’t have a specific suggestions but I would love to see these topics explored, because no doubt whatever it is, I/we have come across someone who is like that.

    Like being with a Leo, you might meet their needs but you might have to go without getting some of yours met. (I love Leos, btw- just sayin’!)

  16. I think taboo would be how astrology isn’t the be-all and end-all. In my perception, it seems like people think astrology explains everything, or nothing at all. No middle ground.

    I do believe astrology explains a lot. A lot more than can what be boiled down to pure chance and guessing. But it can’t explain *everything*. Sometimes a situation is created in life that can’t be reasoned out with natal placements, transits, progressions, etc. Sure, astrology can help you figure out how to get through it, but not necessarily why it’s there in the first place.

    But maybe I just want life to maintain a little mystery. 😉

  17. “Darkside Zodiac” By Stella Hyde.

    She wrote “tons” about the negative side of each Sign. Especially going into the Rising , Sun , Moon , Venus & Mars , opposite sign….. to each of theses.

    I looooove this book!! It’s kept next to my go-to books on astrology.

  18. Your’re so right about Aquarians Elsa!
    Although I think my Scorpio Sun knows how to discipline my Aqua Ascendant 😉

    Also agree about the Mild Scorpio, I am one too!

    @SaDiablo, you mean that good aspects leads nowhere or bad aspects?, I didn’t get it (my English isn’t that good).

  19. I was looking for the Shadow Side of Aquarians. I’ve met several Aquarians who are into the whole “Lie For No Reason, Smile in Your Face While Planning Your Demise Frenemy” trip, and warning you away from others at the same time. And not only to me. They do this wo anyone they think is in their way! Is that the shadow side of Aquarians?

    1. I thought this behavior was because of his Narcissitic Personality Disorder. But potentially it is just because he’s Aquarian?

  20. Every subject in astrology seems game to me, except politics. Meaning, I just can not stand many astrologers’ points of view because they are ungrounded in reality. But how do you say that without being confrontational? Like, hey, your opinion seems both biased and factless with no historical basis??? Sniff.

  21. Definitely taboo: Disassociating modern rulerships from Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces. It completely f*cks with so many woo-woo, biased interpretations. People shut down if you ask them to try doing with the outer planets as simply that, standalone planets not linked to any specific signs.

  22. I’m sitting here laughing… I would love to hear about how horrible I am as an Aquarian! Haha.
    I actually don’t consider myself an asshole at all. I’m really nice! I promise! I really have to think, and maybe start admitting, times when I’ve been an asshole… so ya, let ‘er roll!

  23. Hmmm the shadow side of Aquarius- I have never read anything about it but now I’m super curious. Just from what’s been said in the comments I’m guessing that most of my negative qualities are darkside Aqua and not so much a huge pluto influence. Must go read.

    I don’t think anything is taboo- I at least want to know about it all. I’m not familiar enough with astrology to be able to pick out things I know shouldn’t be talked about.

  24. Funny about the dark-side of Aquarius – just last night I was dissecting the Aquarian darkside with a friend of mine. I don’t think they’re as space-cadety as they come off – they shadow themselves in faux ignorance and implant ‘minor’ lies to remain detached. Not to mention they make you feel dramatic when you’re making legitimate points. The kings of reverse psychology. I would know, it’s my moon. =\

    And how about the dark side of Scorpio? I feel like those who know little of astrology think only of a Scorpio’s dark side. But those who know more obsess about the good qualities of Scorpio, almost like they want to be astrologically avant-garde, forgetting that Scorpios indeed have a dark, manipulative, power hungry side that CAN’T be excused like it often is.

  25. Thank goodness — someone finally talks about the shadow side of Aquarians. I’m tired of hearing about the humanitarian side of Aquas, and let’s get down to the dirt.

    Aquas are emotionally detached, but some of them certainly expect to be loved, nurtured and catered to. The Aquas that have passed through my life are weird/bizarre in some freakish sort of way, experimenting from one “shock and awe” drama to another.

    My mother is Aquarius, so was her father, and two brothers, and she was one of the most evil females I’d ever met, and although she is older, and has tossed the darker cloak of religion over her past BS, she remains clueless as to the ramifications of her past behavior, and the imprint that it left on others.

    I think that Aquas know exactly what they’re doing, and use the emotional detachment as an excuse to remain non-committed. So I don’t get how this URANUS energy could possibly be considered the humanitarians of the zodiac.

    I assumed that the dark side of Pluto ruled Scorpios were the worst! But at least Scorpio is comfortable with the dark side. They don’t pretend to be anything other than what they are — PLUTO! Take it or leave it!

    1. This Aquarian gets really annoyed at all this humanitarian stuff. Makes me wonder if my mother got my birthdate wrong. I have met people of all types whose gentle care and concern for others is totally inspiring;- they know how to use their hearts.
      I know we are all here for a reason, and have our value, but we must be ‘human’ to be humanitarians.

  26. LOL!!! So it’s not only the Aquarians I know who hate that kind of talk *ROFLOL*

    I know one topic that never seems to be off limits: bagging Virgos *grins*

    It’s nice to see someone else take the heat 🙂

  27. LOL!!! So it’s not only the Aquarians I know who hate that kind of talk *ROFLOL*

    I know one topic that never seems to be off limits: bagging Virgos *grins*

    It’s nice to see someone else take the heat 🙂

  28. I think that the fixed signs all seem to have quirky unexpected ‘dark sides’. Aquarius, Taurus especially.. I’ve had ‘best friends’ who were Scorpio and they were all decidedly two-faced as if they really couldn’t help it. Leo as well. And Most of my love interests so far have been Taurus. Yeesh.

    I can’t say the same for any other signs really. At all. I have a lot of friends with Mutable or Cardinal sun signs. Lots of Cancers and Geminis. I find that they all seem predictable and balanced (comforting). I am a Virgo with A Cancer rising and a Cancer moon.

  29. Wait? Is this a “taboo topics” thread or a “trash a sign” thread? 🙂

    (For the record – Thomas Edison was a VERY MEAN Aquarian. We’re talking VERY mean. Though we’d likely all be sitting in the dark sans internet right now without him – he was still VERY mean. Yet hardly, I daresay, representative of all of “us.”)

  30. Agreed about Aquarians. Sometimes “humanitarian” really ends up meaning cliquishness and cult-ishness. And I say this with an Aquarius ascendant myself. 🙂

  31. Death; the ancient essential dignity system; anything beyond newage interpretations of asteroids and centaurs (ie, not doing the research, the research was done for the outer planets, why expect asteroids to mean what they were named after by non-astrologers?); health; prediction (it’s a divination system for crying out loud).

  32. Aquarius moon here – learning lots about my dark side from this thread! Love it! I never knew….maybe these taboos should not be taboos (or be a new Colosseum series).

  33. I’m also an Aquarius moon, but I’m pretty happy with it. I don’t think it makes me better or worse than anyone else though. Personally, I think the Moon in Aquarius and Pisces can be more beneficial than the Sun, but this isn’t a judgement against people with those solar placements.

    I also think people complaining about the Sun in Aquarius need to think of the chart in context, especially the placement/s of the ruling planet and midheaven, and where their mars, venus, and moon might be.

  34. Hi ATrickyBusiness: Why is a Moon in Pisces more beneficial than the Sun? I only ask because I have Moon in Pisces and am interested to learn more.

    PS: I thought the complaints about sun in Aqua were jokes – just like I hope the complaints about us Virgos are too 😉

  35. However though, that being said, the Sun in Aquarius is in its detriment, so like any planet in its detriment there will be problems. My Sagittarius ascendent’s ruling planet, Jupiter, is in Gemini, and that isn’t easy.

  36. My current hypothesis is that since the Sun is about the ego, and that Aquarius and Pisces have little to do with it (albeit in different ways), it can be problematic. But the Moon doesn’t seem to have too much trouble with it, because it’s more about emotional life than ego. I’ve also noticed that the scattered energy of mutable signs doesn’t seem to be the greatest for the Sun (note I’m speaking as a Sun in Gemini here).

  37. However, problems aside, it should be remembered that Pisces loves Venus. So despite the fact that Mercury is in its detriment there, and the Sun may have problems there, its still a good placement for the artistically inclined. Johnny Cash is a good example of this, IMHO.

  38. Elsa, you are such a tease! Please do tell us what you know about the shadow of Aquarians. It might help us to see it and bring it into the light.

    I (Aqua sun) have been dealing intimately with a Scorpio (with Aqua moon) and have been cavorting around in the underworld for five years and having to face all the “gross and disgusting” parts of myself (Scorps seem to take ya there), so as long as I am down here, let’s have a look. Per favore. Details?

  39. Leela, thanks for noticing I left that out. 🙂 I have thoughts about this independent of what others have stated. My mother is a double Aquarius and my father is also Aquarius, part of a large stellium. I grew up in their shadow and surprised a friend, 25 years ago with my thoughts on Aquarius. She was in the NCGR (I was from the desert) and went to the next meeting planning to bring up my thoughts on the subject but what happened is she chickened out.

    ha ha ha ha.

    She explained at that time, exactly that, “I chickened out.” Leo with an Aquarius Moon, herself. She was going to steal the show see but then er.. never mind.

    I don’t present this stuff myself, then or now because I don’t like to fight with Aquarians. It’s just not satisfying in the least where as getting along with them is so…

    I will give you this much: I told her the KKK was a social group, yes? The KKK thinks they are “humanitarians” so obviously there is such a thing as shadow Aquarius.

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