
About being a consulting astrologer…

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First Time To Consult An Astrologer

Occasionally, someone will hire me and mention they’ve never consulted an astrologer before.  Sometimes it’s because they’re in a crisis; lost in some situation where they’ve exhausted usual channels and they need some insight or else. Other times, the person has become interested in astrology. They’re pretty sure it’s real, but to make sure, before […]

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Regarding Time & Consultations

I’m regularly asked if I think a person should schedule an hour-long consultation or if thirty minutes will be sufficient.  I can cover most issues in thirty minutes. This is particularly true if you don’t mind me cutting right to the crux of the matter, which is generally apparent. I run with the 80/20 rule

Gemini by Whisper Of The Pipit

Are Your Snap Judgments Of Others Reliable?

Snap Judgment – a judgment formed on the instant without deliberation. (free dictionary) I try get a hack on people right away and hope they do the same when they’re dealing with me. This is necessary when working as an astrologer. I’ve got to connect with a person right away as opposed to traditional therapy

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