progressed chart

What is a progressed chart? How to interpret a progressed chart.

zodiac boy

Natal Charts vs Progressed Charts

watergal asks: It’s hard to fathom the progressions. but I have a question Elsa…people do grow and change..and when you think about progressions, does it show how maybe you have moved on from a past situation or a love or even your culture?..because I can see how I no longer love what I used to

Holy Progressed Stellium In Libra!

I wrote about progressed charts in my newsletter today.  A gal bought a progressed chart report. I found myself staring at this huge stellium in Libra, pictured.  Can you believe that? In the first house, no less! This just goes to show you what can happen when you’re not paying attention.  Can you imagine how this

Progressed Jupiter In Aquarius

My progressed Jupiter ingressed into Aquarius this week. It was immediately apparent.  Almost like flipping a switch. The change I’ve noticed is along the lines of concern over what people think of me. Capricorn is known to care about their reputation. I’ve completely detached from that. I’ve have become surprisingly outspoken. Things I have never

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