
Astrological profiles of celebrities

sun blue yellow

The Sun In Astrology: How To Find Your Calling

‘When you have a “calling” it’s usually apparent to you, right?’ Monica on Making Heads Or Tails Of A Planet… kashmiri responded and since we’re talking the Sun in astrology, I thought I’d add my two cents. First, the Sun in astrology shows the vocation. vo-ca-tion 1. a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling. 2. […]

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Homer simpsom

Homer Simpson’s Birth Chart Revealed!

A recently-discovered Easter egg has been making its way around the internet, and it shows the birth date of none other than Homer J. Simpson. On May 12th, 1956, a legend was (fictionally) born. Being an astrologer and a huge nerd, I couldn’t resist running the chart to see what there is to find. And

The Astrology Of Dexter – Michael Hall

I am now watching the entire season of Dexter for the 2nd time. I was late into the game; my daughter had told me about the show years ago, but it just didn’t seem like something I was into…. What was I, crazy? Scorpio Moon me looooves that psychopathic blood-splatter analyst stuff. But the man

What Markers In A Chart Indicate Fame?

Hi Elsa, I’m wondering if there is any indication in a chart or any common thread between fame and people. Where we could see if a person is somehow prone to be in the spotlight. Seems like a vain question but; why not?! P Hi, P. Looking at the charts of famous people over all these years,

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