
All about Saturn in Scorpio, natal or transit…

Suffering Saturn’s Transit Through Scorpio In The 4th House

Hi, Elsa. I have a Scorpio sun, moon, Venus, and Pluto. Moon, Venus, and Pluto are all in the 4th house. Last year or so maybe two, I have been battling the worst depression thinkable to the point where I can’t go a few hours without crying. Almost feel like I’m bleeding inside or depleting somehow. I have tried […]

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zodiac vintage poster

What Happens If Transiting Saturn Changes Signs But It’s Still In The Same House?

Hi Elsa, I know Saturn is leaving Scorpio in a couple of weeks but what if Saturn will still be in the same house (12th) when it goes into Sagittarius? When Saturn or any other planet changes signs does the lesson continue? I keep hearing the good news it is leaving Scorpio but is it good news

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Limited Energy, Beliefs & The Big Picture

I was leaving this comment on the “Internet Mommies” post. I realized it was broadly applicable to Saturn leaving Scorpio (limited energy) for Sagittarius (beliefs and the big picture)… Most people (including me), eventually look back at something they invested a lot of time and energy in, and wonder what they were thinking at the time.

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