
All about Saturn in the horoscope…

Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: This Magic Is More Mainstream Than You May Think

Now for people who find all this made up reality scary, I wanted to point out how mainstream it really is. Consider what therapists tell you. “Fake it till you make it,” they say. And, “Act as if…” The idea is if you pretend (Neptune) something is real (Saturn) it will become so. A person […]

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: An Introduction to Nifty Magic Available To All

I’m back on the Saturn Neptune thing, sorry for the delay! I spaced out (Neptune) my job (Saturn) there for a minute. I lost (Neptune) some time (Saturn)! ::grins stupidly:: But I meant to write about some of the positive manifestations of this combination because they are plenty and they are superb and sublime. And

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sun zodiac scarf vintage

Another Man Bites the Dust – Fear Of Commitment? Aquarius Sun Conjuct Jupiter

Hi Elsa, At 32 years old, I find myself in a situation where I have never managed to have a relationship longer than 6 months. Sometimes the ending has been of my doing but mostly, it has been theirs. Most recently, I have split up with a boyfriend who I had been seeing for just

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Fear! Capricorn Rising With Saturn, Moon, Mars T-Square Suffers Saturn Return

Hi Elsa, I’m going through some rough and tense time. In April I got out of a very difficult relationship where I was emotionally unfulfilled. We didn’t quite relate in matters of planning the future, values, money etc. He seemed very self-sufficient, detached and unwilling (or fearful) of commitment to any plan or vision –

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