
All about Venus! Aspects, transits, position in your natal chart…

heart love

What About True Love & Soulmates?

My husband and I met as teenagers. We had a significant relationship but failed to marry! We went our separate ways but got back together, more than 20 years later.  This conversation was recorded in the truck when he was moving cross-country to join our lives, forever. “It’s hard to believe we’re here,” I said.

venus goddess

Venus – Your Personal Taste In Relationships

Speaking of what you can and can’t stand in relationship, this is personal.  I once dated someone who could not stand the way my voice carries when I talk. I can’t stand passive aggressive, so I married an aggressive man. Some people can’t stand an inflated ego, and/or preachiness. Others don’t mind it. Some people

Interpreting Venus In A Man’s Natal Chart

Looking for insight into how to attract a man via Venus in his natal chart? Diane O wrote this series on how to attract men via their Venus sign.  These are great posts! What Does A Man With Venus In Aries Want? What Does A Man With Venus In Taurus Like? What Does A Man

venus and mars Wengraf

What If Venus Is Badly Aspected?

Hi Elsa! You write about ‘frustrated mars’ quite frequently. How bad is a jacked up Venus, compared to that, in a chart? Thanks from India Good question, India. While a poorly aspected Venus can cause a lot of problems, I do see Mars in a different class. This is because Mars is a malefic planet. 

Is Beauty A Gift Or A Curse?

I had a gal in one of my classes who readily attracted partners. There were numerous indicators of this in her chart. I wrote: “First, it’s not fair is it? There are people out there who are like this. If you date one of them, break up and wish they’d never find another partner –

What Do You Do When A Friend Pulls Away?

What would you do if you noticed a friend had pulled away? Would you question them? Try to pull them back in? Or would you let them be, maintaining the friendship within the new frame they’d established? Where is your Venus and how is it aspected?

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