The Collective Psyche, Ahead Of The Election

ElsaElsa ask the collectiveI’m continuing to run though various backups of my writing, running back to 1999. That’s when I started writing.  I’m well aware, life has degraded since then, but I’ve still been struck by how funny and open and “light” all the writing is, including writing of others, who were interacting with me at the time. It was just a ton of fun.

This made me think about the “cellar box”, I wrote about, in January 2023.  It’s about the lid being lowered on us as a people,  It’s about oppression that causes depression. I can’t even count all the attack vectors. I’m talking about things like inflation, but also tons of content designed to scare people or denigrate them.  It wears on the soul.

Most of us are also dealing with (orchestrated) division in our families, our workplace, and our various friends. The stress makes people ill or it makes them feel ill. It all contributed to the lid lowering, inch by inch.

Life In A Cellar Box

I want to look for a solution but my feeling at this time, is everyone is frozen, waiting for the outcome of the election. Psyches are so overloaded, I’m not sure anyone knows what to expect, from either outcome, a delayed outcome or whatever else might occur.

It irks me, seeing everything go down, over the last twenty years of so. I don’t know how everyone is dealing with it.  Personally, I try to avoid absorbing the vicious, hateful energy out there, which could easily be conjured up, digitally.  I would like to go back to happier times, but I don’t seem to have a lot of company with this.

Happier times, in my world, would be defined as most the people getting along, most of the time.

Have you ever heard of parents who deliberately divide their children? My parents did this.  My mother protected her son, but not her daughters.  My father had me, telling him who misbehaved while he was at work. I was ten years old, supposed to tell on my sixteen year old sister – how do you think that went?

I think what’s going on now, is similar, on a very large scale.  If you can help it, help yourself, by not allowing this to happen in your sphere, because look. No one is perfect! This includes you. If you keep this in mind, it’s a lot harder to to dump all the “dark” on to the other.  This is widespread, right now, with the Mars Pluto opposition.

How are you feeling at this time? How are you coping and/or keeping your energy up?

3 thoughts on “The Collective Psyche, Ahead Of The Election”

  1. Thank you for reminding me that this is orchestrated. It saddens me to see so much vitriol going around. I kind of wish I either didn’t know what anyone (family, neighbors, friends, etc) thinks, politically, or that we could actually trust that we could have civilized discourse about it, to the point that it really wouldn’t matter whether we’d had or hadn’t had that conversation. I feel like I’m in a holding pattern in a lot more ways than just waiting to find out what the federal government will be up to. I’m not pregnant but I feel pregnant, what I imagine late stage pregnancy is like during the last few weeks. Like I want to just get on with it, see what my new life is about, experience a personal rebirth in the process, but there’s no way around the waiting game. I’m trying to remind myself to be in the moment. It feels kind of slog-y, like just ‘getting through.’ But there’s nothing unfortunate about my situation, I know I’m blessed and I’m very grateful. I just want to feel some inspiration. I want to have some fun, I want to be more silly, I want to feel upliftment! So, I share your sentiments, Elsa. Thanks as always.

  2. Divide and conquer has always been the strategy of the ruling class…Don’t play that game in our family, or even extended family, and no one should play it..Love is the answer….I personally have benefitted greatly from what I have learned as a regression hypnotist…which is that we have a near infinite number of lives, in which we can be any sex, and race, and any ability, but our objective is spiritual growth in every life….

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