The Midheaven And Career

“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man’s entire existence.”
                                                     –Honore de Balzac

I’ve been getting a lot of career questions lately. One of the best indicators regarding career is the midheaven. The midheaven is one of the four angles. It is indicative of your public persona and descriptive of your skills and the tone of your general interaction with the outer world. The midheaven resonates to Saturn, work, responsibility. One way to assess the type of career to which you are suited is in exploring the qualities of the sign where your midheaven falls. Another way is to determine the ruler of your midheaven sign and examine its condition by sign, house placement and aspect.

For example, an Aries midheaven is generally independent and cardinal. Aries midheaven is great at starting projects and initiating action. Mars rules Aries. An Aries midheaven with Mars in Capricorn will be more likely to forge ahead steadily with the projects they start than one with Mars in Gemini whose action potential is more sporadic. This combination, midheaven and its sign ruler, is a great place to start when looking at career options.

Where is your midheaven and its ruler? Does it fit with your chosen career?

95 thoughts on “The Midheaven And Career”

  1. Excellent post for students to learn from!
    Satori, thank you!

    I have my MC in Sagittarius, ruler of Sag =Jupiter in 2nd house in Aries conjunct the Moon

    I work in the media as an astrologer/agony aunt, and have done for well over 20years,love my job and the minute I get paid a little extra, like most solar Pisceans, off it goes to make others feel good too. Riches are family and friends.

  2. Mc in Sag, conjunct my unfathomable Mars-Neptune conjunction (exact, 10.12 and 10.14 degrees). Jupiter in Pisces, first house. I have been searching for my “ideal job” all my life and still haven’t found what I’m looking for. Work ten years as an administrator in a hospital (nice, but doesn’t pay well). Like to work alone (Saturn in sixth house in Cancer(. most productive at home. Would love to earn my money with writing or publishing agency or TV. But now am out of work, crisis going on and waiting for the lottery to light up my financial life…

  3. I’m forgetting something important I think, I have been busy a lot with astrology so I also would love to be a real astrologer (ASC Aquarius). And I am somekind of ‘advising aunty’ because I know a lot about all kinds of things (from taxes to illnesses), so maybe one day I can put this together in a sort of spiritual advising job!

  4. I have MC in Cancer conjunct Chiron within one degree (it’s intense!) and Saturn in Cap/4th conjunct the IC, Moon in Pisces/6th. I know I am well suited for a career in service or food or medicine or working from home but I’ve tried all of that and I absolutely HATED it.

    I have noticed that all of my friends and acquaintances have dubbed me the “mom” when I’m in a group since I take care of everyone else first, don’t ask for anything in return, and can be a little over protective. Is that a bad thing? I’m still undecided.

    I think my 5th house Aquarius Sun is overruling my career mind set that this point and screaming academics, science, computers and art. Libra ASC conjunct Black Moon Lilith is also politely tapping my shoulder and whispering softly into my ear, “go into the beauty industry, you’d be fabulous at doing nails, hair, and makeup.”

  5. So, Brittania, what holds you back in setting up your own business (Sun Aq.) in beauty industry (Libra asc) making other women feel more feminine and beautiful (Cancer MC)to make their ideal appearance come true (Moon in Pisces 6th)? Your story makes me think of the mother who teaches her daughter for the first time how to use make-up in a good way!

  6. Libra MC conjunct Saturn (10th),Pluto (10th), Sun(9th) and loosely conjunct venus in the 9th. Still undecided about career, but thinking of research in psychology.

  7. Where is your midheaven and its ruler?

    My Midheaven is in Pisces, Pisces rules my 10th house, my Neptune is in Sagittarius 6th house and my Jupiter Rx is in Taurus 11th house.

    Jupiter quindecile(Johndro) Neptune.
    Neptune square MC.

    Does it fit with your chosen career?

    Yes, it fits,I think. I’m currently in college for graphic design .

  8. Hi I’m back! I decided that law is my real cup of tea and not psychology! I’m dropping psychology after harping on it for a decade 😀 new field, new life. Saturn and Pluto in Libra sandwich my MC and Venus is in the 9th, don’t u think law is where I should be at?

  9. I’m still trying to figure it out!
    My 10th House cusp is at 29° Cancer, so I take it the ruler is Moon, which is in 4th House in Aqua.
    But my 10th House contains Sun conjunct Saturn + Pluto, all 3 opposite my Moon.
    Gotta say that my job is what I do best, by far. In fact that’s about all I do. No children etc.
    I’m self-employed.
    Does all that make sense?

  10. What a timely post! MC in late pisces and neptune in sagittarius conjunct mars square jupiter in pisces, all under heavy pressure from saturn/neptune lately. I have been teaching high school, literature and history. Stopped due to health problems.

    Have been full time mom and it has been very much my vocation, I think (Saturn in cancer in 12th).

    Now I give piano lessons to children, and move the body to minimize pain. A career as teacher for children in music/art would be perfect.

  11. MC in Scorpio. Loosely square natal Venus in 7th, trine natal Saturn in 6th. Natal Mars is in Taurus and Pluto is in Libra. *head begins to spin*

  12. Aqua MC at 6 degree. Uranus sitting at 5th house, Libra, 3 degree.

    Seduced to work –> Hydro Energy Mathematical representation.

  13. My MC at 29 Taurus squares my Aquarius sun. My Venus at 16 degrees Aquarius in the sixth makes several aspects. Saturn. Uranus. Juno. Chiron. I’ve never had a career, just a bunch of entry level jobs and all my creative stuff. Blog. Books. Art.

  14. My midheaven is in Aquarius at 9 degrees, it seems to be standing there all by it’s lonesome. The quote says it all about how I feel right now. Still unemployed, still waiting to hear about that one job I applied for.

  15. My Midheaven is Cancer.
    I’m going to use a donor, and then be a stay-home-mother.
    My Aries Moon is in my Sixth House.
    I’m house-bound via disabilities.

  16. Leo Midheaven with Mars and Saturn.
    I’d love to be as showy as that indicates, but so far I don’t have too much performing talent.

  17. I have Venus conjunct my MC in Capricorn and Saturn in my 6th house loosely trining my MC/Venus.
    As an Aquarius with Aries rising (and Mars in Aquarius), I’ve been working in IT all my adult life even though that wasn’t my educational choice. 🙂 But healthy living (which I don’t do much but try) and pilates/yoga are my choice of exercise and life direction. And cosmetics and perfumes are my life. 🙂 In spare time.

  18. Scorpio Midheaven conjunct Neptune, trine Mars in Pisces, sextile Pluto in Virgo. I’m a bodyworker, and use massage therapy, shiatsu, and various forms of energy work to facilitate healing in clients. I have my own business, work by myself, and love it!

  19. I have pisces midheaven..Mars in capricorn. .started right after high scool working at a pharmacy. Various jobs in between but then from 28 years old to 40 worked ret as IL which I loved that job as I worked every position in the store and then back was like family..had all 4 children while working that job and everyone knew my kids and it was like a big family..then went back to work for big pharma for the last 20 years..still there. It is such a neptune job..lots going on in the background, secretive, helps some people and gets others addicted to meds…I flip flop between loathing and loving my job.

  20. My MC is in Aries in the 9th house and my Mars is in Virgo in the 2nd along with my Mercury and Sun.

    I am a private English teacher in a different country. I run my own business. I have almost thirty students in individual classes or up to a group of three. I organize and create all of the classes, track each student’s progress, handle the money and scheduling.

    In the future I want to open a book store/library/cafe/creative space to hold English events (cooking, creative work, small lectures, meet ups to talk with wine or coffee, book clubs) and teach larger classes. My north node and south nodes are in the 4th/10th houses, so I’m slowly leaving my home environment. I currently teach out of my apartment.

    I’d say my astrological placements absolutely reflect my work!

    1. I once upon a time started learning German (along with my brother and father) from a very funny senior Englishman, he taught “at home” to American families in Germany.
      I think this was the coolest way to be introduced to a foreign language, right at home!
      He was indeed a great and funny guy. (And it worked, too)

  21. Cancer Venus in the MC. I’m happiest working in close proximity to my childhood neighborhood where I grew up. I grew up in my family grocery business and spent more time there than my own home. I need to work where food is abundant! I also have Leo/Mars/Mercury on the 10th so I enjoy public speaking and writing. I’ve gotten an article in a newspaper and one of my paintings published on a website while I freelanced. I have multiple side jobs due to my fluctuating Moon rulership. I took up a legal career that sapped all the color out of my life due to being stuck in a cubicle for ten years. My Scorpio Moon and Leo planets hated authority and being in a position with the lowest level of power with no way to express any creativity was draining. Because I have Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn ….I would physically starve from an unfulfilling career with Cancer MC. I’m happy to say I quit the legal world and going back to school to become a teacher. Cancer-MCs love children!

  22. Midheaven 9 degrees Virgo. Sign ruler Mercury in Pisces 27 degrees. Jupiter is near my Mercury at 3 degrees Aries, both Mercury and Jupiter in the 4th house. My midheaven sextiles my Saturn in Cancer 8th house, quincunx my Sun in Aries, 5th house, squares my Neptune in Sag 1st house, trines my Moon in Capricorn.

    I am now a self-employed, work from home historic preservation consultant/architectural historian. After graduating from undergrad in three years, I floundered in my unhappy hometown for 12 years working at a minimum or barely more than minimum wage job that I was largely ashamed of. ( sun-midheaven quincunx?) In 2008 when Pluto hit Capricorn, I decided to go back to grad school for historic preservation and leave unhappy hometown. After three largely unhappy jobs post grad school, I am now self employed.

    A lot of what I do is writing, documenting (nit picky Virgo, Mercury) and it’s done from home. So I guess that fits my mercury fourth house, and Saturn (architecture, buildings) in Cancer (home). It is definitely challenging being self-employed but I am the best boss I’ve ever had. The stress I felt at the other jobs, the lack of any recognition or compliments for work well done, is all gone. I don’t know if something moved in my progressed chart or if Pluto Capricorn was the death of my feeling worthless (2nd house?). Doing a job I love and am passionate about and proud to tell people what I do, is amazing. Even when I’m between jobs and the bank account’s low, I am so grateful to God/Universe/Source that I screwed up my guts and made that change. What I have accomplished, even since just 2011, amazes me. I am able to charge more for an hour of my time now, than I made in a day before, but that’s not even the best part. Loving what I do and being proud of it, is the best part.

    Sorry so long! Thanks for the interesting topic, Satori!

  23. My midheaven is in Leo in the 10th house. Uranus in strong conjunction with Midheaven and my Neptune squares my midheaven. I have a packed tenth house on top of it. Pluto, Uranus, Moon, all in Leo. I’ve had a few careers, including Make-up artistry, massage therapy, psychic readings, hands-on healing, licensed Esthetician. My current one is writing young adult fiction novels.

  24. 23 degree Virgo Midhaven, Virgo Mercury, stellium in Virgo moon, venus, pluto, mercury. BUT…I have a 10th house Libra Sun conj Jupiter. I am happiest in my work when I am living in that 10th house Libra Sun. I am definitly NOT a behind the scene support person as would be indicated by all the Virgo. 10th house Sun conj Jupiter trumps the Virgo fueled Virgo Mercury supported MC

  25. Late Scorpio/Sagittarius MC. 11H Sag Saturn, 4H Gemini Mars, 9H Jupiter. I love researching astrological charts and ancestry lineages from home. For many years I was a stay-at-home mother – 6H Cancer with 6H Cancer Vesta sextiling 8H Virgo Ceres (very “hands on” and nurturing of my family). With my 4H Gemini Mars I referred to myself as the “family manager.”

  26. I’m aiming to become a translator or interpreter. I speak four languages but look forward to increasing that number, since I enjoy learning them. I’m studying Political Science and International Relations but have no interest in working in that field, whether over-exposed as a politician, diplomat, activist… or under-exposed as a researcher. I’ll just be a translator/interpreter specialized in that area. I no longer care people think it’s not an ambitious enough career choice. I’ve never been ambitious career-wise. What I want most is a family.

    Other than that, I prefer routine-like tasks over the ones that require too much intellectual and social involvement. I need to have my mind relaxed enough for daydreaming. I used to be ashamed of being like that but now I’m fine with it (Taurus AS, Venus sq Neptune, Moon in 12th). I do engage fully in activities and work that motivate me, but they are isolated, one-time only things and not something I’d pursue as a career.

    MC cusp in Capricorn 28 degrees… the rest of the house is in Aquarius – empty. The ruler Saturn is Rx in Pisces, alone in the 11th House (cusp in the last degrees of Aqua). Neptune is also in Capricorn, 8 degrees away from my MC. My 5th house cusps in the last degrees of Leo, and it’s the home of my Virgo Sun. My 6th house is in Libra, with Venus in it.

  27. A Sag MC with Jupiter conjunct my moon in the 9th house. Saturn in the 10th. Working as an accountant in international business (impost/export). My goal is writing a book on future economic trends which ZI enjoy reading about as well. I am also well travelled and recorded my experiences on various media at an amateur level.

  28. Mine is in Taurus and its ruler (Venus) is in my 5th house. It trines my Mars Venus and Saturn which are in Capricorn and also in my 5th. I am a teacher and I’m currently studying for an MA in counselling. I think my profession and studies reflect my Sun (7th house) in Pisces more..

  29. MC in Sag in the 10th. My Jupiter is in Gemini. In three different ‘careers’ I’ve worked with rare books, legislation, and animals. I really wish I knew what kind of career to pick up next. (Cap = I want to know what to DO with my life. Work is important!!)

  30. MC in Pisces in the 10th, Neptune in Capricorn in the 8th. Venus, Mars and Jupiter all trine my MC. Virgo Sun trine Neptune and Cancer Mars opposite Neptune. I’ currently an Environmental writer but am not satisfied with this work. I think I need something with purpose where I can see my work benefiting someone or something in some way.I’d love to work with animals.

  31. My MC is in Scorpio. Right now I’m not working but I do some blogs to keep busy Venus in Taurus Second House and Mercury in Aries 3rd house.
    I have a deep interest in becoming a Paramedic and serving my community. I think not only will I be helping people with injuries but maybe I can speak to them about changing there lives around. Especially the drug and alcohol induced accident patients.

  32. My midheaven is in Aries! My Venus and Mars is both in Aries! My North Node is in the 10 My Sun sign is Pisces! My Rising sign is Leo! My moon sign is Cancer! People notice my entertaining jokes and give me attention like a star! I’m interested in expressing my actions are entertaining purposes only! Even if I currently work at a warehouse I feel as though I don’t belong there and I attract public figures on my instagram account and other social media accounts! I am trying to figure out where to go from here!

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