The Power Of Photography

daughter sewingMy daughter is my firstborn child.  Of course I have zillions of pictures of her.

Oh my God, I’m not kidding. I got on board with a digital camera, early on. I have a thousand pictures of her, I’m sure.

I took the pictures for her. She was a remarkable kid, as many people around here know.  In whatever case, I can now give her the pictures and it’s a trip.

This is a bit like when my husband and I reunited after 22 years apart.  These chunks of our lives flew into place. It’s supernatural. The love cannot be denied.  It’s like puzzle, flying together.

I’m having a great time cracking open zipped archives of pictures from 2003 or so. I haven’t got to it yet, but I have all her, “Mosta quotes”. Of course!

For people who weren’t around back them, my daughter has a mouth and a mind, not to be believed. I recorded her remarks because they boggled the mind. Not just my mind, but minds around the world.  We had so much fun!

She has a Leo moon, exactly conjunct my Venus. The joy she brought to my life was out of this world.

Back to the pictures, I wrote this in 2010…

Neptune…. Do You Have Another Person’s Pictures?

I have another person’s pictures and now I get to hand them over. Boy do they tell a story and the story they tell is so happy and so deeply moving.

How do you feel when you look back on your life through pictures?

16 thoughts on “The Power Of Photography”

  1. Elsa, I love to read this. It gives hope to a lot of people, that is what I think. And: what a beautiful doughter you have! 🙂
    Wish you all the best!!

  2. Elsa, I have photos, video and audio of the mother of my youngest son’s children’s mother. They have 5 children 4 boys and the youngest being the only girl! I am so thankful that my camera and I were around, mom died 7 years ago, at the time of her death the youngest 2 were ages 3 and 1! I was able to photo all 5 as newborns in their mother’s arms, have videos and audios of her and of her laughing. But most importantly I have a video of my granddaughter’s birth, the complete birth; in it mom is cradling and smiling at her newborn and now only daughter! I’m not sure when the impact of the video will fully hit my granddaughter, right now she will ask “can I see me and mommy?” I changed the format with each new format that becomes available, so that she will always be able to see the love her mother had for her!

  3. I am so happy for you! I have been reading your blog for some time and knew you had a daughter, but the drift I got was that she was deceased. How amazing to me to see you’ve reconnected. At first I thought you meant in a dream, but now I see she is here, in real life. What a cutie, she looks like your son from pics you’ve posted. What twists and turns life can take!! So Very happy for you.

    1. That’s a picture of her sewing.
      The other picture is of my grandmother and my mother. 🙂

      We all sort of look the same. ::snorts::

  4. I love the challenge of finding beauty via photography. Asteroid Photographica (photography), asteroid Hathor (beauty), and my Libra Sun (my Sun trines Mars – seek) are conjunct at 0 degree, 1 degree, 2 degrees respectively. I’m always surprised by what kind of image I can capture by isolating my focus. There is so much beauty in the mundane.

  5. Photographs are very precious to me. I’m the oddball who spends HOURS at antique malls sifting through all the discarded ones, wishing I could by them all. I’ve fantasized about running a website where I reunite lost photos with their relatives/descendants. Maybe I’ll be able to do that someday.

    I also never EVER delete photos with a face in it. It’s a weird hangup. I’ll delete a blurry photo of someone’s foot, but if their face is in it, nope. Needless to say I have truckloads of pictures most people would discard, but for some reason I just can’t, especially of my kids.

    I’m so thankful for digital photography. It’s so easy and cheap to document everything.

  6. Avatar
    Southern Cross

    I have gadzillions of photographs, of loved ones, of family, of me, and I just love to look back on them all. Photography is an amazing tool, for art, and for creating memories. Mercury in Pisces trine Neptune.

    What a wonderful gesture to your daughter, Elsa.

  7. I feel grateful & blessed & strong. My sparkly Tauri’s, Gemini Moon (along with her Gemini Saturn, Venus, Mars & North Node) are all within 5 degrees of my Gemini Venus. It also puts her Gemini Moon within 8 degrees of my Cancer Sun. We have even more connections, but suffice it to say, she’s a BIG light in my life.

    I’m so glad you have this Elsa! It’s been just lovely to read this as well as your post yesterday!

  8. This is so awesome. I don’t have a lot of photos of me as a kid (or at any age), and I’m so so glad La Mostacciolia gets to have hers.

  9. A Leo moon daughter, I have one too. Her birthday party is today. I went with ‘You are my sunshine’ theme. (Her first birthday). I really love her big cheese smile but boy does she have dramatic cries. She loves to smile for the camera, scream for the camera, anything for the camera. She is so warm and loving! I’m glad you have that Leo moon warmth in your life, Elsa.

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