The 8th House and Death Coming in Waves

When I was young I was inundated with death. People died, died, died, died and died. Having known nothing but, it never occurred to me this would or could ever stop until did. The string of deaths stopped abruptly when I was about 21 but I was so busy waiting for the other shoe to drop this did not register for about 10 years.

It’s now been 20 years and virtually no one has died anywhere near me. I have always assumed the deaths would start back up at some point. This seems inevitable although I don’t worry about it anymore because I feel much better equipped to cope.

Have you ever had something rain down like this and then… stop?

13 thoughts on “The 8th House and Death Coming in Waves”

  1. I feel oddly protected from death. Only had one significant death of my grandma this year, and I wasnt even there, they just told me on the phone. In some ways-I know this is sick- I wish death was more a part of my life, maybe then I would live life more fully and love the people that are here more openly and passionately.
    love seems to happen more in waves- my theme is either “walking through the desert” for a couple of years and then “its raining men” for one intense year. weird.

  2. as a taurus, i’m getting lotsa forewarning re: 8th house [& 2nd] these days. i have noticed alot of near death/death encounters [especially connected with higher edu., like, aLOT] over the years. started up real good about 1993 or so…still happening this year too.

    lol sup widdat?

  3. I am a Virgo with Sun/Venus/12th and Saturn/Pluto in Leo/11th – and with a history of friends dying since I was a child. Last year – at my 2nd Saturn return – most of my friends suddenly developped severe health problems. Tumors, blood disease, brain damage, thrice broken limbs, depression etc. Gave me a wonderful opportunity to be there for them and to confirm our friendship. Althought things looked quite hopeless, no one died eventually.

  4. I guess this is sort of off topic because it is exactly the opposite of what you’ve experienced, Elsa, but I never lost anyone close to me my entire life up until 3 years ago when my mother passed at the age of 80. (I was 41). We didn’t live near relatives on either side of my family, so I never really got to know them. 3 of my grandparents died either before I was born or when I was a baby, and one grandmother when I was 10, but it didn’t really have any effect on me because I barely knew her. So I guess I’ve been very lucky.

  5. Yes. Absolutely. Wave 1 when I was pre-verbal ages 1-2. Dads career in the USAF and a lot of plane crashes including his best friend the day before my brother was born. Don’t remember it – it is there. Wave 2 – when I was 18, 19, 20 years old – 5 died in car crashes. It is terrible going to the funeral of an 18 year old when you are 18. Sputterings then with grandparents passing – but easy well loved passings – cherished people. Wave 3 – actually just one – a friend died the exact hour my twin nephews were born – and I was the only reason these events were connected. The twins were born at 12:03 and 12:05 and Pedro left us 12:59 the same hour on January 29th, 2002 during a full moon.

    I was dumbfounded and I called my father- and he told me the story of his best friend dieing in a plane crash the day before my brother was born.

    Dad and I both have Saturn in Capricorn his is at 29 degrees Cap – reversed – mine is at 29 degrees Cap reversed. Yes – it is a karmic but loving connection.

    Both my brothers almost died as children.

    Death was a constant for a long time.

    I don’t judge it – it is what it is. Life is here as well. All around us.

  6. I recently finished one of these waves (2002-2008). I had thought perhaps this was just the way life was going to be from now on – one death after another – but the last two years have been quiet.

  7. My relatives take about ten years to die, so pretty much my entire childhood until the middle of my Saturn return was like this. Nobody has died since my dad in 2007 and it’s weird. I only have one sick/lingering relative left, and in her case it’s a whopping case of dementia. Happily, she lives in another state and for once I am not having to deal with it on a regular basis. I enjoy the “break”, as it were, that I don’t have to see her as she is now, I’m not being dragged to the nursing home every Sunday, I’m not having my good memories of her supplanted by the new bad ones. When my evil aunt and uncle aren’t forcing me to look at pictures of what she looks like now, you KNOW it’s bad.

  8. My Aunt Helen died in January of 2008. I loved her dearly. She was funny, charming, popular and very fair. She also had a special nack when it came with people. She put everyone at ease. I believe in another life she probably was an Ambassodor of the UN.
    I didn’t know she was dieing or even sick. No one told me.
    One night while at the drugstore looking through the hair product eisle, I noticed one bottle sitting almost abandoned on a shelf. To my astonishment it was a bottle of “Wild Root Cream”. Right away memories came flooding back of my childhood with Aunt Helen and of her moisturizing and braiding me and my cousins hair with this product. That was many years ago. I hadn’t seen a bottle of “Wild Root Cream since. I could even recall it’s Vanilla Scent.
    That night I couldn’t stop thinking about Aunt Helen. I felt guilty because I had’nt spoke with her in years. I made up my mind to give her a call the following day.
    The next day came and I got an unexpected knock on my door. To my surprise it was a cousin I had’nt seen in a long time. Without him saying a word, it only took a second for me to realize that he was there to tell me that my Aunt had passed away.
    I miss Aunt Helen.

  9. cosmickisses that’s a very sweet and sad story. crazy how things like that happen. i’m sure she knew you loved her.

  10. An entire older generation of my family has died over the past 5 years. Not fun. Both parents, the only grandparent I knew, lots of great uncles and an aunt, and a few aunts and uncles. 32 now, began at 27-28.

    What was once a very big extended family has shrunken dramatically.

    I had one uncle that died when I was very young, maybe 7 or 8. That was my only other death that was close.

    Still in shock and/or mourning. The death part isn’t that bad, its after everyone leaves and you have to somehow pick up and move on without all of that old person wisdom that you hated when you were younger.

  11. j – I am sorry for your loss. I was just thinking about this. There seems a point where old people quit talking. I wonder if it just becomes too hard and exhausting.

  12. My mom kind of stopped talking toward the end, not usual for her, very lackadaisical.

    My father went crazy(good, funny way) and couldn’t get enough of it, completely non reality based, but smiles all over. He was a big dude, if he got mean it wouldn’t have been fun for anyone.

    His mother was always very social and also didn’t stop talking, she was setting up a card tournament for the day after she passed.

    A very distant aunt who was miserable her entire life finally got a sense of humor in the end. It was probably the best part of her life.

    What ever you are expecting, don’t. You can’t plan for it. Don’t mourn before they are dead. They hear enough about that, and can sense it, be fun, stupid and non-pc funny. There is usually more than enough humor if you look for it and aren’t hung up on polite conversation. Not hard for you I am sure.

  13. In the late 1990’s to early 2000’s, I was going to funerals almost every month as the older generation of my extended family died. It left me with the uncomfortable feeling of now being one of the “older generation” myself with no elders to fall back on in a crisis.
    Now I’m 73 and it’s my own generation’s turn. If I don’t hear from a friend for a while, I get a sinking feeling. And I simply cannot bring myself to delete them from my Facebook page, nor can I delete their WhatsApp chats. They stay there as memorials to our good times together.
    I believe – perhaps I NEED to believe – that they’re in a much better place. Any mourning I do is based on selfishness – I’m beginning to feel very alone and bereft.

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