The Worst Sign In The Zodiac To Be Is…

I was talking to satori about the Mechanic who does the tech stuff on this site.  “I thanked him,” she said. “I thanked him for the forum.”

“Yeah, he built them. He also built the Astro Dispatch and that was no easy feat!  That thing in incredible and he doesn’t even know any astrology. Can you imagine?  400 astrologers benefit from that thing. They don’t even know his name.  All this work and it’s thankless.  Want my advice?  Whatever you do, don’t be a Virgo. If you are ever being born and someone says, wanna be a Virgo?  Say no.”

What sign would you advise against being?

73 thoughts on “The Worst Sign In The Zodiac To Be Is…”

  1. See how many posters and how few are Pisces? The comment that sometimes Pisces frighten others? Different doesnt make us better (or worse) all around in that we are unclined to strive to see and understand things (especially others), often to the point of observations most others would not have thought of. Strange to many, yes this would seem, and often in fact can be. When we stand our ground we can be of the utmost, uniquely powerful in understanding, while tempered even more by selflessness and humility. Thus i just contradicted myself in seeming to say how unique and undetstand and powerful we can be.. Yet it is true, and the very reason pisces arent liklely to blow thier own horn or say how they’re the best, and i’d belive why most pisces would not say any 1 sign or personality is per better than another.

  2. I think ur right my best friend is a gemini and im a virgo i think i have ocd and my friend is too hyper she likes too throw thing on the floor and she just very unorganized and we get into a lot of fight ol she moved and we dont see eachother that much and everytime we see eachother at the end of the day we get in a fight but we always make up and both at the same time i feel like its ment to be and not ment to be idk and shes really different from me sometimes she annoying and i jus want her to leave and she never stops talking i can never say anything and id i do shesnot listening

  3. I don’t know; I have Mars/Vesta/Venus all conjunct in Virgo in the 3rd, and I love doing techie work for people! It’s always one of the things I volunteer for. Thankless as it may be, I get a lot of personal satisfaction anyway. Virgo really isn’t so bad!

  4. 1., Being a Virgo. You get all the crap of prejudice with nitpicking and being boring.
    2., Being a Virgo. You earn misunderstanding by acting selfless and reserved. How the hell do we want to get understood and truly accepted and known if we:
    a) don’t show our talents to the public;
    b) don’t respect ourselves for what we are;
    c) don’t show our hearts because we fear being hurt.

    I just ran into this mirror of myself at the office. My colleague (Gemini) and me did a mighty job on a project no one else wanted to do. Still they did everything they could to ruin our work. We succeed. No one is thankful. Hell, I want recognition and someone to thank my work! Our work! I don’t want to be a servant of these people. And I won’t!

  5. Well yes, you do need to be able toot your own horn a bit. I’m lucky that the rest of my personal planets are in Leo, so that’s not a problem for me (LOL). You and your Gemini colleague do great work, don’t let them give you crap, make sure they know what you are worth!

  6. I disagree with the concept of Virgo being the worst sign in the zodiac to be for several reasons.
    1. Knowing how to take care of oneself is a great thing. It’s better to have a Virgo Sun than Saturn in Virgo.
    2. My grandfather was a Virgo (I never knew him, he died before I was born, but my mother talked a lot about him), he valued education dearly, and he had a reputation for being “the doctor of the village”.
    3. Queen Elizabeth I, one of the best queens ever, was a Virgo Sun.
    4. Raquel Welch is a Virgo.
    5. I’m a Virgo Sun, and I am very content being effectively helpful to others while having a bit of limelight and recognition. Having Venus in Leo in the 6th house helps.
    6. I feel like I have better angels, and better impulse control in this lifetime. I’d rather be a Virgo Sun with a fire kite and a grand water trine, than to have a Scorpio stellium and a mutable grand cross (my impulses and my desires were really intense in the 16th century).
    7. Virgos are adaptable to historical shifts.

    However, I will say that it’s easier to have a Virgo Sun than a Virgo Moon. When Saturn was in Virgo, my progressed Moon was in Virgo, and I was more nitpicky than usual. I am so glad I have a Sagittarius Moon natally because I am more laid back than the average Virgo. And then, having progressed Moon in Scorpio makes me have more resolve and focus in general.

    I think it is very hard to be a Capricorn, a Cancer, a Pisces or a Taurus for several reasons.
    In the case of Capricorn (I’ve known two of them), it’s easy to have a dim view of humanity, and fearing any historical shifts. Yes, they can have their act together and work hard, but their negativity, and their assumption that nothing changes can be a challenge to contend with.
    In the case of Taurus, it can be difficult to broaden the mind (yes, I have known some great Tauruses with their act together and a lot of common-sense, but I have also known Tauruses who are really, really stuck in the mud).
    In the case of Cancer and Pisces (based on my experiences with Cancer and Pisces transits), it is possible to feel emotionally down for no reason.

  7. I’m an Aries girl, I don’t really get along with a Scorpio, tho we often chat and share opinions but still I feel like Scorpio people get on my nerves, every time we chat we must argue even for something ridiculous x) I just can’t stand them, they’re such liars(from my experiences) they lie even on simple things, and of course not all the Scorpio are liars.

    Another thing, I don’t get why people hate Geminis, I have many Gemini friends and they’re all nice and friendly, also understanding.

  8. Why are so many people fussing about capricorns just because they work? Being a capricorn I find it offensive but I admit it I work a lot but I don’t “love it”.I will get tired of working and cleaning and sometimes I’ll come home and won’t even give a crap about how sloppy the house the house is.In my opinion there is no best horoscope.We all have our good and bad traits.

  9. I don’t know if any sign is the worst sign because we need them all. That said, though, I sometimes want to push my Virgo stellium into a mosh pit and tell it to get over itself already!

  10. Virgo!! as a Virgo Sun, Virgo Rising, + more Virgo….ugh, don’t sign up! run the other way! Become an “as yet unknown sign, Yerbus!” Anything!

    Seriously, I have four Virgo friends and colleagues and they all say “I hate being a Virgo.” It means…being a servant, giving and giving, being mocked for helping and serving, then vilified if you don’t offer to run an errand after being run over by truck while feeing orphans: “well if you’re gonna BE THAT WAY, and get all MOODY, we’ll just take your wallet before you go into surgery and you can THINK about helping those who matter and not just about yourself!” whhhhhaaaaaat?

    “Can you work for us for free? CAn you clean all the things and do everything? Can you do my work because I don’t feel like and don’t know how, then let me turn it in as my own and get a raise? I know YOU won’t mind the 70 hour weeks because our dept is totally f&#d up, but we are all going home now because we have stuff to do.” Oh you’re moody! You want food? What? By the way, my dreams aren’t coming true, so can you pay for me while i lay around? What is wrong with you always at work, why are you working so much, you need to relax and stop being so serious but first can you give me two million dollars for something I want, I’ve been having such fun on my vacation but now I want a boat – see- SOME of us know how to relax! Give me everything! What do you mean you can’t afford a new car? I know we asked you to find out what is wrong with the project and to fix it so we can save the company/season/profit goals, and you quietly did so and turned it in as requested after three 80 hour weeks, but why are you telling us something is wrong and how to make it better? pretty arrogant aren’t you! By the way we are using your work, and it works, but watch that attitude.”

    And the best part — horoscopes/astrologers who write scopes advising “Virgo that this is NOT the time to be lazy! Time to WORK! Stop laying about in a dream! Think of OTHERS! Don’t buy that carton of milk today, you need to watch your finances! DOn’t expect anything! Virgo, you’ve had a hard time these past equinox-stellerunium-magmahatches, which have lasted for VIrgo since 1812, but, chin up, you will enjoy a very positive day on July 12, 2016 from 10:31 pm until midnight! But don’t travel or spend anything and avoid people.”

    Rant over. Guess what sign I am?

    1. oh – I forgot: Virgo, throw off your glasses and librarian sweater and allow yourself to FEEL! Virgo, did you know you are actually the Roman Whore of the zodiac, ready to lose your mind! Virgo, you can find love from August 2 thru the 3rd at noon this year, don’t blow it, this cycle won’t return for 32 years! Special note to Virgos who recently found love: sorry to tell you but the new moon will reveal he is a crackhead killer spy who is actually a robot from space too and he is robbing you and destroying your village as you read this; we told you that Virgos should have concentrated on work and serving and not just yourself, what the hell were you thinking! Virgo had better know that for the next 30 years, they need to focus on work. The August 2 to 3 at noon party is OVER, grindstone time, go scrub someone’s porch and do NOT buy new shoes, ever!”

      Rant now over. 🙂

        1. I like being a Virgo. I like being self-possessed. I like being able to handle the stuff no one else wants to handle. I like that I am motivated to do it not for external reward, but because it needs to be done. These are very good qualities to have. But I think we are the “worst” sign to be to people who don’t understand how we operate, i.e. everyone else.

  11. Decan 2 Virgo here .Male 48 . I have no right to stereotype .However , I am certain many Virgoans, as I ,am here because we know we are screwed . Must fix problem .Being hyper-analytical means you have to identify a problem first .That should explain everything. Not even close. It is Nature and Nurture . The basis of Astrology is Nature . Virgos were conceived during the peak of Pagan holidays with all sorts of impaired “indiscretions” ,bad judgement tensions ,quarrels ,intoxicants and we all know holidays are horrible at every level, shallow and facadical.
    If you know a little more about Astrology , you will know that conceptions are timed to meet a projected alignment and birth (crowning) is induced or delayed accordingly.
    Now Nurure aspect for Virgo. Concieved and carried during super-elevated cortisol levels ,The very likely illegitimate or regretful pregnancy will also suffer the physical and spiritual negative repercussions of regret,deception, denial and guilt . Probably not maternally bonded

  12. Hit send -oops. Part 1 below.

    (continued) by refusal of the mother to suckle or abandoned by adoption out-right. The strange propensity of the Virgo to seek vitamins is due to poor diet by the underwhelmed mother.

    Always trying to please others because we were rejected ,as we represent the living manifestation of someone else’s regret , shame or inconvenience.

    “The tooting of the horn” of which so many hate, is just the infant child left to cry in the dark room behind the closed door ,saying “look what i can do , will you love me ?

    The virgo has it really hard now because the pathological ability to fix anything is a real problem for 2 main reasons : everything is made not to last and the exacerbation of the ego means you will lose friends and jobs because people feel intimidated or perceived loss of independence by this strange “talent”.

    So as this world does it’s best to cremate care- The Virgo ,the essence of the Sacred Femenine ,manically trying to make order of this chaos and entropy-True Care indeed , asks you this : “what can I do for you ?”

    Be Well and Know Thyself.


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    Lumene virginus

    The last several posts are spot on. No one speaks of Virgo as barren simply because she is pregnant with the Deep Waters of the Soul…For a soul’s fresh renewed start.
    We are just as capable of Being spiritual, mystical, ethereal, creative, gifted, we draw criticism from an early age. After a while we simply believe it. Why bother if it isn’t seen?
    Our Love…in all forms goes to the inner core of ourselves.
    And with our Caduceus and Serpent at our Feet we conjoin with something other than Alchemical Awakening…we carry a torch, truly not wheat. Isis dove into the depths of their dark underworld searching. The torch was replaced with wheat or grain stalks.
    And intrinsically I love my Virgoness Sun/Pluto conj.
    We have a beauty misunderstood…our constellation has a sextant, raven, cup or bowl and the serpent..sextant sees the Stars, the Raven flies, the cup..filled with Waters of Life unformed matter ~

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