True Stories

elsa bartenderI just received, Frederick Woodruff’s newsletter, where he talked me up in relation to the Rage of Aquarius podcast. I was happy and flattered!

He mentioned my storytelling. I don’t think he’s read any of my stories so I put these up and sent him links.

If you want to read something true and original – Obi Wan Kenobi PhD

Then if you like that and wonder what happened next, try, Teenager.

Thanks, everyone!

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Private: True Stories

Are you looking for my true stories? As I get them published, I’ll link them here.  These stories were written circa 2001-2004.

The stories are listed in chronological order.

      • Heaven, I Mean Circle K – this is the first story in my book of the same name. Fun!
      • California –  lots of swearing in this, but it’s funny and full of uncommon insight.
      • The Juvie Guy – Real psychopathy in the wild
      • Obi Wan Kenobi PhD – I have this Scorpio boyfriend, named, Darth Vader.  I meet his psychiatrist.
      • TeenagerWhat happens after Darth Vader and various other sundries.
      • The Blond – I’ve been an odd for quite awhile; swearing and storytelling.
      • Meeting Your Past – I wrote this in 2003. It’s raw and unedited.
  • More on the way…
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