Upside Of Saturn & Neptune In Pisces

puzzle piecesGenerally speaking, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is trash for Mercury-ruled, Gemini and Virgo.  There are high sides to it. There are ways to deal and such, but if you make yourself fall into it, magic happens.  What magic, Elsa?

Well, there are all types of magic. Transcending your worry, for example. Actually learning faith and having it support your mental effort, or just your ideas in general.  You can also see pieces of a puzzle, flow together in your imagination.  You don’t even need to know the puzzle exists!  That’s pretty “voila”, in my book. I’ll explain.

My first awareness of my little deal, was when I saw, or rather, saw through this company’s business plan and effort to market itself. I tied it to another company’s effort, I witnessed in the 1980’s. I benefitted when this clicked into place. It’s a matter of not knowing what’s going on vs knowing what’s going on. Reality obscured vs reality revealed.  The times you have clarity are are brilliant.  I covered this here:

Upside Of Aging: You See The Tricks!

I was glad and grateful for that knowing.  A few days later, I stumbled onto the title of a book (and nothing more) – “My Life In Advertising” by Claude C Hopkins.

It’s a bit weird, because, Mr. Hopkins was born in 1866!  Those old people are stupid, right? Who cares what old fashioned people are doing, in this “modern” age? Well, I don’t think like that.  I flow pretty well for a lowly Virgo. I thought my running across this title was not random, so I got the book right away.

I was not surprised, I was mesmerized by the preface and even more so, by the first paragraph.  It was like shooting heroin into my vein!

Mr. Hopkins published his book in 1917. He definitely thought his book was important, but I doubt he imagined some Italian chick would love it, 107 years after the fact.  Love it and find it relevant.

I’ve been enjoying this book over the last several days, and telling people about it.  I’m open, see?  That’s a big key. Then today this other piece flew in my open window, when I remembered an experience I had once.

puzzle castleI wrote about my experience, but I can’t find my writing.   I must have included it in a larger story, or I may have told it back when I first started writing on a business bulletin board, in 1999. It’s about this man I dated.  He was very rich or rather his dad was. I was eighteen at the time. If you read my book, I was living in the apartment with the Lutheran chick. I was dating a lot at that time and this guy was one of the men I went out with.

He was 25-ish and in his sixth year of college. I was me, in my clothes from Goodwill.  His father liked cars and had these incredible specimens.  Vintage sports cars. My boyfriend (for a time) was a Sagittarius, can you tell?  He would steal his father’s cars and take me on dates.  Cars as in more than one – variety of cars, variety of dates.

Really, this bastard (said fondly) would do whatever he wanted, because while his father had had enough of him, he was the apple of his mother’s eye. She was going to keep her baby boy, and her boy a baby, no matter what.  I found this amusing, as did he.

I’m telling you, he knew he was a fuck up. This was one of the reasons he was running with me.  He was trying to learn.   This was all out in the open, between us as we were both blunt.  He was fascinated with my poverty. I was telling him to stop stealing his dad’s cars!

“Why don’t you do your homework?” I said.  I really couldn’t believe it.  I had been a straight A student. How can a person spend six years in college and essentially, never pass a class?  This was not a stupid man at all.  He was a fun-seeking man and I was a fun-seeking young woman. I didn’t flunk my classes, so it was confusing to me.

One day I decided to help him with his homework.  I don’t know what possessed me, but I told him to bring it over and I would see if I could figure it out.

He agreed, though he did not think I would be able to help.  He was desperate. His professor had made him some kind of deal – nail the final and pass the class?  I was very curious what he was struggling with. I didn’t know anything about college. I didn’t think I could help him either, but I was going to try.

This man was studying advertising. He arrived at my apartment with this large ad.  It was a full page newspaper ad – he lay it out on the table.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“That’s it. That’s the test,” he said.

I stared, thinking college really is over my head. How is this a test?

“I’m supposed to write what I see that ad. I don’t see anything in that ad,” he said.

“Well, I do,” I said.  His head whipped around.

“You do not!”

“Yes, I do.”

puzzle“How can you see something in that ad? You haven’t been to even one class.  You do not see something in that ad.”

“Do you want me to tell you what’s in there?” I asked,  secretly hoping I wasn’t crazy.

“Fuckin’ A . Go ahead! Tell me!”

“Well… this represents this and that is that. The advertiser wants the reader to see this and think this and feel that.  See, that shape? It suggests, this…”

“Elsa!  You’ve got to be shitting me! You sound just like he does! My professor!  That’s the same shit he says are in these ads. How do you know that?”

“Um…I’m looking at it.  Are you saying, you look at it and can’t see ideas in it.”

“Yes!  That’s what I’m saying and this is my third time taking this course.”

“I don’t think you’re very good at it. The answers are obvious.  Do you want me to tell you what else is in there? How long does your paper have to be?” I asked.

“You mean you see other things?” He was stunned.

“Yes, I think so.  I think this is supposed to be this and if that’s right, this is this and these two things work together…” In this process, I complimented the professor for choosing such an interesting ad. Really, I just went on and on until he stopped me.

“You scare me.”

I had no idea what he meant.  I was trying to figure out how these things eluded him; what they actually taught in college, and why I could do this work, without any effort.

All these years later, I realize I am still that 18 year old girl. Looking at things and seeing things the person next to me cannot.

Today, I have a good idea, why this is, though I don’t know what to do with the information. What does it mean???

I also don’t know the next piece that will float in, but I do know it’s coming.

If you’re struggling with this transit, I would stop trying so hard.  I’m pretty sure, God, will give you the pieces to your puzzle, if you’ll just let it happen.


6 thoughts on “Upside Of Saturn & Neptune In Pisces”

  1. You met with a party boy, cruising on legacy alumni. That’s why he had 6 years of college. BTW did he look up with his open mouth during a rainstorm?

  2. Well this is timely for me. I’m a Virgo as well, with a 4 planet stellium in Virgo so you know this Saturn-Neptune passage through Pisces has been a bitch for me. But not really. Well, the Neptune oppositions some years back were some of the worst years of my life because I felt like Neptune took me apart, molecule by molecule, and put me back together again. I discovered I really didn’t like the corporate world that society demanded I conquer. Yeah, no.

    Now Saturn is going back for a second pass over that stellium and honestly, I hardly noticed the first pass. Or so I thought. What actually happened during that time was that I stumbled upon the Law of Attraction, which was a bit too pie in the sky for me. I can’t give up being snarky. Always curious like a cat, I kept researching and found Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption. Hmmm, no pie in the sky constant happy woo-woo crap but it does require…wait for it…faith. Faith never was a strong suit for me but I figured I had nothing to lose and the writings of Neville really resonated with me. So for some months now, I’ve been developing my faith and my mind, both conscious and subconscious. It is work. Lots of inner work. One thing I don’t like about the Law of Attraction is how it doesn’t really make you look inside of yourself which is vital if you intend to develop faith. Working with the Law of Assumption made me (finally) seek therapy for a childhood filled with abuse from a narcissistic mother. I always knew I needed it but I didn’t like traditional therapy which takes way too long. Besides, I feel like therapists like to diagnose and place people in boxes. Or go straight to medicating them. Nah. Not what I needed. So I found a hypnotherapist and man, she did miracles in three short sessions. Well, not so short, but still only three.

    So while I am currently smack in the middle of Saturn oppositions, I am calm and serene. It’s a miracle, I tell ya. Saturn ALWAYS kicks my ass. My Saturn isn’t too badly placed in the 11th house in Aquarius sextile Jupiter but it is square Neptune. I can handle Pluto aspects pretty well since I have Pluto in that stellium but Saturn…pure hell usually. My Aries moon makes me soooo impatient (still am) but this faith thing I’ve been relying on has been something else. Now when I say faith, I really mean faith in myself and faith that things will work out as intended, as long as I don’t meddle. I am not speaking of religious faith, although I suppose that may work for some people. Neville has a very unique interpretation of all things biblical and I have to say, it really resonates with me.

    Thanks for this post Elsa!

  3. I just realized why my mother in law has been (probably) gaslighting her son with crappy talking about me, manipulation- and why it hits him so hard hat we are on rocky shores today…

    His progressed Venus in Gemini is at 29th degree in the 6th house – the same degree as Neptune, and he has a Saturn/Mars in Virgo, so he is experiencing his Saturn opposition, all sorts lf confusion, misunderstandings (hello bitter fights!) ….

    1,5 year ago I asked him to begin therapy due to his past traumas (Saturn = doing the right thing or they will bite his ass soon), but he refused, and insisted WE needed therapy as a couple. He could not hear me and my message, but his mom knew exactly which buttons to push, and I am this upfront-no-beating-around-the-bush gal, who play no games. And then HE thinks I AM THE ONE PLAYING MIND GAMES!


    So, yes, definitely. This crappy horse poop situation is probably partly due to Saturn. He must put down some pretty solid boundaries for his mom, but I can’t do anything about it if he chooses to seek her company – the only thing I can do, is to control my own reactions and choices.

    I really fegging hope the Neptune effect will move over next year, because holy frigging cow I am tired of this sheepshow, I know his own Venus will progress into Cancer in June next year, and I just hope my patience hasn’t worn off until that happens, because boy, is there some karma juice or what goikg on here!

    *pissed off lady rant over*

    Ok boy,

  4. Neptune through pisces has favoured a lot of pisces and I ve seen it in my close family friends and colleagues. They progressed in life made solid careers earning a lot of money and started their own family. It wasn’t bad for them at least the majority. In my natal chart I had Pluto Saturn and Uranus hitting ruthlessly all those years but Neptune squared my natal venus and progressed mars sun in Gemini. I do feel lost now in life, I don’t know how to get out of it. It’s very interesting to see how Neptune Saturn is going to affect humanity and personal charts. Every time a benefic planet transits through early degrees aries in my chart it always brings money but Neptune can be tricky

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