Useful Skills – Mars in Gemini

car-wreckI wrecked my car, but I failed to die. I was a bit shocked after the accident. I had to call the police on myself which was a bit different.  But things turned in my favor, dramatically, when I called my neighbor for help.

He’s one of those people who can do all kinds of things and not only that, he can do them fast. He came by and saw my car – I wasn’t even out there when he looked at it. He sent a text, said he could fix it and it wouldn’t be “too bad”. I had no idea what, “too bad” might mean…

It turns out, I need eight items for my car. Hood, fenders, headlight, taillight, front and back bumpers…and this you won’t believe.  He researched all this for me, found the parts as cheap as possible. I ordered them and he is going to put them on for $250! He did not charge anything for taking them off, or sorting or time shopping or anything else.

I have two things to say! First, a good neighbor is priceless.  But secondly, a person who knows how to do these things is valuable beyond belief. I am sure the labor in a shop would have been ten times what he’s charging me.  I’m going to tip him, of course.

I ordered the parts last night. I got a notice the parts would be here tomorrow, if you can believe that, It’s his birthday on Friday – he figures I’m be driving this weekend.

I have Mars conjunct Mercury. He has Mars in Gemini. We don’t mess around when it comes to speed and efficiency of tasks!

How handy are you? Are you quick as well?

30 thoughts on “Useful Skills – Mars in Gemini”

  1. What a great neighbor! I’m so glad you are okay and now your wheels are going to be restored at minimal cost. And I’m glad you’re blessed to be around a handy neighbor willing to lend a hand. Merry Christmas!

  2. Big crush (not crash…Elsa)on athlete whose mars in Gemini sits directly on my sun and squares my mars in Virgo. Doc, is it serious?

  3. Elsa, I really think there is a kind of law in life: what comes around goes around. You have this horrible accident, but I really think: you had a guardian angel. Your neighbour is helping you: I think you should do the same for him. You helped so many people and still do. This is what I learnd when I was on Healing Class: one way or another: it comes back to you. Do not expect things, do not count on it: along specific ways in life….

    I am happy Elsa that things yet again in order. I hope you are well. 🙂

    1. I do try to help him but he’s one of those people who don’t want help! We help him by hiring him, every chance we get. And we pay him more than he asks for. That’s about all we can do. It’s not proper around here to do anymore and he won’t accept it anyway.

      This is one of those people who is going straight to heaven, with no delay!

        1. Elsa, this is not what I mean. Mistake! Language! I did mean: you would have (not you should!) helped him if such an accident happend to him.
          It is not on me to tell you what to do (I feel a littele embaressed yet).

          1. Oh! No problem. No need to be embarrassed. You’re right. I would help him any chance I had. I also expect we’ll be neighbors for the rest of our lives so the day I can do something significant will probably come. 🙂

  4. I have Mars conjunct Mercury, in Gemini, so I can relate to this. I tend to be able to help people with issues, in ways that are inexpensive, if possible. Most PC repairs I do for barter, or cheap, if possible. For example, my pets get their nails trimmed, in return for PC work that I did for a friend. A lot of times, I can come up with ideas that can be fruitful, such as work or living situations that others haven’t thought of. Great fun!

  5. anonymoushermit

    With that recent Mercury conjunct Saturn, there were lots of car accidents! I was lucky to swerve to the right.

  6. Calm and collected, quiet observer, spider in the corner, plus a most fierce & furious warrior. Loyal ad infinitum until… I throw up. 6th Sorpio mars opp 12th Taurus saturn. It’s a viceral thing. Gemini rising.

  7. Bu my piscies moon will totally help a random stranger and per to a previous post by Elsa have given rides to many people who were walking. Most recent was in Co. Clare Ireland. A girl wearing a KFC type uniform. In some parts of the world you can still rely on the kindness of strangers.

  8. Avatar

    Wish I could be handy!! I admire and have a twinge of envy for people who have got a life skill like that down. It takes me years with my Mercury-Saturn to learn anything or get conclusions pumped out like that!!! I’m just a trying to get good at doing one thing, working with children. Maybe I’ll be the neighborhood’s kid-guru lol. Come to me if you got questions about kids *beams*

  9. I have Mars conjunct Mercury as well. 🙂 I would say I’m quite efficient when I want to be, if it’s something I find interesting and want to do. Hmm, but I’m also efficient when it’s something I don’t like because I want it done as soon as possible. 🙂

  10. I have Mars in my 1st house Virgo. When something has to be done – it has to be done immediately. If I can’t manage it myself (I’m talking of physically demanding tasks), I go a little crazy and start bossing people around – which is not met with appreciation since the men around me are the exact opposite.

  11. I recognize him…he’s a lot like me with my Gemini Mars conjunct my Sun. My mantra is
    “What does this mean and what do I DO !” Just don’t ask me the time; I’ll build you a watch!

      1. I’m sure you’ll be showing your gratitude…may I suggest baking a Birthday cake and putting a scratch off lottery ticket on it for returning your good luck and to keep him busy. Wishing you a happy holiday season: you’re already blessed.

    1. My BIL has an exact Mars/Sun conjunction in Gemini! Hmmm, he’s taught my sister how to play with technology (they’re making YouTube videos now) and he works in an appliance shop–go figure! Give him a hands-on problem, he tackles it. Mars in Gemini is greased lightning, LOL

      1. Strange coincidence…I’ve worked with appliances my entire career! Even contributed to revolutionizing the old fashioned display pattern to the “Living Kitchen” concept for realistic showroom displays. I just never associated my Sun/Mars Gemini conjunction associated with it; I bet BIL is or could be a dynamic salesperson or teacher. BTW, I was born in 1951 Virgo rising.

  12. I love this in a person to. Because I am so “un-handy” myself, I really super value it in others – esp. thrifty/handy and super resourceful. It impresses the heck out of me. Glad you got some help!

  13. His cousin’s wife blew her engine up so he’s going to help with that. I told him to get her on the road, first. We have a part that won’t get here until, Tuesday now, anyway. He said he would work on both and I am sure he would, into the night. But I have a truck I can drive so…

  14. Wah! I am not quick at all!
    3H Mars Gemini
    Mind is always racing but my fingers are fumbling and actions are disorganised 🙁

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