Using Astrology To Avoid Violent, Abusive Relationships

Mars signifies violence and aggression in astrology.  We all have Mars in our chart. Given sufficient provocation, we’re all capable to acting aggressively. That said, some fuses are shorter than others. They also have different qualities…


Where is your Mars? Do you feel you have a handle on it?

1 thought on “Using Astrology To Avoid Violent, Abusive Relationships”

  1. My First husband has his Sun, mercury, Venus , mars, Jupiter and Pluto in Leo. He had a major ego problem. He used violence with his words as well as fists to try to control me. When I left him, he stalked me, Threatened my life. He had his clutches in me and did not want to let me go. My sun, mercury and Saturn in Scorpio the 12th house. I did everything that I could to keep the peace.( My Mars is in Libra.) Like my marriage counselor said at what price. It was like my personality had to dissolve to survive. He kept me in a prison for 19 years.

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