Venus, Love and Money – What’s Your Currency?

I want to get into “energy exchange”.  In my world, “energy” is “currency”.  Venus in a natal chart, describes what a person loves or values. Each individual has their own taste. What you have to offer may not be something the other person values. Check it out!

What do you love and value?

44 thoughts on “Venus, Love and Money – What’s Your Currency?”

  1. Very good! And that series of blogs on Mars is soooo funny. Now you have me thinking . . . 🙂

    My Venus is in Sagittarius in the 1st & I have Uranus in the 7th. Need lots of room to do my thing whatever it is at the moment. No micro-managing allowed!! My preference is for partners who are independent and occupy themselves. They absolutely HAVE to have a LIFE. However, I also have Taurus on the cusp of the 7th, so sharing at least one or two meals a day & discussing what’s going on with each other works very nicely.

  2. I read the blogs. That was a teaser (n. 3)! What about the other signs? This is too helpful not to elaborate on 🙂

  3. Yay! I thought you might mean something like that, but I wasn’t sure. Then, with everyone posting about their “type” I really got confused! 😀 Thanks, E!

    And, yeah, you pronounced it right. I think – it’s a family name from a book I love, so we both could be wrong, I suppose. 🙂

  4. Avery – It’s how you attract, for example with Venus in Leo I am flamboyant, firey, dramatic, etc. And then you factor in the aspects and the house Venus is in…

  5. I should have also mentioned the 7th house. Anything in there (and the ruler of the 7th) also factors into what you attract. For example, I have a 7th house Uranus so my eccentricity, willingness to go against the grain is also part of my appeal.

  6. This video is responsible for getting me hooked on this blog – it’s the first one of yours I ever saw. When you mentioned liking big noses (so do I) and having Uranus in the 7th (me too, and I like ’em a little quirky), I thought I’d better take a second look. And now y’all can’t get rid of me. Blame this video. 🙂

    So, I suppose a woman’s Venus represents her currency, her bait?

  7. I have Chiron in the 7th ruled by Taurus. My Venus is in Virgo in the 11th house. On the relationship level, my currency is frienship and stability. I’m am intensely turned off by those guys who flash money and talk about the material possessions they own. It just reaks of “There’s not much content to my personality, so let me distract you with my things.” I’m sure a handful of men have considered me a total snob by my reaction to these come-ons.

    I lucked out that when I met my husband he was just getting out of the Army and didn’t have a dollar to show for himself (except for the wonderful GI Bill). He literaly had nothing to try to impress me with other than his personality. Right now we are living wonderfuly comfortable, not too much, not too little. We worked up to our financial stability together, and I actually miss the times when we had very little money….eating leftovers all the time and staying home more often because we didn’t have much spare money to go anywhere. Now he works very hard to pay for our house and for me to be a stay-at-home mom and full-time student. I’m very proud of him, but I can’t lie….I miss the simpler times 🙂
    I swear I’m the one of the only people I know who would NEVER want to win the lottery….I’d pay off my house, put some aside for my kids college fund….and give the rest away.

    I do love financial stability, but I don’t like it when that’s the first thing a guy flashes in your face.

  8. shell–agreed. I’m super turned off by men that flash the cash. my Venus is Conjunct Mars in Aries in my 4th.
    Don’t ever assume you know what I want or I will be instantly be turned off.

    I once dumped a guy because he bought me a drink without asking me if I even wanted one…it was cranberry/vodka. He next saw me with a beer in my hand and wanted to know why I was drinking that? I said “I’ve got two hands and two feet…am I supposed to perch up here on the stool and look pretty and thirsty?”

    I actually left that date and caught a ride home with a friend…slept on his couch and walked 2 miles home the next day because my coat/keys were at the other guy’s house and I was SO STUBBORN to prove what I fucking meant (hellloooo Taurus Sun square Leo Saturn).

    The guy tried to weasel his way back in: “Oh, I’ll drop your keys off!” So he gave me my keys. But not my coat back.

    I took my losses on the coat. Get lost, bigshot. Not interested. Now I’ve got a skinflint for a life partner but he gives me more love and affection and emotional/spiritual fulfillment and freedom than any other man I’ve ever met. He’s a diamond through and through.

  9. I’m super turned off by men that flash the cash. my Venus is Conjunct Mars in Aries in my 4th.
    Don’t ever assume you know what I want or I will be instantly be turned off.

    I once dumped a guy because he bought me a drink without asking me if I even wanted one…it was cranberry/vodka. He next saw me with a beer in my hand and wanted to know why I was drinking that? I said “I’ve got two hands and two feet…am I supposed to perch up here on the stool and look pretty and thirsty?”

    I actually left that date and caught a ride home with a friend…slept on his couch and walked 2 miles home the next day because my coat/keys were at the other guy’s house and I was SO STUBBORN to prove what I fucking meant (hellloooo Taurus Sun square Leo Saturn).

    The guy tried to weasel his way back in: “Oh, I’ll drop your keys off!” So he gave me my keys. But not my coat back.

    I took my losses on the coat. Get lost, bigshot. Not interested. Now I’ve got a skinflint for a life partner but he gives me more love and affection and emotional/spiritual fulfillment and freedom than any other man I’ve ever met. He’s a diamond through and through.

  10. My second house Venus is in Libra. My seventh is Pisces Saturn. Interesting–I now work in diplomacy and it for sure attracts attention and ups my value. And it’s well paying, which is VERY new for me in my life, although I’ve never had money problems or worries. I don’t think there is a job more perfect for me–using my language and cultural knowledge, which is extensive, meeting all kinds of people–there’s a sort of high-quality level to it that appeals to me. I have always loved Audrey Hepburn, for what she seemed to represent: fluent in foreign languages, well-traveled, elegantly dressed, sipping champagne with sauve/debonair types, very sweet with big wondering eyes. Funny thing is, that’s kind of how *I* turned out. I didn’t start out that way! 🙂
    Never in my life have I had so many eager suitors, and really well-educated, culturally aware (I don’t mean “high culture” I mean like internationally) pretty good-looking and financially in a good place.
    And I’m old!!! 😉 (ok, 41, just for the record).

    It’s nice having them all buzzing around. I am somewhat in my element. The only thing that can ruin it is someone wanting to be exclusive/serious. I like moving from one blossom to the next, like a butterfly. A pink/peach/lavender colored one. 😀
    And yet, I really do love people and see the best in them. I read that Pisces is everyone’s soul mate, and I feel that way about quite a few people. But I also have a Pisces moon.

  11. PixieDust that sounds…well, heavenly actually! Thanks for posting it, because as SOON as I read it my gooey Taurus Sun thought: ooooOOOOooooo I’d to get me some of that. All that Venusian imagery!
    RMAOL! Yup, I’m a total flip-flopper (and a Libra North Node to boot) 😉

  12. Very interesting. Let’s see – how I attract. Venus in Leo means I’m fiery, impulsive, generous. I have shiny, healthy hair. Venus is in the 11th house, and sextile Uranus – I’m detached in a good way. I ask a lot of questions. I’m brutally honest. When flirting my theme song would be Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders.
    My Venus also has good aspects from my moon, mars, mercury,and Jupiter, which makes me want to talk (mercury) frankly (Jupiter) about love and sex (mars). I like dirty talk.

    The planets in my 7th make me want a man who is very masculine and aggressive (mars), philosophic (Jupiter), nurturing (moon), with hidden vulnerabilities (chiron).

  13. kashmiri 😀

    So Elsa, where can we see what we want in a partner? Mars? And is there any way to tell if what we want is actually good for us? (The million dollar question….)

  14. Venus is in Virgo, in the 6th, conjunct Pluto and Uranus. Meaning I want depth and quality, plus a touch of the offbeat. I want my work to reflect my soul and satisfy me (I have Moon in the 6th), and they better respect that. I’m not in it just for the money. Highfalutin to some people, but hey. You don’t like it, go away.

    Jupiter and Neptune are in the 7th, Jupiter right on the DSC, and Neptune closer to the 8th. I’ve never wanted anyone in my face–they and I both have to be “doing our own thing”. Clingy guys need not apply, and they never have.

  15. My venus is in virgo in the 11th house like Shell. I think my currency is friendship, devotion and alot of quirkiness. Probably a big dose of earthiness too…

    I have taurus on the cusp of the seventh house and am definitely looking for stability as venus sextiles saturn. Venus opposes Jupiter in pisces and I am very drawn to anyone not English but have had an unfortunate tendency to go for addicts in the past which is probably a reflection of my own lack of balance. All balanced now though!

  16. venus in scorpio, forget it, I haven’t had a handle on it ever. Aquarius on the 7th house though. I do like the strange and wonderful.

  17. If amethyst ever comes around again…Venus in Taurus would mean you attract people because you have a natural, earthy beauty. Probably some big doe eyes too. And while it doesn’t sound very romantic, some people are deeply attracted to stable, consistent folks. It’s not a bad thing to have, promise. 😉

  18. Avatar
    Stellium in Taurus

    I reread the Mars posts and would like to share a little game that I play (in my head!) when I know somebody’s sun sign.

    I try to guess their Venus and Mercury. Since Venus can only be 46 degress away, and Mercury can only be 28 degrees away, this means that Venus can be no more than two signs away from the sun, and Mercury only one.

    It’s really easy when their sun sign rules Venus or Mercury, such as in the case with Taurus and Libra, or Gemini and Virgo. In that case I’m right nearly every time.

    First I think about which element…. water? Air? etc. This closes the gap.

    It’s fun game for beginning to intermediate astro people.

  19. Awesome accidental Mars research! most men do want to be providers so this is a fun and practical tool to pin point this down. I’d love reading elaborations on pixiedust questions… Great relationships topics! looking forward reading more during Saturn in Libra.

  20. Well now Elsa, you say you can tell a man’s mars sign almost on sight. But you only covered a few of the easy signs. It isn’t always that easy (I hope). I wonder how you would describe someone like me with the subtle Mars in Pisces (8th House). I don’t know if that aspect could ever “be on the hunt.” Maybe it goes fishing, see if it can catch something.

  21. Avatar
    Stellium in Taurus

    Pisces mars… my daughter just told me a story of a guy who approached her at school. He offered to take her to a poetry reading! lol… I wondered if his mars was in pisces.

  22. If I had paid attention to a guy I was interested in, I would have been able to determine he had Mars in Virgo in the 4th. He was always working on his house, improving it. He would tell me his ex-wife would get upset because he wanted to paint the house on his vacation! His currency I guess was “see what I can do? Aren’t I a good worker?” but she didn’t appreciate it : (

  23. “I should have also mentioned the 7th house. Anything in there (and the ruler of the 7th) also factors into what you attract. For example, I have a 7th house Uranus so my eccentricity, willingness to go against the grain is also part of my appeal.”

    If I don’t have any planets in the 7th I look to see where the ruler of the 7th is to find the description? Do you look at the sign in the house or the house on the cusp of the 7th? Ex.: Leo is in the 7th house with Cancer on the cusp (in the 6th.) No planets in the 6th either.

  24. How cool that Mars thread is! I looked up the first communication that this guy I’m with now sent – it was online – in a nutshell…

    1) Self-deprecating but humorous statement
    2) Wanted me to know he had noticed details and researched them if he didn’t know what I was talking about
    3) Noticed and admired something service-oriented about me
    4) Closed with, “PS, I am a horrible speller, but good at math so if you have any problems knowing when two trains might hit I am the guy.”

    Guess the Mars!

  25. My Scorpio boyfriend has uranus saturn and moon in Sagittarius 7th house. Mars in Aquarius.
    Also,Juno in Sag.

    I have Mars pluto in Scorpio 7th house. Juno in Pisces.

    Are we meant for eachother?
    I always feel like we might be soul mates, but sometimes I feel my need for a deeper spiritual relationship is so strong but seems like such an ideal relationship doesn’t exist. My juno in pisces tells me i’d be happiest with an imaginary friend.
    Not at all concerned with money,i think my currency is emotional intensity. My hair being a different color every month and being open to so many different fashion styles. (My chart ruler is venus) & maybe my sun conjunct uranus has something to do with the eccentricity and uniqueness that my lunatic scorpio finds irresistible. ?

  26. I think my currency is my uniqueness. I just don’t come across as a normal girl, I guess. Venus Aquarius sitting right on my ASC. When they find out I do meditation, tarot and astrology, that makes me even more “weird.” However, I usually never divulge that myself. It always comes out through someone else.

    They also mistake me for being overly-nice. I am nice, but if you piss me off, I’m a ball-buster.

    I am hoping my next romance hurries up already because I am interested to see the astrology of it. I want to see if my 7th House Leo Cusp with Pluto Uranus Virgo can actually be used to form a happy, solid relationship (for a change).

    with Venus Aquarius 12th, I like a relationship where we can have our own little world that no one else is a part of, while at the same time being a part of a big, happy family.

  27. Not sure what my currency is, Venus in cancer conjunct 7th house cusp, mercury and saturn (all in the 7th), all square Pluto & opposite ascendant in cap which is also squared by Pluto. Sun is also in cancer at 29 degrees (sextile Pluto) and an 8th house Leo Mars…hot mess maybe because I never fail to attract fire signs with Mars in Scorpio 🙂

  28. Dear Elsa, this is the second time i see you life on your blog. I do not know you so long. I am pleasantly surprised. Thank you for what you mention about this subject….money, love and so on. There is a lot to think about. 🙂

  29. Venus in sag, someone who accepts me as I am, does not try to change my dress, my dress size or anything else about me. I need freedom to spend my time the way I choose, Someone who is not crazy jealous. Found that in my husband.
    Oh Elsa thank you for sharing that you like a man with a large nose. I keep telling my son there are many women out there that are;attractive women. I have always been attracted to large nose men, even my first boyfriend at 15 had a prominent nose and chin.

  30. Venus in Taurus on MC square Saturn in 7th and oppose Neptune on IC. I attract by touch, and I like touchy affectionate men. I of course never attracted many of them because I always ended up with Geminis or Aquarians. Aquarius on 7th.

  31. Just read your Pallas blog so connecting different forms of the anima in my head. North node is conjunct Pallas in the 8th (need to take my power back?). Talking of things phallic my chainsaw is in the kitchen (guard on) it’s how I keep our little cottage stocked with wood and my kids warm and it’s good therapy. Venus is in a packed 5th house. In Scorpio. Am about to move house (tr Jupiter conjunct Pluto on 4th house cusp) and much to my discomfort (natal Vesta 2 degrees from natal sun) I’ll have to let the home fire go out (Vesta transiting 12th). Am giving up our home (3 births in the front room) for my children to have more opportunities and to be closer to family in a busy village and possibly to the house I grew up in which is only metres from where I was born.
    This after living all over the country.
    Capricorn on 7th cusp, I seem to attract sad, authoritarian or older men. My currency? Creativity/deep fun maybe. All my children share a ridiculous sense of humour which makes life workable.

  32. Venus in Scorpio in the 9th. INTELLIGENCE! I LOVE an intelligent man! An intense man who is smart <3

    My currency? Intensity, intelligence, and honesty. My husband has told others that out of his friends, I am the most intelligent one he knows. That was a very high compliment to me and I do feel the same way about him.

    I have Leo on my 7th cusp and I am attracted to dominant men. My husband has his Mars in Leo and yes, we can argue like no one's business, but we love it.

    1. @tonya, oh I also have leo cusp 7th! I like a man who will take charge too. maybe it has to do with fire houses in venus signs. my sister is 8th house venus but they have an equal relationship/but she takes charge, except in the financial dept. (she isn’t good with money, only good with making money) but her husband is good in maintaining it so they don’t go broke.

  33. Venus in Cancer (9th house) ruling my Libra AC and my Taurus Sun (8th house). I value conversation while sharing a meal, or beverage – especially hearing something learned recently, or that matters very much to someone at that table.
    On the flip side, if someone expects gaiety, guaranteed, they’re going to be disappointed some of the time. ::because they want Sagittarius, or Leo, folks::

  34. Avatar
    the laughing goat

    How would you determine the ruler of the 7H when there’s a “party” going on… Jupiter 4d, Pluto 22d, Uranus 29d?

    My GUESS is Uranus bcuz it’s at a critical degree.

    1. The ruler of a house is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp oh the house. It’s not necessarily a planet in the house.

      This is why you read things like, ruler of the third us in the tenth.

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