Venus Opposite Pluto – Death Of A Lover Or Spouse

woman-with-mourning-shawl-Van-Gogh-A client asked me if her husband were going to die.  She’d read somewhere that the Venus Pluto aspect in her chart, indicated such a thing.

I am pretty sure, Stephen Arroyo mentioned this possibility around Venus Pluto. I’m sorry I can’t reference the book. I read it twenty-five years ago, but I’m pretty sure he was specifically talking  about women with Venus opposing Pluto in their chart.  Arroyo was a great astrologer who only wrote about things he’d witnessed firsthand. I have seen the same thing he has.

I’m not talking about women who lose their husbands via age or natural causes. I’m talking about traumatic separation.  I’m talking about women who find their husband dead via suicide. I am talking about women who wake up one day to find that their husband is GONE, never to be heard from again.  I am talking about your love being obliterated.

I know a number of women and stories of women who have suffered such a thing. It’s my packed 8th house. One thing I have seen is that if the opposition is prominent (say, lying across the ascendant/descendant), it’s entirely possible this happen to a woman more than once!

Women who kill their husbands might have something like this in their chart as well.  Their spouses keep dying, yes?  But what’s important to know is that this is not the only way this aspect can manifest.

With Venus opposing Pluto, you’re guaranteed intensity in your interactions with others. Also, if you’re 40 or 50 years old and this has never happened, you’re probably at less risk than a girl of 20.

Also, some people suffer traumatic loss of a partner when they are extremely young.  Like a twin, whose twin dies as a baby.

People wonder if the transit (Pluto opposing natal Venus) puts a person at risk for this.  It does but it’s only one possibility of many. I can’t see living in fear, because you have something like this in your chart. There is nothing you can do about it.

If you wake up one morning and your husband is not in bed. And if you go in your backyard, open the shed and find him hanging, there is nothing you can do.

I know this for sure.  I was out with that couple, the night before the husband took his life. We said goodnight at midnight. My phone rang at 6 am, when his wife found him dead.  The woman had lost her first spouse to suicide, five years earlier.  Things like this get your attention.

There’s another point to make.  Jackie Kennedy lost her husband in a horribly traumatic way.  She does not have Venus aspecting Pluto. This just goes to show you there are mysteries in life..

Do you have Venus in aspect to Pluto in your chart? Have you ever suffered a traumatic separation from a loved one?

194 thoughts on “Venus Opposite Pluto – Death Of A Lover Or Spouse”

  1. My husband has a tight trine between Venus and Pluto. He lost a ton of people in his life, especially when he was young and Pluto was crossing his Asc. His ability to transcend pretty much blows me away. I guess that’s Pluto in the 12th.

  2. I have Venus Opposite Pluto natally and I just read that passage from Stephen Arroyo–so yeah, that’s who it’s from.

    Personally, my kind of out there theory is this placement is a past-life thing. We toyed with people’s emotions recklessly in the past so now we are getting a taste of our own medicine. I can attest to being frequently consumed by my own emotions toward others.

    I can’t get angry about it–it’s just what I have to endure and learn from. Hopefully be better for it.

    1. Hope you are right Sara. My ex bf definitely manipulated me and used my love for him. He is having Pluto opp. Venus ascendant transit now and he deserves a taste of the pain and humiliation he inflicts on others. And yet, I still love him. (I’m natal Pluto/Venus exact trine btw – and KR what you say rings true)

  3. I think Howard Sasportas talks about it too.
    So, I have this. Pluto opposes both my Sun and Venus natally. Pluto is in the 4th, Sun/Venus in the 10th/11th (not near the IC/MC though).
    I’ve never experienced the death part of this aspect.
    But I have experienced very, very painful separations and some painfully let’s-just-say “complicated” relationships. I have very rarely experienced the ‘let’s go out to see a movie’ or ‘let’s go for a trip’ part of being with someone. There were long intervals of solitude between relationships, because at some point I had decided that if *not* going through the pain meant not having a relationship, then I won’t have one, thank you.
    As Pluto squares my Sun now, and my progressed Venus with it, and also natal Venus in a few years, not to mention it’s own natal position too, I find myself in therapy shedding more and more light on the issues of love and pain – and a whole lot of sh*t connected with that (that includes every standard Pluto interpretation, apart from literal death).
    I don’t know if indeed it’s better when one’s 40, I’ll get back to you in a few years for this one :).
    I just know this thing is in my chart, it’s mine, I want to own it and do some good with it…and that also means giving me a good relationship for a change. I guess you could say I’m more willing to risk now.
    I really wish that the people who have lost a loved one, in the ways you describe, have had all the loving support, from the universe and the people around them, to go on with their lives and feel happy (at some point) after all that.

    1. Okay I’m a triplet and my mom said she almost lost us we all have Venus in Taurus and scorpio in Pluto but honestly its in the 5 house my Pluto so is it possible to have fear in losing kids?

    1. I have venus semi-square Pluto as a natal aspect. My venus also has an opposition from my Jupiter(in 8th ruled by Pisces) & my Pluto ses-quiquadrates my Jupiter. My fiance’ died in 2013 when I waz 26yrs old. His exact cause of death waz ambiguous (Pisces on 8th?). An overdose.Don’t know whether it waz intentional or accidental as he waz suicidal yet had a previous drug problem &had been clean for 5yrs. When transit pluto started going thru my 5th house conjunct my natal Mars which in turn activated my natal venus trine mars(conj. Natal neptune) he passes away. Anyway, I don’t know if the venus/Pluto aspect maybe an indication of such a POSSIBILITY or not but this article now has me thinking

      1. I don’t believe these aspects /transits are a doom sentence or that they caused any of this in my life.But I do believe they revealed an inclination of a possible outcome of the situation as we humans are creatures of habbit. So if we keep repeating unhealthy actions or habbits astrology can show potential outcomes of these inclinations.

  4. All I have to say is OMG. Yes, and this has always been a great fear of mine. I’m constantly feeling as if my love/s are going to die :/ I even tell them they better not die all the time and I must sound like a loon! But I feel/fear this.

  5. My Venus squares my Pluto (along with Mars and Saturn). I have not lost any lovers or partners in traumatic ways, but I am terrified of losing my husband. The horrible truth of it is that one of us is likely to have to deal with the death of the other at some point. The men in his family tend to die in their 60’s, and the women in my family tend to die in their 90’s – so if nothing worse happens first, I know logically, that I’m likely to lose him before I’m ready to.
    That, and he drives like an asshole.

  6. No, but I heard two stories about my cousin’s friend from my cousin.

    He and his girlfriend were out on a double date. On the way to the car they were holding hands, and a car hit her and drove off! She was killed on impact, and he was left traumatized.

    A few years later, he had became much kinder, more serious, and was driving with a friend (who is a girl) in the passenger seat. He was driving drunk and hit a tree*. Car completely wrapped around it. His friend was killed instantly, and he is still in a coma. Both families were compassionate about the whole ordeal.

    *Creepy thing is that tree is called a “dirty tree” or “evil tree” because several people have been killed hitting it. It’s a stigmatized tree. The tree is in a very bad spot, and basically shows up out of nowhere. My cousin has almost hit it before too.

  7. I have always felt like it would be so traumatic to lose the live of my life, that I’d die too. Like Romeo/Juliet. It’s that deep… I have Pluto in Libra conjunct Saturn in scorp both retrograde opposing Venus. And sun, moon, merc in the 8th. Sun/moon square neptune on the south node in the 5th. I feel love grief constantly. It’s more than intense.

  8. I have the trine but will get the opposition via transit when I am 63. But then losing a spouse around then becomes a definitely possibility anyway.

  9. I have the sextile and have experienced traumatic separations, but certainly not to this extent. I mostly lose myself in obsession, which then makes it a very hard uphill climb when I have to divest myself.

  10. I don’t have any of this in natal but one relationship where my Pluto conjoined his Venus, I actually used to get “flashbacks?” or panic attacks where I thought he was going to die, horrible. it would just come over me out of the blue…unfounded…Having said that I think had a lot to do with a couple of his planets on my South Node…never had to with other people

  11. I have a Pluto in 3rd square Venus in 12th. This has manifested more than once in deeply loving someone I couldn’t be with for various reasons. My last relationship, a 29+ year marriage recently ended because he fell in love with someone else and wanted a divorce. I ended up moving 850 miles away. It is extremely painful still and I am not sure if I will ever get over it. If I do I think I might be afraid to try again.

    1. Use your power (Pluto) to change, burn off, transform the old from the new, gaining new power, knowing how to use your power…Pluto is always in power and in control… you’ll have to work your Venus with your Pluto….

  12. I’m glad there’s so much astrology information out there now for people to get to, but the downside is that without some discrimination it can be really upsetting and misleading. Someone reads something and they believe they’re “doomed” to this or that.

    Doesn’t seem like there’s enough teaching out there that balances these dreadful pronouncements and you get people in deep horrified states for days, contemplating their awful fates. Got to be a way to fix that.

  13. whew, just checked and I have venus trine pluto..not the opposition..I have never lost anyone that i can think of..I know of girl related to me by marriage who is on marriage # 4 ,one husband died, one hung himself ,one she was divorced from,and the current. always thought a little odd..extreme bad luck.

  14. I have seen Venus opposing Pluto in several charts from friends and clients and I completely agree with your article. Thanks for your blog; you’re always extremely insightful!

  15. I have sun/venus conjunct (scorpio) squaring pluto (leo) My husband died when I was 40. Always thought my saturn in scorp was the reason for so many deaths. My sister was only 7 and Mom 50 when they died. I’ve lost quite a few friends who died way too young from heart attacks, accidents and other illness.

  16. though her natal venus is not aspected by pluto, my mothers husband, my dad, committed suicide when transiting pluto and venus were in opposition to her natal venus.

  17. Ooooo pluto will be opposing natal venus sometime in the next 10 or so years. Guess I’ll have to forego a relationship to save myself the pain. Thanks for an excuse.

  18. I lost my twin brother in uterus…. I have pluto opposite venus in Taurus.

    This experience caused me to re-enact similar scenarios for all of my life,…
    Your unconscious psychology is that strong…

    But now i found out, I started to be able to change patterns.
    I can really recommend psychological involved methods of kinesiology and EFT. (or maybe combination of NLP).

    You NEED to get those beliefs out or you’ll be stuck.
    Especially because they are beyond your grasp, it’s not an easy to acces layer of your unconsciousness.

    This aspect, i think, tore my heart in millions of pieces.

  19. ” I am talking about women who wake up one day to find that their husband is GONE. never to be heard from again.”

    This is, I hope used to be, my greatest fear. I hope I can heal this with the kinesiology, it did such wonders already.
    (google N.E.T)

  20. Yes it is Elsa, but I came a lonnng way, and I understand so much more now..
    I just glad I managed to come beyond the point where i felt i couldn’t possibly live into next day. Not that I wanted dead, more like Robbie Williams sang “I don’t want to die, but I ain’t keen on living either…”
    It was just so intense, especially with interacting with others, I guess that is the power of opposition….

    Thanks <3

  21. Does this mean if I attract a natal venus opposition pluto mate I am going to die? Spooky information. I am bewitched by it.

  22. Notch,

    Maybe just before you die, you might bump into one.
    I feel it is more the other way around… we can actually feel parts of a possible future of people, but we are not at all aware of it.. it think.
    So you will find one, and it will not change your destiny or something, it is your path that attracts certain people……

  23. Venus 4/5 cusp opposite Pluto in 11. This is two corners of a grand cross also. Have had a couple of traumatic separations and also my best friend was murdered by her estranged husband when tPluto was on my Scorpio Moon.

  24. I agree we may attract these great loves who want to die, subconscious or not… Or they may need to be healed from some type of grief or loss that happened to themselves. Very eery…. Tragic.

  25. Remember that extreme badboy Ted Bundy had a Leo Pluto/Saturn ( 12th ) square Venus in Scorpio in 3rd. Watch out for the square in a Male. Can get nasty.

  26. Avatar
    Venus Squared

    My husband has pluto conjunct moon, opposing sun, inconjunct venus, and square saturn in his natal chart. He lost both his parents in a car accident the same day a few years ago. Since then he found out he has cancer expects to die soon/eventually, just not sure when. He has become miserable and negative, and after trying everything I could think of to help I have given up trying. He doesn’t want to be happy or learn or grow or change. He has given up so what could I possibly do?

    Pluto is transiting his first house activating a cardinal cross with his natal t-square with his sun in aries, moon and pluto in libra, and saturn in cancer. I don’t know if he will make it through this transit, but that might not be such a terrible thing. As horrible and insensitive as it sounds, his death might bring a lot of relief from suffering for both of us.

    I have natal venus semisextile pluto, but I doubt this means the same as the opposition. Also, t. pluto has been in trine with both my husband (taurus) and I’s (virgo) natal venus for a few years now. Last thing, venus was trine pluto in my solar return this and again next year. Guess we’ll see what happens. :/

  27. My stepmother has a a big Aquarius Stellium, including Venus, opposing her Leo Pluto. She hasn’t lost a companion, but was divorced when she married a widower. Dad has his 5th house Scorpio Venus square 2nd house Leo Pluto. So, these are two people with heavy Venus/Pluto, who’ve been together for almost 30 years now. I think sometimes shared hard aspects are really what bring people together, synastrywise.

  28. Venus opp Pluto, here. I have lost many, many people close to me, beginning with a lifelong friend who committed suicide when I was 13.

    My partner didn’t die, but I was in a relationship with someone who very nearly died in an accident. Horrific injuries he was disabled by early on in the relationship, which defined the relationship itself.

    I fully expect my partner to die. Every day he leaves the house. He has a dangerous job, for one. He’s also a Scorpio Moon/ASC with a jacked chart and crappy transits.

    I have known more people to die from sudden, terrible things than people who have simply grown old, got sick and then died.

  29. Also, having Saturn in my 8th aspecting everything in my chart doesn’t help. I have done everything I could possibly do to combat the feeling ______ will die (well, of course we all die). Acupuncture, meditation, reiki, psychotherapy, yoga, spiritual pursuit, etc etc. This paranoia has a life of its own.

    1. Ugh, I have that too, Kashmiri. Saturn 8th conjunct SN makes aspects to ALL the traditional planets in my chart. It’s a struggle to just be happy. I spent the first 30 years of my life battling chronic depression. It’s gotten better with age, though, and some focused and intense soul work. If you do the work, Saturn always rewards it. <3

  30. Venus exact trine Pluto – so many loved ones died when I was young that I was afraid to get close to anyone for a long time. However, I also have Venus square Saturn. With time and maturity, we broke the cycle when my second spouse was close to death; we won and now there is nothing left to fear…

  31. Venus loosely square pluto, and so far so good, no sudden losses (I also made it thru tr. pluto opposite my natal venus, ok),

  32. Avatar

    I have Venus trine Pluto and I have lost a lot of people in my life. My granddad died on my 1st birthday.

  33. I don’t have Venus opposition Pluto, but my father did. Don’t know if the astrological predictions would be that different for men versus women, but he did not lose a spouse to death. He was, however, an unbelievably, non-stop manipulative individual. I’m not even sure it was on purpose. I do not think he had any concept that relationships could be based on anything but manipulation.

    It’s sad to think of the loneliness at the bottom of it, but it sure got tiresome to be on the receiving end of it…

  34. Hey there Elsa! Venus is quincunx and exactly counter-parallel Pluto natally for me. Transit-wise, Pluto is sitting on my Sun/South Node in 7th house – and there were tons of other confirming things that pointed to death and it was very sudden and shocking. Another Cappie relative of mine whose Bday is close went through the same thing about 3 months after I did (but hers wasn’t such a sudden event, but still an unexpected turn).

  35. My mother has Venus in Aquarius opposite Pluto in Leo. Her first husband abandoned her (twice), and then cheated on her, effectively abandoning her a third time. It appears this aspect does indicate this kind of thing happening, though Pluto always represents what we can’t control, so there is no point in worrying about it.

  36. “though Pluto always represents what we can’t control, so there is no point in worrying about it.”

    True, MagicZara.

    Why does Pluto do this? As soon as one becomes comfortable, Pluto rips your soul to shreds.

    You have 2 options with Pluto, either accept change and rise above or resist it and self destruct.

    It isn’t fair.

  37. Natal Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, opposing my natal Venus, Chiron and Saturn in Pisces. Traumatic loss and separation are my life.

    I’ve been heart-friends or the relative of more than 25 people who have died. Sometimes I feel like death follows me around waiting to pounce and make me learn something else. My romantic relationships begin and end suddenly (possible Taurus decision making).

    I hope I learn the lessons I need to so that I don’t have to do this again…too much loss can rip your heart to shreds and it gets hard to put back to together over time.

    I have become a very good seamstress, however. And have hope that my crazed, ironic sense of humor will save me in the end.

    Namaste Elsa

  38. What about a venus pluto transit? does it operate the same way? is it only the opposition or does the conjunction and square also bring traumatic separation?

  39. My first husband was a Taurus sun had a venus/saturn conjunction opposition his poorly placed pluto. He started experiencing loss at the age of 7. First his brother at 7 then his dad at 11. Both were very sudden and tragic. When I met him he was in his 30’s and had loss every one of his best friends to tragic death. That is actually how I met him. A friend of mine asked me to accompany him to check on his friend because the friend had just lost his BFF to a tragic motorcycle accident. My ex-husband was the friend who needed consoling. After we got to know each other, I realized every loved one he ever spoke about had passed away. All him his sentences started with “may his soul rest in peace” whenever he spoke of a loved one. It was very sad because he was incapable of getting close to people by the time he was a grown adult and unfortunately it was one of the reasons we divorced. Towards the end of our relationship, I was in constant fear of him killing me out of passion. It was definitely a forbidden love affair and it was very intense. I seriouly felt i was going insane during our divorce., because we had a deep emotional connection and it was hard to leave the relationship even though I knew it wasn’t good for us to be together. Maybe it was his venus/saturn conjunction opposition my pluto/saturn Conjunction, mixed with his venus pluto opposition.

  40. Elsa, I just read this passage in Arroyo’s book, and it includes the conjunction too. Do you also see it happen to people with the conjunction? It’s hard to not be spooked by this kind of statement – I have venus conj. pluto in 6th house Scorpio. I have yet to feel loss of a partner but I am also a late bloomer (at 26) with Saturn in the 7th house.

    1. Janna, as I mentioned in the post, I have seen people with NO Venus Pluto aspect lose their spouse in a way that is particularly traumatic. Specific to your conjunction, it does not smell like this to me. You could be a doctor with that aspect, serving spouses who die and the partner they leave behind.

    2. Hi Janna, wonder if you will read this (2018 now) but i also have venus – Pluto conjunct in Scorpio in the 6th and Saturn in the 7th… i wonder if we were born around / at the same time ☺

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