Weekend Love Forecast – Big Moves With Mars Jupiter

Friday night, the Venus-ruled Libra Moon moves from sextile to the Leo Sun into opposition with retro Chiron in Aries. Take the opportunity for fun under the Sun and you can expect a lesson for finding joy, frivolity, and pleasure that carries into the future. Experience is the greatest teacher, so give it a shot.

All weekend, Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini, so it’s likely you’ll get more than one shot. Those shots pack a punch! With Gemini-ruler Mercury retrograde in Virgo (also ruled by Mercury), take time to consider each shot carefully and remember that words have power. Take the input of your senses seriously as well.

In addition, Mars and Jupiter spend the weekend in square to retro Saturn, so make sure you’re also doing the right thing. Remember the wisdom: work to get, work to keep. Where things are slow or blocked, give them time along with your effort. If time and patience don’t loosen the issue, maybe this isn’t your best option (try something else).

Saturday night, the Scorpio Moon squares sign-ruler (retro) Pluto, sextiles retro Mercury, and goes on to sextile Virgo Venus in the night. The mood has powerful challenges, intense depth with a tendency toward diffusion and eccentricity. However, a little bit of introspection and planning goes a long way. A fluffed up mood is a titilated mood in Scorpio. Keep communicating and stroking the senses and earthy pleasure is the outcome.

Sunday morning, the Scorpio Moon finishes up its sextile to Venus – a delightful chance to let bygones be bygones and turn the page with pleasure. By nighttime, the Moon quincunxes Mars and Jupiter, a chance to keep the party going if you like! If you’ll allow yourself to be moved, satisfaction is entirely possible.

If you get a chance to try something again, something you previously passed over, I suggest you consider it. You may not be able to MAKE anything happen this weekend, but when opportunities present themselves – those are the openings that merit action.

Do you have any weekend plans?

1 thought on “Weekend Love Forecast – Big Moves With Mars Jupiter”

  1. Thank you for your forecast Satori. This weekend, we will encourage a newbie gardener make BIOCHAR out of his wood/ bramble waste he wants us to make disappear. It’s a hard sell. Usually everything is fast and final- come over, work and take it away. There’s so much satifaction and benefit to really look around and see waste as a soil commodity- and do it. It ( blackberry brush,branches, fircones)just needs to be handled and processed back into purpose( Pluto/virgo rising)- with time and fire . Big picture, this would reduce wildfire fuel here in the west. Collect the dry waste, process and focus attention on soil fertility. Meanwhile, I have bush beans destined for pickle jars and herb de Florence ingredients in the dehydrator:)

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