Weekend Love Forecast – Dreaming Along With The New Moon

moon-sunFriday afternoon, the new moon in Aquarius blooms and stretches away from its square to sign-ruler Uranus in Taurus. Simultaneously, Mercury in Aquarius closes in on a square to Taurus Jupiter, exact early Saturday. Myriad ideas, sensations and communications complicate a distractible mood.

We may distract ourselves with details, or we may be distracted from our distraction by interruptions. In any case, collect possible gems of inspiration for later rather than rushing to implement or broadcast. You may wish to refine or improve them before sharing.

First thing Saturday night, the Neptune-ruled Pisces Moon conjoins Saturn, and Venus in Saturn-ruled Capricorn picks up a sextile to Neptune (continuing through the weekend). The Moon goes on to sextile Jupiter. Do you feel alone? Do you feel held back? Maybe you’re just a bit bubbled-off and feel the effects of practical isolation. Imagine another way to go and BURST out.

There’s no substitute for genuine connection, someone who shares your values or your dream. Perhaps it’s time to share some of your magical inner world. A mutual opening comes from someone risking first. This mood facilitates open blending with a warm anesthetic of belonging and wonder. Delightful… with a foot in reality.

On Sunday, the Pisces Moon sextiles Uranus then goes on to sextile Venus and conjoin Neptune. Chiron inches its way toward conjunction with the north node in Aries (all weekend). Saturday night, we get in the flow: Sunday, the flow gets wild and free (and delightfully sweet)! The dream, the desire, the blurring then re-emerging of boundaries… we contain so many possibilities for growth and improvement, but who knew it could feel this good to put them all together?

Appreciate everything you’ve worked for, dreamed up. It’s all there, even if it didn’t work out in its original form.

Exciting… yes. This influence also encourages applying budding delights in ways you’ve not yet tried or imagined. Help is available within, and things begin to gel as you put them into action.

An imaginative mood feels delightful. Feeling delightful helps us open our bubbled reality to the magic of infinite bubbles connected. Avail yourself of the connections on offer. Open doors, wardrobes, windows, and blend your own imagination with that of what and who you find there.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Dreaming Along With The New Moon”

  1. You know l was feeling a little locked in, so l went to see my neighbour’s band play locally on Saturday–and they were good too. I met up with some other neighbours there…and had a few wines. I havent done that in ages… and it was a Pisces moon…a bit of a sore head today, but worth it.

  2. It was my birthday Thursday. I bought a car yesterday. Well, my husband helped me buy a car. We’re awful. There’s no shopping around or comparing vehicle test drives to ratings on the internet (my method). We just go out and buy something. But, really, who wants to put all that time and energy into a crap shoot, anyway? (BTW, we buy used)

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