Weekend Love Forecast – LOVELY LIBRA BREATHER

love is like a butterflyAre you ready for a breath of fresh air, a pleasant respite from learning and churning? This is it. The weekend’s Libra Moon is high on pleasantry and ripe for checking back in on your comfort zone. The one caveat to heed is THIS IS NOT A LONG-TERM SOLUTION: It’s more of a temporary oasis.

All weekend, Libra-ruler Venus heads into square with Pisces-ruler Neptune. That’s where we get the possibility of illusion or a mirage. But hey, if it’s a mirage you can hang out in for a while (sipping on a cool margarita), it may suffice in the short term. Just don’t sign a lease. Don’t buy any bridges!

In addition, Mercury in Gemini closes in on a conjunction with Venus all weekend (and picks up the wobbly Neptune square energy as well). So take in the details, luxuriate in the senses, and ENJOY; but don’t sign any contracts till Monday morning (if you can help it… if not? ::shrug::). Monday morning, Mercury and Venus break mutable rank and go cardinal in Cancer.

Libra Moon mood says: You don’t have to stay sober, but don’t get sloppy either.

Friday night’s Libra Moon busts out a rager (top notch partay!) with a powerful, full blast grand trine in air: Moon, Pluto, and Jupiter. Absolutely this party rocks, but for those on another wavelength – it also offers the breadth and depth of an intellectual spa day. With a stellium in Gemini involved, why not make it both? In any case, you’ve got choices – enjoy.

On Saturday night, the Libra Moon glides pleasantly along, making no strong aspects but a conjunction to the Moon’s south node. Nostalgia figures highly here, but it’s also possible to use this time to sink deeper into your existing skills, particularly diplomacy and pleasantry. Check the matters of the houses in your own chart where the Moon and Venus-Mercury currently transit (late degrees of Libra and Gemini). Make nice and curate the building blocks of your relationships. This productive lull continues through Sunday night.

Sunday night, the Libra Moon opposes Chiron in Aries then goes on to trine Mercury at the end of Gemini. Overnight, Venus then heads into Cancer as the Libra Moon quincunxes Neptune then heads into Scorpio. Mercury squares Neptune then heads into Cancer. A few hours later, Mercury conjoins Venus. In one sweeping and connected chain of events, we shift from a lull to a flow, a sea change.

The nighttime mood moves like clockwork. Don’t balk at the shift in sensibilities. Take control when it’s offered, but go with the flow when needed.

Take care of yourself this weekend. That advice is twofold: there’s the relaxation and self care, and then there’s the curation and the mild caution (don’t get sloppy!). Be like the swan. Know when to lean into grace, but never stop paddling underneath the sight line. Swans are beautiful, but they’re formidable. I think they may even bite. This Libra mood is not one to waste, and you don’t waste a Libra’s time for nothing. But you can plan to do nothing if it benefits your situation or elevates you!

Do you have any weekend plans?

6 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – LOVELY LIBRA BREATHER”

  1. The swan!! I love the image and the exclamation— they are formidable, and could bite.
    Okay ✅

    One of my favorite drawings includes the trumpeter swan carrying prayers to the god of peace. 😏✌️

  2. “Learning and churning”
    “A temporary oasis”

    I’m thinking this might be how things are these days, we oscillate between these two. Fortunately with astrology we can at least know what we’re in when we’re in it, and make the best of it.

    Never been so glad for some cardinal energy and a Venus ruled moon (with Venus square Neptune!) I have Gemini Mercury, SN and MC but I’m not into this mental dominated energy. Feels unbalanced.

    This report is spot on, Satori. Thank you universe for a lull in proceedings.

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