Weekend Love Forecast – Mars Uranus Shenanigans, Venus-Mercury Fire

wickedWith the Venus-Pluto opposition sprung and receding, it feels like we’re due some downtime and a breather. Instead we have consequences. Funny how that works. With Venus and Mercury moving forward in Leo, and Mars closing in on Uranus in Gemini, we still have to consider the world we’re debating and creating.

All weekend, the Cancer Sun squares Chiron in Aries, and it also heads into trine with retro Neptune in Pisces. The building blocks are clunky, but our skills are tuned up and turned on. I suggest you take all the shots that feel right (employing the wisdom of “you miss all the shots you don’t take”). The current sky responds to effort, innovation, and intuition. A little bravado doesn’t hurt either! Do it with style.

Friday night, the Venus-ruled Libra Moon crosses the south node as it trines Jupiter. What’s tried and true feels delightful and breathes a double helping of sweet-scented nostalgia into the mix. It’s a good time for a good time. Hearts are both light and delighted; they soar. Take a second look? Give another chance? You will if it feels right, and if it doesn’t? It still feels good to consider.

Saturday night’s Libra Moon squares the Sun and opposes Chiron, a cardinal t-square. Learn something from your power struggles as nothing here is wasted. Challenges are healthy. If we never struggled, we’d never improve or grow. I know how basic that sounds, but please take it in. Lean IN to the hard things, and the hard things become EASY. That’s how you prosper and profit. Become aware of where you are and set a goal. That’s how wealth is created, and this moment only requires you to begin.

On Sunday, the Moon finishes up in Libra and moves to Pluto-ruled Scorpio. In Scorpio it forms a t-square with Venus and retro Pluto – water, fire, air. It’s a fixed t-square, and the mood reacts to the places where we’re stuck. What we want… what we need… where we’re bogged down… If we’re willing, we can suss out what needs to be dug out and discarded in order to let things flow. It’s also a passionate mood, sexually charged and full of desire. Don’t underestimate its role as a catalyst to shenanigans.

Do you have any weekend plans for shenanigans?

7 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Mars Uranus Shenanigans, Venus-Mercury Fire”

  1. So great you mention this!… Yesterday felt intuitively, electrically motivated by creative desire…. made decisions for some beautiful colors, purposefully mixed the paints, out came a large piece of paper, all in preparation. 5th h. transiting Saturn is squaring natal 8th h. Sun/Mercury/Rigel conjunction….an energy I’m engaging this week, along with the Mars-Uranus transit which squares natal 10th h. Uranus Leo. Feeling inspired to challenge self in the most creative of ways 🙂

  2. My friend is getting married today after a tumultuous 4 year living together arrangement. On Off. It will be interesting to see if Marriage is a glue. She’s a Scorpio.

  3. Made a sketchbook for the first time ever Friday, from scratch with bo pre-knowledge whatsoever (Leo stuff).

    Got into a heated and shark ridden conflict with my partner af and boy did we grow from it…

    Can’t even measure up courage to think of Sunday and what that will bring!

    The Mars/Uranus is smack on my natal Chiron in Taurus. It feels like hyper growing pains at the moment, things I had not even considered, poke out their claws and stick them into me. F*cking hell,, stop it, will you, Uranus?! Leave me alone, why don’t you go and do that, huh?!

  4. The little scratch on Trump’s rabbit ear is a marvellous example of Uranus/Mars with Pluto in Aquarius. Unfortunately, many acts of violence happen to normal people with the transit, which are much more important and cause a lot of suffering.

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