Weekend Love Forecast – Saturn Direct

saturnSaturn has been retrograde since forever, right? Since mid-June, if we’re being precise, but Saturn can make it seem like an eternity. While there’s been progress, that progress has been hard-won. It takes work! It takes tenacity and circumspection. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces, it also takes faith.

Friday night as Saturn stations, the self-ruled Cancer Moon sextiles Virgo Venus and trines retro Neptune as Venus perfects its opposition to Neptune. Needs and desires align together in relation to the ideal. It’s not only a matter of what’s proper and possible but what we’re no longer denying ourselves. Nothing’s possible if you push it away. We’re able to make connections that increase our options exponentially.

The Cancer Moon then opposes Pluto at the end of Capricorn. Compulsion and a struggle for control propel the mood.

Friday night overall, the collective mood favors making a wish… not because it will come true… but because you have to set the stage for a dream come true – with a wish. This impulse sparks internal struggle. What have you pushed away forever (or “forever”)? What if it is possible, but not the way you thought before?

I’m not suggesting you be foolish. I’m suggesting you open your mind to magic but not so open that logic no longer serves.

Overnight, Saturn goes direct and the Moon shifts to Sun-ruled Leo and an exact quincunx to Saturn. Saturday morning, Scorpio Mercury perfects its opposition to retro Uranus in Taurus. The Scorpio mind and accompanying sensations are keen and targeted but challenged by fragmentation or an irritating pace. Still, there’s a potent and pragmatic mood to persevere. It’s an open mind that works the magic if you hang in there and reach past the mundane.

Confusing, unclear? Yes. But beautiful.

Once past its exact opposition to Uranus, Mercury moves closer into trine with retro Neptune and a deeper pool of openness. All weekend, the senses and communications benefit from the infinite variety of unbounded input. Soften your judgements and stretch your will to allow for differences.

All weekend, Venus in Virgo actively trines Pluto in Capricorn. There are always limits when we’re dealing with tangible desires, but right now the value of that expanse is deep and broad. Life changing. Sweet, intense, frighteningly powerful.

Saturday night’s dramatic Leo Moon squares retro Jupiter and goes on to square the Scorpio Sun overnight: a wide, fixed t-square. We just had some eclipses, remember? The reverberations shake our foundations, but only just enough to remind us how far we’ve come. Wake up, wake up! Get on a new track.

Sunday morning the Leo Moon moves from that square to the Sun to a square to Mars, as the Sun moves closer into conjunction with Mars. The emotional intensity moves us to motion, to action: not out of our control but moving to stay in control.

As the day progresses, the mood stays taut as the Moon opposes retro Uranus and goes on to square Mercury. We’ve got to think, plan, and communicate on the move. Write the script as we go, in response to a shifting cast of players and terrain.

While that might feel disturbing, Venus-Pluto and Mercury-Neptune offer the ease of purpose and possibility… and flavor our rash nerves into passion. The ingredients are top-notch, so it’s up to us to manage our misgivings and deliver.

Do you have any weekend plans?

6 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Saturn Direct”

  1. It is music to my ears hearing about Saturn going direct. We have a long weekend here, so I’ll get a chance to catch up with a couple of friends on Monday, and see family Tuesday.
    If the sun shines there’s plenty of garden maintenance I wouldn’t mind doing as well 🌞🪴🌳🌿🌸.

    1. I’m happy about Saturn going direct too. Saturn in Pisces = blockages in medication for me. It’s been 2 steps forward, 1 step back for a while for me.🥲

      1. Sorry to read this. I think Saturn going direct will be beneficial for all of us; physically and emotionally 💜.

  2. I hope Saturn going direct brings some movement. The past week or so with Saturn being stationary has felt like being stuck in a celestial traffic jam, with the Satnav broken, the radio being stuck on an irritating song, and it’s raining so you are driving through sludge!

    Been unusually spaced out this week, ungrounded and unable to focus on things for long. Just sort of floating around aimlessly lol

  3. I also feel that Saturn Pisces stationing has run in tandem with Venus opposite Neptune.

    “the collective mood favors making a wish… not because it will come true… but because you have to set the stage for a dream come true – with a wish.”

    With these energies,it’s hard to focus on what the wish even is! 😂 There is an unsure feeling and uncertainty (Neptune) in what we actually want (Venus). And the current feeling of a lack of movement (Saturn Pisces), brings about a sense of malaise and lethargy. Meh whatevz, will it arrive? who knows haha 🤷🤷

    Is the thing we wish for something we even want anymore? (Which ensures it will probably turn up after all, right when we’ve stopped giving a F about it 😂)

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